Creative Writing

Today’s story structure topic: “Main Character Resolve”

Every main character needs to grow over the course of a story, but there are two ways to do that:

  1. They can grow to the point that they change (like Scrooge)
  2. They can grow in their resolve (like Clarice Starling)

In the first example, Scrooge is set in his ways. He has a world view that was born of his life experience. He believes he is right in his understanding of how the world works and how best to protect oneself. But he doesn’t not realize that to shield himself from pain and the fear of pain yet to come, he has built a wall around his emotions that separate him from the warmth of human connection.

In the second example, Clarice Starling (in Silence of the Lambs) has also suffered pain as a child, from the death of her father, a lawman, and also from being unable to save the spring lamb from the slaughter. She probably does not even realize that is why she joined the FBI and why she will put herself at great risk to save every lost lamb, metaphorically speaking.

In Scrooge’s case, the ghosts, with Marley as their warm-up act, eventually convince Scrooge of the error of his outlook on life, though it takes nearly the whole story to do it. But once he changes his perspective, he is a changed man, and we say that main character has grown by changing.

In Starling’s case, Dr. Lecter fulfills the same dramatic role the ghosts provided in A Christmas Carol. Though his story-long efforts to understand what drives her, he eventually pressures her to reveal the story of the slaughter of the Spring lambs. But even when he does, she doesn’t make the connection and she cannot let it go. We know she has not changed because near the end of the story Lecter flat out asks her, “Are the lambs still screaming?” and she does not reply because, in fact, they are. It is that sadness that makes her a good agent. If she let it go, she would not be as driven. Lecter tests this out by telling her that he has no intention of “calling” on her because the world is more interesting with her in it. He asks her to provide him with the same “courtesy” but she says, “You know I can’t do that.” And he does know, because the lambs are still screaming. We call such a character Steadfast, because they stick by their guns, their attitude or world view, and grow in their resolve to hold on to that view.

In each case, the story is passionate and the main character is pressured to change. They both grow, but one is a Change character and the other is Steadfast.

When fashioning your story, consider which of these two kinds of characters you wish to employ to create the message you want to send to your readers or audience, keeping in mind that change is good if you are on a bad path, but change is bad if you are on a good one. Similarly, if you remain steadfast, that could be good if you outlook is correct, whereas remaining steadfast is bad if you are on the wrong path.

Of course, you aren’t required to have your character grow at all. You could simply tell a story about a main character trying to achieve a goal by having to overcome greater or greater obstacles until they do or do not.

Such a narrative is called a Tale because it is focused on the plot and does not examine character growth. There’s nothing wrong with a Tale, especially in an action story or a conspiracy investigation.

But note that even in today’s popular superhero stories, the main character almost always has a personal issue that comes into question and about which they must choose. Even if it is underplayed, by including character growth you humanize your character and allow your readers or audience to empathize with them, be it in Hamlet, Lord of the Rings, or Wonder Woman 84.

This story structure tip is taken from the Dramatica Theory of Story, which is a complete model of the elements of structure and how they work together.

You can download the free eBook, Dramatica: A New Theory of Story, here:

You can also learn about our Dramatica Story Structure Software that uses a patented interactive Story Engine based on the theory to cross-reference the dramatic impact of your structure choices, such as change or steadfast, and use them to project a perfect structure for the story you want to tell. Click here for details:


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Story Structure is Based on Fours, Not Twos

Perfection is a fruitless goal. That is not to mean we shouldn’t rethink, rework, and rewrite. But we should always be on guard against getting lost in the details at a level beyond what is required for your purpose in writing this particular story.

Some works are intended to have no rough edges and to be so fully integrated that a reader cannot tell where the idea started or where the final keystroke occurred. And for those, it may take years to realize an author’s vision.

But for most stories, it is the flow of energy that draws readers forward, and any rough spots, as long as they are not complete missteps or disconnects will hardly be noticed if the passion remains high, and the structure is sound.

Though stories are told sequentially, the finished product is something appreciated after-the-read. Only at that point can the purpose and function of every dramatic piece, the inevitability of the journey, and depth and nuance of the message be completed embraced.

And so, it helps, from time to time, to stand back, consider your story as a whole and ask yourself if you are working at a level that will neither be seen, nor even subliminally appreciated by your readers.

At some point, you need to let it go or it affects no one at all.


Novels Aren’t Stories

A story must conform to the conventions of story structure, but a novel does not need to be so rigid…

Stories aren’t just about the struggle to achieve a goal. That’s just the logistics of the plot. To capture the heart, stories must also include a character whose beliefs come under fire, drawing him or her to the point where they must either change their beliefs or stick to their guns. Stories may be quite interesting with only one of these two threads, but those that incorporate both capture the hearts and minds of the readers or audience.

Browse our library of writing tips at

Be Your Own Critic Without Being Critical

Apply this technique and you will expand that area of your story quickly and easily into some fascinating new material.

Use Nicknames to Enrich Your Characters

Nicknames are wonderful dramatic devices because they can work with the character’s apparent physical nature or personality, work against it for humiliating or comedic effect, play into the plot by telegraphing the activities in which the character will engage, create irony, or provide mystery by hinting at information or a back-story for the character that led to its nickname but has not yet been divulged to the readers.  Consider using nicknames in addition to or instead of characters’ proper names to add flavor and familiarity to their personalities.

Browse our library of writing tips at


Have Your Characters Write Their Own Life Stories

This technique will help you stand in your characters’ shoes and see the world through their eyes.

Writing from the Subconscious

If you know how to tap into it,  your subconscious mind can infuse your story with more depth and meaning than you are consciously aware.


Ensure your characters are self-motivated.

At a minimum, every character needs a reason to explain the choices they make and the things they do.  For example, the ex-con who has made a new life going straight takes on one more job because his daughter needs a surgery he can’t afford.  Or, a mother of three who is belittled and abused by her husband falls deeply in love with a man she met in a chance encounter but can’t bring herself to run away with him because she was abandoned by her own mother as a child.

Browse our Writing Tips Library at


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Is Story Structure Your Enemy?

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In Search of Your Writer’s Identity

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Find out how to rediscover your creative self.

Finding Your Story’s Core

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Get Out Of My Head!

A Brief Introduction to Archetypes – Part 1 of 3

A Brief Introduction to Archetypes – Part 2 of 3

A Brief Introduction to Archetypes – Part 3 of 3

Writing Prompt Level: Expert!

Character Change vs. Character Growth

Plot Points – Static vs. Sequential

The Four Main Kinds of Stories

Story Structure for Passionate Writers

Fire Your Protagonist!

Jurassic Park: Building A Better Dinosaur

Protagonist and Antagonist – Who ARE These Guys?

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