This is an excerpt from the transcript of a class I gave on narrative pscyhology…
There’s never been a moment like they describe in terms of the “Big Bang”. Not where things reduced to a singularity. Because that’s a limit line that you approach. You approach and you never actually get that limit line. Eventually something throws you to the other side of the limit line and we’ll talk about that later too. But when it throws you too the other side of the limit line, you’ve never actually been at that moment of singularity, you’ve just gotten infinitely close to it on one side, and then you are infinitely close on the other and moving away from it, instead of close towards it. And this causes the universe to act like an oscillation, where it expands almost to infinity and then contracts almost to singularity, then expands on the other side into the anti-energy. Reverse energy, reverse time, anti-energy, negative space, non-mass …That’s what you have when you go into the other side of the other universe.
And in fact, because all of them go at once, you can never tell when you are in the positive or negative universe. Because all you have to compare things are things that are either all positive or all negative. As long as this happens, things are working properly — they oscillate between the positive and the negative, but it always seems neutral when you are in one or the other, because all you have are all positives or all negatives to compare it to. We are not talking about anti-matter here, we are talking about non-matter; things that not only do they not exist, but they strongly do not exist. In other words, their lack of existence is an existence of it’s own. In other words, it would take more than just transmitting energy to create mass. You’d have to overcome some inertia, against coming into existence first. Overcome the entropy when someone has a catalyst even to bring it to a neutrality where it could begin to exist.
So, existence is not just something that is there. It is a matter of how firmly it is there. And even if it’s not there at all, that’s just neutral, because some things have a definite tendency not to come into existence. A lot of things have a tendency not to happen. And some of these negative aspect, only if you’re negative can you compare them to the positive. And in fact, even in this universe, you can easily look at things and say — Here is something that has a tendency to happen. Here is something that has a tendency not to happen. On any given day there is a great tendency not to have a plane crash. Within in the days of the year, there is a great tendency to have at least one plane crash. Because on any given day, most likely one is not going to happen. A lot of things have to converge to make the plane crash happen. And because those things don’t happen very often, there is a tendency for a plane crash not to occur, within a period of one day. But, if you change the way you measure it, and say now I’m going to show it within a year, you can’t predict any given plane will crash, but you can say there will probably be some crash of some plane within a year of a reasonable size jet-liner. Certainly within 5 years. We’ve never had a five year period where we haven’t had a jet-liner crash. You can almost count on it.
Plane crashes have a strong tendency to come into existence in the generic sense in a five year period. But, in a generic sense, within a one day period, they have a great tendency not to occur. Well, how can it be that day by day, there is a great tendency not to, and yet at the end of the year or two years, there is a great tendency to. When does it switch over? That’s that limit line I was talking about, that you never actually hit, but get close to. When does it change from being a tendency not to come into existence to a tendency to come into existence. How does that happen? When does it switch from not being to being? It’s a magic moment. And that was the moment I was looking for in the unified field theory, because it’s the key to understanding how everything hangs together — it’s that magic moment. And it turned out that it’s not anything intrinsic to what you are looking at — it’s intrinsic to how you look at it. It’s all in the context, it’s all in the perspective. It’s all in what you measure.
There is no point at which you can stack up the number of days and say now there is a plane crash. But, there is a way when you can go through a five year period and say I would be very surprised if there wasn’t a plane crash. It depends on your measurement. Where you begin measuring is arbitrary. And how long you measure is arbitrary. It works kind of like this…there are tendencies and there are trends. And they work in opposition to each other. Trends are when you see something and say….like suppose you’ve got a coin, and you are flipping a coin. You flip this coin five times in a row and it comes up heads every single time. What’s the trend? The trend is it’s coming up heads. So, based on the trend, you would expect it would come up heads again. Now, what are the actual odds on any given toss that it will come up heads or tails? On any given toss? How can you say you expect it to come up heads if the odds are 50/50. Because there’s been a trend that has shown that it has done that. consistently, and one would expect maybe that there’s some outside force at work that is affecting things so that in and of itself, intrinsically the item under study has a 50-50 chance of coming up one way or another, in the environment in which it is being flipped, something is apparently affecting it to come up heads, and one could expect that that’s the inertia that it carries.
However, there’s another force at work. The force at work is tendency. When you have a trend that says it has come up this many times, what would you expect for the next five, in order to make the odds come out 50-50? It would come up tails, and that’s the tendency. Although the trends points to coming up heads, because of something perhaps environmental. Maybe though, there’s nothing environmental, and it’s just a matter of chance that it’s come up heads 5 times in a row. But, for the odds to hold true, which they eventually will have to, then you needs five times that it will come up tails, if all you were going to do is ten tosses. But see you would expect the tendency is pulling it towards coming up tails on the next throw.
Now there is the most interesting relationship between those things, because it has to do with like Las Vegas odds. Las Vegas odds in the long run and the longer that you measure, the more likely it will come down to the exact odds. If you put a slot machine in a Las Vegas establishment, and certain odds have been established on it, and it’s a brand new machine, and you put in one coin, and you hold down the handle, there’s no way anybody knows what it’s going to do, because the statistical nature of it, to make sure that the odds come out to a certain level, to a pay-off, can’t function with only one play. The odds don’t work out. The more you play it, it’s bound to pay anything off, assuming that it is functioning correctly. In order for that slot machine to be working at the proper odds, eventually it’s got to catch up. So, if it doesn’t pay off, and it doesn’t pay off, and it doesn’t pay off, and it’s done that for ten years, and it hasn’t payed off at this place, and it’s working properly, that has got a lot of built up tendency. And that would be a machine you’d want to play, because when you play that machine, then you figure eventually it’s going to have to pay off a lot, in order just to make up for all the ten years when it didn’t pay off. So, it doesn’t matter actually when you begin measuring or when you stop measuring — it’s a subjective thing. So, that would be a way to play it at Vegas.
What is it that prevents us from actually doing that? Because you would think everybody could get rich from just by looking at somebody playing and playing who ran out of money and left, and they hadn’t gotten any wins, then that’s when you want to sit down and you will end up in the long run even ahead of the game, because you’ve already built up a negative potential on it. The point is it’s not even the matter of a starting point, because that’s kind of arbitrary, because there are many different places you could start, and any one of them to have the odds be right from wherever you start, they’d have to be equal. But, that’s only because you are looking at things in terms of time. How many times it takes something to do it.
You don’t look in terms of space, because in terms of space, you look at the casino as whole, and if you look at the casino as a whole, there’s going to be one machine there that just happens to pay off twice as much as another machine there, that pays off half as much, and another machine that hardly ever pays off at all. And yet they are all built the same, they all have the same odds on each machine. But, in the spatial scenario, some of them, just as a matter of chance, will not pay out very much at all. And others will pay out quite regularly — but there’s no way to predict which ones will be which, because the minute you sit down at that machine and say “this one has traditionally paid off a lot”. But, it may be that it will stop paying off, and another machine will start paying off a lot somewhere else. So, if you look at all the machines, and you see how much they pay off, they are all like peaks and valleys. They are up and down like bar graphs, and some are down negative, and some are high. But, there’s no guarantee that this will continue.
So, when you look at it temporally on any given machine, you can expect that the tendency is for it to be pulled back to the odds, whatever direction the trends happen to be momentarily. And the longer a trend goes one direction, the greater the tendency to go to another. But, trends and tendencies won’t tell you what it will do, because there are other machines, and when you take them all together collectively, they do the odds. But, collectively in that casino, one casino is going to pay off, more than another casino, because of the fact that it just happens in terms of chance that the machines in one casino are paying off at a higher rate than another casino. And you can go out wider, and wider and wider, and eventually you get to the point where the scope of the limit of your measurement, you can see no real difference. When we see no real difference, for all practical purposes, the odds are holding true and right to form.
So, you can’t win it, because whenever you look at it in terms of time only, you can see it in terms of space, we can see space only in terms of time, and that’s why we are trying to make other people justified. What you want to do is give them one of those things where they seem like they’re seeing rewards, and if they are not, look at the other one. And because all of us have the capacity within ourselves to see both time and space, but only one at a time as it were, or one being foremost, and the other one being secondary, because of that, if you can focus somebody’s primary sense, or the one they use first, and make them see apparent progress, then you can have them lose like crazy at the one they are not looking at and they won’t be able to notice it because they are seeing progress where they are focusing. And that’s the nature of focus and blind spot in a very conceptual sense is that if you are focusing on time, your blind spot is space. If you are focusing on space, your blind spot is time.
The only way to protect yourself against ills, is to vacillate between the two as frequently as you can, so that you look at it timewise, and then you look at it space-wise, then you look at it timewise and look at it space-wise. As you go back and forth between those very quickly, it doesn’t allow time for a lot of things to go through. So, is that what we have to train ourselves to do, go back and forth between time and space? No. Because going back and forth quickly between time and space is talking about doing it quickly which is time. And as result that means that we are ignoring a spatial way of doing it. And the spatial way of doing it is not to go back and forth between the two quickly, but to go back and forth between the two on any given subject.
So that whenever anything comes up, you make sure that you look at it spatially and you look at it temporally. Because if you go back and forth too many times, you don’t stick with one perspective long enough to see anything change. So, if you are going quickly, you are losing your sense of things changing, and then you are caught unawares when something comes up and bites you, because it was changing very slowly. You lose your long wave perception, and you can’t see gradual change. On the other hand, if you look at things spatially, and you see it all in space, and then you stop and look at it all in time, and only do those measurements, you don’t see change either, because you don’t see two instances of it from the temporal view and two instances of it from the spatial view, you only see one of each. So again you don’t see change. So, either way you’re screwed.
You can widen your scope, but the minute you widen your scope, you also open yourself up to more instances of trouble, so you can limit within any given scope how many unexpected things are going to happen within it, and how susceptible you are to them, but you do that by widening your scope of consideration, while only being concerned with this part. But, as soon as you open your consideration wider, then you are letting more things into the system which can upset things out here, that can ultimately change this thing and impact it in ways that you hadn’t expected. So, it’s a no win situation. A losing situation is a neutral situation, it all comes out to zero. And that’s what it really comes down to, is the fact that there is no objective way to say that things are good or bad, or right or wrong. But there’s plenty of subjective ways, because each of us is one of the little machines that we have as a slot machine. Each of us finds that in our life, we lead a charmed life or a doomed life. And we can’t really tell between the sense of a charmed life or a cursed life — we can’t predict if it’s going to continue. Some people are so lucky, one thing after another happens to them; everything good, they die happy, never have any problems, worries or fears. Other people suffer from the moment they are born, and live a long suffering life and go to their graves feeling miserable. How can you predict, how can you determine, how can you protect yourself?
Well, the only thing you can do for a subjective viewpoint, is unlike a slot machine, you can change your odds. You can change your odds by shifting context. When you shift context, that’s when you justify, because then you are balancing inequities. If you steal yourself against inequities, and try to snuff the inequity at their source, then you are problem solving. And here we have the beginnings of do-ers and be-ers and change and steadfast. Where people balance and where people snuff, differs between do-ers and be-ers. Everybody snuffs and everybody balances. If you are a be-er, you are going to have a tendency to snuff internally, and balance externally. For example, you have two kids and you’ve got one piece of cake. Both of them want the piece of cake, and they are arguing and screaming when you walk into the room. Now, a be-er will try and balance things by saying, “O.K. who got the cake out?” or you could say, “You get the cake this time, you’ll get the cake next time” and balance it out that way. That would be a balance.
And when they snuff things it would be that there’s only one thing, and they know that only one kid can have it and not the other one; maybe there’s an award, or something that can’t be divided or something, and you give it to one kid or the other, because you have to make a choice. And you realize the inequity, that you have to snuff it inside. So, you do the work inside of trying to snuff it inside, so you do the work inside of trying to snuff your feelings, or you do the work outside and try to balance things off. “Oh, well here’s this jacket that was sent to us, there’s only one jacket, and you have a jacket and instead you get the beach ball.” So, you try and balance things off, so that you make up for it. We are making things up on the outside, robbing Peter to pay Paul, and that’s something a be-er does.
Whereas a do-er is somebody who is going to try and snuff the problem outside. They would be the ones to divide the cake up. They would say, either you each share it or nobody gets anything. They put the balance in a different direction and they were trying to balance things inside, and they were balanced inside by saying, “Yes, I know that it’s not fair to this one not to get the cake or jacket, but this person needs the jacket more because they are out in the cold more, so that’s why they are going to get the jacket and the other one is not going to get a jacket.” So, they would balance inside. And you will see that the approach between do-ers and be-ers is that often in terms of items that have to be divvied up, of which there aren’t enough, do-ers will seem to rely on an analytical external view, and inside they seem to be heartless, in situations where there isn’t enough to go around. Whereas, be-ers seem to miss the point, because be-ers are trying to give oranges to satisfy a taste for apples, in external situations.
So, anyway the one who tries to balance inside is the do-er, and snuff it outside, just take action, precipitous action to make it work itself out — to resolve it. Whereas, the be-er is going to try to resolve it inside, and then take action to balance it outside.
Read the rest of the transcript here.