Category Archives: Narrative Science

Narrative Psychology | Problem Solving, Justification, and Inequities

Excerpt from the transcript of a class I gave on narrative psychology…

First of all, the most important thing is the definition of what do we mean by problem-solving, or justification?  Well, problem solving is when you get rid of an inequity.  And justification is when you balance an inequity.  I will show you the difference between the two.  What do we mean by an inequity?  An inequity is when anything is out of balance.  Anything covers a lot of territory.  But, that’s exactly what we mean.  Whenever the mind can be aware of a lack of balance, between two items or two processes, or two places or two approaches, or coming to conclusions between two means of evaluations.  Whenever they don’t line up, whenever things are not the same in a sense.  Whenever things are different, between the two of them, the difference that exists makes them unequal.  And that inequity between them can be seen as a positive or a negative thing. 

Read the entire transcript here.

Narrative Psychology – Inequities and Perspectives

Excerpt from the transcript of a class I gave on deep narrative theory.

We’re going to cover a lot of different ways of looking at the same thing.  And each one of the ways that we cover will be complete from that particular perspective.  But, it doesn’t really describe how the whole mechanism works, because all of the perspectives we’ll talk about, and many of them we won’t, are part of the process, because they are all valid ways of looking at it.  You can’t really see the process of justification for what it is, because it’s the way the mind works.  And you can’t use the way the mind works to look at the way the mind works.  It really can’t be done.  All you can do is see after-images left by where the mind has worked.  Or look at things that are effected by the mind as it’s working.  And say, we can get an idea of what the mind is doing by it’s gravitational pull on the orbits of other things around it.  So we’ll be looking at how the mind affects a number of different things, and from that try to get a feel for what’s actually going on in the mind, as it tries to solve problems or creates justifications.

Read the full transcript here.

Deep Narrative Theory – Dramatica Class 1-7-1995

Here’s a transcript of a class I gave in deep narrative theory in 1995. It goes in depth into the psychological underpinnings of narrative and the role of the justification process as the driver of narrative progression.


1 – 7 – 1995

Today’s discussion is on Problem Solving and Justification.  First of all, do you have any questions about problem solving or justification beyond what you’ve already heard.  Any areas that you want to know more about, or anything that you’ve wondered about? 

Q:  Are you going to talk about blind spots?

I can.  O.K., so blind spots is one of the things.  Anybody else have anything else. 

Q:  For me personally, I am kind of new to the whole thing, so whatever we touch, I’m sure will be helpful.

So, let me start then with an overview, and then we will get down to blind spots.  We’re going to cover a lot of different ways of looking at the same thing.  And each one of the ways that we cover will be complete from that particular perspective.  But, it doesn’t really describe how the whole mechanism works, because all of the perspectives we’ll talk about, and many of them we won’t, are part of the process, because they are all valid ways of looking at it.  You can’t really see the process of justification for what it is, because it’s the way the mind works.  And you can’t use the way the mind works to look at the way the mind works.  It really can’t be done.  All you can do is see after-images left by where the mind has worked.  Or look at things that are effected by the mind as it’s working.  And say, we can get an idea of what the mind is doing by it’s gravitational pull on the orbits of other things around it.  So we’ll be looking at how the mind affects a number of different things, and from that try to get a feel for what’s actually going on in the mind, as it tries to solve problems or creates justifications.

First of all, the most important thing is the definition of what do we mean by problem-solving, or justification?  Well, problem solving is when you get rid of an inequity.  And justification is when you balance an inequity.  I will show you the difference between the two.  What do we mean by an inequity?  An inequity is when anything is out of balance.  Anything covers a lot of territory.  But, that’s exactly what we mean.  Whenever the mind can be aware of a lack of balance, between two items or two processes, or two places or two approaches, or coming to conclusions between two means of evaluations.  Whenever they don’t line up, whenever things are not the same in a sense.  Whenever things are different, between the two of them, the difference that exists makes them unequal.  And that inequity between them can be seen as a positive or a negative thing. 

If there was only one thing in the entire universe, and we saw no difference; it was homogeneous — well, there would be no inequity.  But, it wouldn’t necessarily be positive then, because there would nothing really.  It would just be one thing, and since there’s one thing, you couldn’t compare it to anything.  And since you can’t compare it, you can’t measure it — and since you can’t measure it, you can’t evaluate it.  You don’t know whether it’s good or bad, it has no meaning.  It’s only when we sub-divide and have at least two things to measure between, that we can say, O.K. in measuring these two things, the fact that they are different is a good thing, or the fact that they are different is a bad thing.

When two things being different is a good thing, you don’t want to hang a picture to a wall with another picture, you want to hang a picture to a wall with a nail.  When there is something that you would like to have, but you don’t have it yet, that can be a bad thing or a good thing.  If it is something you are looking forward to and the joy of anticipating it, because you really expect to get it, and you don’t see anything that could step in your way — Like Christmas morning, you look forward to it, and it becomes a joyous experience in anticipating, or perhaps a movie that you know is opening on Friday and you want to go see it, and you’ve been anticipating it because you’ve been hearing about it.  So, here’s something you want that you don’t yet have, and yet that’s positive, because it’s something that you expect to get, and it’s not causing you any negative ramifications now, because you don’t have it. 

In other words, things now are good.  Things with that would be better.  You expect to get that thing, and therefore, there’s no way that it could be seen as negative, because you expect to get it within a reasonable amount of time, that you would feel not like you’ve been anticipating it for so long that it was negative, because you look forward to it and look forward to it, and you look forward to it, like a career in the movie business, and it never happens.  Well, that begins to get negative after a while, because you keep waiting and it doesn’t come.  So, waiting for something for a very long time can be a positive thing, like getting a degree in college.  Yes, you’d like it, but it can be very positive, because part of the excitement is in earning it, and every time you are making progress, you can sense that you have gotten closer to it, because there are a certain number of requirements to achieve.  It has an optionlock, and with an optionlock, you can say that when I’ve taken this course, and this course, then they give me the degree.  So, you can chart it off, and see your progress. 

The real key here is not just saying there is this arbitrary amount of time that makes it positive or negative, but again, it’s another way of measuring the difference.  The difference between how big the reward is, and how long it’s going to take to get.  So, already, we have shifted our perspective.  Originally, we just said inequity is a balance between two things when they are out of balance, or when they are different.  Inequity exists between them.  It doesn’t make one better or worse than the other, it just means they are not in equilibrium.  That can be a good thing or a bad thing. 

But, now you have to go a step farther than those two steps and say how do we determine what’s good or bad.  Well, now we have to go a step farther than those two steps, and say how do we determine it’s good or bad.  And now we have to weigh things against each other and say here’s the benefit I will get from it, which makes me anticipate it.  Here’s the length of time I have to wait for it, which delays it.  And so, the positive aspects of anticipating it, because of the size of it’s rewards, and the costs I have to pay at how long it takes to get there –  to wait for it, those two are played against each other, and we see it as a positive experience or a negative experience.  So, if it’s a great big reward, and there’s little waiting time, it’s a very positive experience, than a great big reward, and a long waiting time, it can get neutral or even negative.  If it’s a little reward, and a little waiting period, it can be very positive.  If it’s a little reward and a long waiting time, it can be very negative.   So, it’s just a matter of balancing the size of the reward with the time we wait.

But, if we don’t have any way of measuring when it’s going to happen, then we get nervous if we can’t see progress, because there’s nothing to measure progress by.  So, when we have something we’re waiting for, we want there to be either a timelock or an optionlock which ever happens first, which makes it even better.  Because, if you have timelock, then you are saying all I have to do is count the hours, minutes and seconds until the film is released, and then I will see it, because I know where the screening is going to be.  A Star Trek picture comes out released November 18th or whatever, ….then you say, O.K. well, I’m going to count down until the movie is released and see it.  What an optionlock is, all that has to happen is I have to meet these requirements, and these requirements could be getting pieces to something, or learning something, or whatever it is , but it doesn’t matter how long it takes, it’s when you get all the pieces together and every time you get a new piece, you can see that progress has been made towards the goal.

But, although a time moves inexorably forward, so that it is constantly moving at the same amount of time, the same increments, optionlocks don’t move that way. Optionlocks can have three of them happen real fast, and one of them takes forever, so it’s a different kind of guide — it seems a little more stretchy.  But, wait, for a moment, lets stand back and look at time, and say how fast does time flow for us.  Are there not times, when we are lost and daydreamy, and we go through incredible journeys, and seems like it’s been hours, and we come back and five minutes has passed.  And other times, we take something that seems like it’s happened very quickly, and it’s really taken a lot of time, because we are thoroughly engrossed – how much we are involved. 

And how much we are involved is a function of how many parts of the mind, how much of the mind percentage-wise or potential-wise becomes involved in the considerations.  So, that when we are wholly involved in something, we lose track of time, and it goes faster, when it’s an external thing.  When we are wholly involved in an internal thing, often time will go slower.  And so the internal – external issue starts to come into play as to how we begin to appreciate the nature of these locks that show us progress towards resolving an inequity and determining whether it’s positive or negative.  Whether it’s outside or inside, sometimes you see a mirror image of the effect.  When you are wholly involved in something outside, time will be something that can go by very quickly.  When you are wholly involved in something inside, time can go very, very slowly. 

Time becomes stretchy, and you really can’t tell how long you have to wait for something because how long it seems when you are waiting for a doctor’s appointment versus when you are waiting in line in the supermarket or whatever.  Time can seem to change – stretchy time. 

There really is no wholly objective time.  Objective time is made up of the change in mass in it’s relationship to energy.  Subjective time is made up of the relationship between time and space, which seems like a contradiction — using time inside and space inside.  So, you really have two kinds of time.  We label them the same thing, but one of them is time per se, which is the movement of mass because of applied energy, which is completely consistent and external to ourselves, whereas, inside ourselves, it’s not time, but duration.

Time is measured in increments.  Duration is measured in speed.  And the two don’t always line up, as we’ve mentioned before.  It may seem like a lot of external time has gone by, but seem like it’s been a very short duration or vice-versa.

Now when we are dealing with justifications, the male perspective on justifications, is to look at it in balance between things.  And the female way of looking at justifications is to look at the imbalance between duration and time.  Which will lead to really neat tricks that you can use by members of the opposite sex or of the same sex, in order to play their justifications, and get them to do exactly what you want, or be how you want them to be; with a minimum outlay of resources on your part. 

Men don’t have a good sense of how long something takes duration-wise.  So, all you have to do to make men justified and stay with something is tell them maybe. Maybe leaves it open, and as long as it’s maybe, there’s a chance it could happen.  When there’s a chance it could happen, there’s no way of measuring how long they’ve been hung on the line with this chance of it happening, which is why whenever a woman want’s to lean a man in any respect, all she has to do is say maybe.  If she says no, right from the beginning, no means no.  If she says yes, yes means yes.  Maybe means yes, but later, to a man.  And so, that’s the way they are going to read it.

And as a result of it, you string on guys, by just saying maybe, until finally he’s waiting is so long, that begins to lose interest.  And as he begins to lose interest for whatever it is, then all you have to do is show them a little progress by unbalancing the inequity between things just a little bit.  And as soon as you do, just a little bit, then they see progress and even note it.  Then you can keep on saying maybe until they lose interest again.  But, you’ve reviewed all their interest because they’ve seen something budge. 

Now for women, women have a very good sense of what the overall balance between things is.  Meaning that it doesn’t take much leverage in the external, real world, to make them feel that progress has occurred.  In other words, no real progress has to made and they can be fooled into thinking that progress has been made, because women think that how long it’s taking, before she sees progress, that’s how she measures it.  How long does it seem before I’ve seen any progress.  Now, a woman is not just looking at step progress like men are.  She’s looking at acceleration progress.  She’s looking at am I getting closer to the goal, because progress is being made faster?  Like a train looming up into your face on a railroad track.  That’s what she’s measuring.  It can start off slow, but it’s got to accelerate. 

Men are looking for linear progress, where you’ve covered a certain number of tries, and it’s more of an objective view of progress.  The more subjective view of progress which women take, is that things seem to be looming closer and closer.  So that, you get that feeling of acceleration, even though everybody hasn’t changed speed, but has changed speed in relationship to you.  And so, it’s a doppler effect  — it’s basically a female experience.  When you want to string a woman along, all you have to do is to allow things first to accelerate a little bit.  Now, that means that if you want a woman to do anything at all, you promise her that eventually she’s going to get something.  When you say, when this is all over, you will get something.  She will work for you without a timelock, she will work for you without an optionlock.  Eventually, she will begin to feel that she is getting nowhere, and start to re-evaluate.  As soon as you sense this happening, you give her a bite size candy bar, and put it on her desk, or a single carnation and put it on her desk.  Now, she will say, “Oh, I’m getting closer to nice things, and therefore, the way things are going is accelerating, going better, because before I had nothing at all, and now I’ve got something, which is definitely an acceleration.

So, she will continue to work for you until she begins to sense, there’s been no acceleration.  Now, because there’s been no acceleration.  Now, because there’s been no acceleration, that means that the rose may have died, or the candy’s been eaten.  The experience has gone a little bit behind.  You cannot, and this is the mistake that men make in not being able to manipulate women, is give her another bite size candy bar, or another single carnation and have her feel that progress has been made, because she got another one.  From men, as long as they are getting the treats doled out, they are going to figure O.K., I get one every so often so that’s how I am making progress, and they are continuing to pay me step by step as I do this job. 

For a woman it doesn’t work that way.  Next time she will will want a full-size candy bar or a single rose or two carnations, because you’ve got to show acceleration.  Now that means that it’s very important for guys in order to save their resources, when trying to get women to do things and force them into justifications.  I’ll hold out a little longer to do the job I don’t like, because things are going O.K., and I’m getting faster at where I want to go to.  Start out small.  Use the minimum investment you can at the beginning, and give her the smallest thing that will renew her interest, and then next time go to the minimum increment you can that will show to her that things are better than they were, because she got a bigger prize than she did last time.  You’ll find that the frequency with which she needs these — Although she should never figure out that you’ve planned it out, so always go one day, one way, and one day another way.  The frequency is roughly the same.  They are like the railroad ties.  She needs to have these railroad ties so often, but she’s not thinking that way, she’s just realizing that it’s beginning to wear off.  And then she needs a bigger prize to be feeling like acceleration is being made.

Because for a woman, stacked linear progress, is no progress at all.  For guys, as long as they do the steps being accomplished, they know that they will get there eventually, because they are charting it on a straight line.  But women need to feel that it’s looming closer and closer.  Because women deal primarily with time sense, and men with space sense.  The space sense will demand that progress is measured by taking one step after another after another of equal increments if possible, until you’ve eaten away at the distance you have to cover, and you know exactly how long it’s going to take you to get to your destination.  For a woman, she just has to feel that she’s getting to her destination faster and faster, because on any chore she’s doing that she doesn’t like, her interests are weighing faster and faster and deeper and deeper, and the baggage she’s carrying will get heavier and heavier, so that she has to feel that the end is closer and closer. 

So, that’s how you would use the justification between the two.  Now, what determines if one is justification, and one is problem solving?  Well, as we said balancing an inequity is justification.  Resolving an inequity is problem solving.  Sometimes resolving an inequity is bad.  And sometimes balancing an inequity is good.  Good and bad have nothing to do with whether it’s problem solving or justification.  It has to do with how you approach the inequity.   Look at them as extropy and entropy, when you have extropy you’ve got building up, getting more complex; creating an infrastructure that is more and more gossamer.  It has more and more connections to it, and eventually if you build it big enough, it will grow too weak to support it’s own weight.  And it will collapse on itself or it’s gravity in the area is not strong enough, and it will just float away and you won’t have it anymore because you made it so big, that it just gets picked up by the currents of wind and taken away.

Buckminster Ford did some research and found that you could build a geodesic dome of a certain size that was so big that because the triangles you are creating that increase as the area of the outside, the volume is increasing as the cube, while the area is increasing as the square, and you reach a point eventually where the thing can become so lightweight compared to it’s size, that the slightest breeze could make something a half a mile across just take off into the air, because of the breeze.  And so, that’s the physics of it, and the same thing happens mentally as well. 

But, there’s that second force, that force of entropy that is trying to bring it all down.  Entropy is not just a destructive force, entropy is the force that seeks unification, as opposed to complexity; instead of variety, singularity.  Entropy tries to make things more and more simple.  Simplify is what it’s really about in terms of entropy.  But, that’s not necessarily a good thing either.   If you simplify enough, you get to singularity, and as we talked about earlier, when you get to singularity, then you have nothing to compare things to and it becomes completely neutral.  When you have complete neutrality, there is nothing — no life, no thought, no movement, no inertia, no change, nothing.  Look at the moment of the “big bang”.  Big Bang is the ultimate singularity.  Complete expansion of the universe to an infinite degree would be complete complexity.  It is my opinion that neither of these has ever been achieved. 

There’s never been a moment like they describe in terms of the “Big Bang”.  Not where things reduced to a singularity.  Because that’s a limit line that you approach.  You approach and you never actually get that limit line.  Eventually something throws you to the other side of the limit line and we’ll talk about that later too.  But when it throws you too the other side of the limit line, you’ve never actually been at that moment of singularity, you’ve just gotten infinitely close to it on one side, and then you are infinitely close on the other and moving away from it, instead of close towards it.  And this causes the universe to act like an oscillation, where it expands almost to infinity and then contracts almost to singularity, then expands on the other side into the anti-energy.  Reverse energy, reverse time, anti-energy, negative space, non-mass …That’s what you have when you go into the other side of the other universe. 

And in fact, because all of them go at once, you can never tell when you are in the positive or negative universe.  Because all you have to compare things are things that are either all positive or all negative.  As long as this happens, things are working properly — they oscillate between the positive and the negative, but it always seems neutral when you are in one or the other, because all you have are all positives or all negatives to compare it to.  We are not talking about anti-matter here, we are talking about non-matter; things that not only do they not exist, but they strongly do not exist.  In other words, their lack of existence is an existence of it’s own.  In other words, it would take more than just transmitting energy to create mass.  You’d have to overcome some inertia, against coming into existence first.  Overcome the entropy when someone has a catalyst even to bring it to a neutrality where it could begin to exist. 

So, existence is not just something that is there.  It is a matter of how firmly it is there.  And even if it’s not there at all, that’s just neutral, because some things have a definite tendency not to come into existence.  A lot of things have a tendency not to happen.  And some of these negative aspect, only if you’re negative can you compare them to the positive.  And in fact, even in this universe, you can easily look at things and say — Here is something that has a tendency to happen.  Here is something that has a tendency not to happen.  On any given day there is a great tendency not to have a plane crash.  Within in the days of the year, there is a great tendency  to have at least one plane crash.  Because on any given day, most likely one is not going to happen.  A lot of things have to converge to make the plane crash happen.  And because those things don’t happen very often, there is a tendency for a plane crash not to occur, within a period of one day.  But, if you change the way you measure it, and say now I’m going to show it within a year, you can’t predict any given plane will crash, but you can say there will probably be some crash of some plane within a year of a reasonable size jet-liner.  Certainly within 5 years.  We’ve never had a five year period where we haven’t had a jet-liner crash.  You can almost count on it.

Plane crashes have a strong tendency to come into existence in the generic sense in a five year period.  But, in a generic sense, within a one day period, they have a great tendency not to occur.  Well, how can it be that day by day, there is a great tendency not to, and yet at the end of the year or two years, there is a great tendency to.  When does it switch over?  That’s that limit line I was talking about, that you never actually hit, but get close to.  When does it change from being a tendency not to come into existence to a tendency to come into existence.  How does that happen?  When does it switch from not being to being?  It’s a magic moment.  And that was the moment I was looking for in the unified field theory, because it’s the key to understanding how everything hangs together — it’s that magic moment.  And it turned out that it’s not anything intrinsic to what you are looking at — it’s intrinsic to how you look at it.  It’s all in the context, it’s all in the perspective.  It’s all in what you measure. 

There is no point at which you can stack up the number of days and say now there is a plane crash.  But, there is a way when you can go through a five year period and say I would be very surprised  if there wasn’t a plane crash.  It depends on your measurement.  Where you begin measuring is arbitrary.  And how long you measure is arbitrary.  It works kind of like this…there are tendencies and there are trends.  And they work in opposition to each other.  Trends are when you see something and say….like suppose you’ve got a coin, and you are flipping a coin.  You flip this coin five times in a row and it comes up heads every single time.  What’s the trend?  The trend is it’s coming up heads.  So, based on the trend, you would expect it would come up heads again.  Now, what are the actual odds on any given toss that it will come up heads or tails?  On any given toss?  How can you say you expect it to come up heads if the odds are 50/50.  Because there’s been a trend that has shown that it has done that. consistently, and one would expect maybe that there’s some outside force at work that is affecting things so that in and of itself, intrinsically the item under study has a 50-50 chance of coming up one way or another, in the environment in which it is being flipped, something is apparently affecting it to come up heads, and one could expect that that’s the inertia that it carries. 

However, there’s another force at work.  The force at work is tendency.  When you have a trend that says it has come up this many times, what would you expect for the next five, in order to make the odds come out 50-50?  It would come up tails, and that’s the tendency.  Although the trends points to coming up heads, because of something perhaps environmental.  Maybe though, there’s nothing environmental, and it’s just a matter of chance that it’s come up heads 5 times in a row.  But, for the odds to hold true, which they eventually will have to, then you needs five times that it will come up tails, if all you were going to do is ten tosses.  But see you would expect the tendency is pulling it towards coming up tails on the next throw. 

Now there is the most interesting relationship between those things, because it has to do with like Las Vegas odds.  Las Vegas odds in the long run and the longer that you measure, the more likely it will come down to the exact odds.  If you put a slot machine in a Las Vegas establishment, and certain odds have been established on it, and it’s a brand new machine, and you put in one coin, and you hold down the handle, there’s no way anybody knows what it’s going to do, because the statistical nature of it, to make sure that the odds come out to a certain level, to a pay-off, can’t function with only one play.  The odds don’t work out.  The more you play it, it’s bound to pay anything off, assuming that it is functioning correctly.  In order for that slot machine to be working at the proper odds, eventually it’s got to catch up.  So, if it doesn’t pay off, and it doesn’t pay off, and it doesn’t pay off, and it’s done that for ten years, and it hasn’t payed off at this place, and it’s working properly, that has got a lot of built up tendency.  And that would be a machine you’d want to play, because when you play that machine, then you figure eventually it’s going to have to pay off a lot, in order just to make up for all the ten years when it didn’t pay off.  So, it doesn’t matter actually when you begin measuring or when you stop measuring — it’s a subjective thing.  So, that would be a way to play it at Vegas. 

What is it that prevents us from actually doing that?  Because you would think everybody could get rich from just by looking at somebody playing and playing who ran out of money and left, and they hadn’t gotten any wins, then that’s when you want to sit down and you will end up in the long run even ahead of the game, because you’ve already built up a negative potential on it.  The point is it’s not even the matter of a starting point, because that’s kind of arbitrary, because there are many different places you could start, and any one of them to have the odds be right from wherever you start, they’d have to be equal.  But, that’s only because you are looking at things in terms of time.  How many times it takes something to do it. 

You don’t look in terms of space, because in terms of space, you look at the casino as whole, and if you look at the casino as a whole, there’s going to be one machine there that just happens to pay off twice as much as another machine there, that pays off half as much, and another machine that hardly ever pays off at all.  And yet they are all built the same, they all have the same odds on each machine.  But, in the spatial scenario, some of them, just as a matter of chance, will not pay out very much at all.  And others will pay out quite regularly — but there’s no way to predict which ones will be which, because the minute you sit down at that machine and say “this one has traditionally paid off a lot”.  But, it may be that it will stop paying off, and another machine will start paying off a lot somewhere else.  So, if you look at all the machines, and you see how much they pay off, they are all like peaks and valleys.  They are up and down like bar graphs, and some are down negative, and some are high.  But, there’s no guarantee that this will continue. 

So, when you look at it temporally on any given machine, you can expect that the tendency is for it to be pulled back to the odds, whatever direction the trends happen to be momentarily.  And the longer a trend goes one direction, the greater the tendency to go to another.  But, trends and tendencies won’t tell you what it will do, because there are other machines, and when you take them all together collectively, they do the odds.  But, collectively in that casino, one casino is going to pay off, more than another casino, because of the fact that it just happens in terms of chance that the machines in one casino are paying off at a higher rate than another casino.  And you can go out wider, and wider and wider, and eventually you get to the point where the scope of the limit of your measurement, you can see no real difference.  When we see no real difference, for all practical purposes, the odds are holding true and right to form. 

So, you can’t win it, because whenever you look at it in terms of time only, you can see it in terms of space, we can see space only in terms of time, and that’s why we are trying to make other people justified.  What you want to do is give them one of those things where they seem like they’re seeing rewards, and if they are not, look at the other one.  And because all of us have the capacity within ourselves to see both time and space, but only one at a time as it were, or one being foremost, and the other one being secondary, because of that, if you can focus somebody’s primary sense, or the one they use first, and make them see apparent progress, then you can have them lose like crazy at the one they are not looking at and they won’t be able to notice it because they are seeing progress where they are focusing.  And that’s the nature of focus and blind spot in a very conceptual sense is that if you are focusing on time, your blind spot is space.  If you are focusing on space, your blind spot is time. 

The only way to protect yourself against ills, is to vacillate between the two as frequently as you can, so that you look at it timewise, and then you look at it space-wise, then you look at it timewise and look at it space-wise.  As you go back and forth between those very quickly, it doesn’t allow time for a lot of things to go through.  So, is that what we have to train ourselves to do, go back and forth between time and space?  No.  Because going back and forth quickly between time and space is talking about doing it quickly which is time.  And as  result that means that we are ignoring a spatial way of doing it.  And the spatial way of doing it is not to go back and forth between the two quickly, but to go back and forth between the two on any given subject. 

So that whenever anything comes up, you make sure that you look at it spatially and you look at it temporally.  Because if you go back and forth too many times, you don’t stick with one perspective long enough to see anything change.  So, if you are going quickly, you are losing your sense of things changing, and then you are caught unawares when something comes up and bites you, because it was changing very slowly.  You lose your long wave perception, and you can’t see gradual change.  On the other hand, if you look at things spatially, and you see it all in space, and then you stop and look at it all in time, and only do those measurements, you don’t see change either, because you don’t see two instances of it from the temporal view and two instances of it from the spatial view, you only see one of each.  So again you don’t see change.  So, either way you’re screwed. 

You can widen your scope, but the minute you widen your scope, you also open yourself up to more instances of trouble, so you can limit within any given scope how many unexpected things are going to happen within it, and how susceptible you are to them, but you do that by widening your scope of consideration, while only being concerned with this part.  But, as soon as you open your consideration wider, then you are letting more things into the system which can upset things out here, that can ultimately change this thing and impact it in ways that you hadn’t expected.  So, it’s a no win situation.  A losing situation is a neutral situation, it all comes out to zero.  And that’s what it really comes down to, is the fact that there is no objective way to say that things are good or bad, or right or wrong.  But there’s plenty of subjective ways, because each of us is one of the little machines that we have as a slot machine.  Each of us finds that in our life, we lead a charmed life or a doomed life.  And we can’t really tell between the sense of a charmed life or a cursed life — we can’t predict if it’s going to continue.  Some people are so lucky, one thing after another happens to them; everything good, they die happy, never have any problems, worries or fears.  Other people suffer from the moment they are born, and live a long suffering life and go to their graves feeling miserable.  How can you predict, how can you determine, how can you protect yourself?

Well, the only thing you can do for a subjective viewpoint, is unlike a slot machine, you can change your odds.  You can change your odds by shifting context.  When you shift context, that’s when you justify, because then you are balancing inequities.  If you steal yourself against inequities, and try to snuff the inequity at their source, then you are problem solving.  And here we have the beginnings of do-ers and be-ers and change and steadfast.  Where people balance and where people snuff, differs between do-ers and be-ers.  Everybody snuffs and everybody balances.  If you are a be-er, you are going to have a tendency to snuff internally, and balance externally.  For example, you have two kids and you’ve got one piece of cake.  Both of them want the piece of cake, and they are arguing and screaming when you walk into the room.  Now, a be-er will try and balance things by saying, “O.K. who got the cake out?”  or you could say, “You get the cake this time, you’ll get the cake next time”  and balance it out that way.  That would be a balance.

And when they snuff things it would be that there’s only one thing, and they know that only one kid can have it and not the other one; maybe there’s an award, or something that can’t be divided or something, and you give it to one kid or the other, because you have to make a choice.  And you realize the inequity, that you have to snuff it inside.  So, you do the work inside of trying to snuff it inside, so you do the work inside of trying to snuff your feelings, or you do the work outside and try to balance things off.  “Oh, well here’s this jacket that was sent to us, there’s only one jacket, and you have a jacket and instead you get the beach ball.”  So, you try and balance things off, so that you make up for it.  We are making things up on the outside, robbing Peter to pay Paul, and that’s something a be-er does. 

Whereas a do-er is somebody who is going to try and snuff the problem outside.  They would be the ones to divide the cake up.  They would say, either you each share it or nobody gets anything.  They put the balance in a different direction and they were trying to balance things inside, and they were balanced inside by saying, “Yes, I know that it’s not fair to this one not to get the cake or jacket, but this person needs the jacket more because they are out in the cold more, so that’s why they are going to get the jacket and the other one is not going to get a jacket.”  So, they would balance inside.  And you will see that the approach between do-ers and be-ers is that often in terms of items that have to be divvied up, of which there aren’t enough, do-ers will seem to rely on an analytical external view, and inside they seem to be heartless, in situations where there isn’t enough to go around.  Whereas, be-ers seem to miss the point, because be-ers are trying to give oranges to satisfy a taste for apples, in external situations.

So, anyway the one who tries to balance inside is the do-er, and snuff it outside, just take action, precipitous action to make it work itself out — to resolve it.  Whereas, the be-er is going to try to resolve it inside, and then take action to balance it outside.  And that doesn’t mean change or steadfast.  Change or steadfast means do you try that and if it doesn’t work, do you keep trying it another way or do you drop the other’s approach; shift your internal and external places where you want to do it.  That’s another way of looking at change and steadfast. 

Q:  Does Change or Steadfast always affect your approach?”

Not necessarily — It doesn’t have to because sometimes problems aren’t between the inside and the outside, sometimes problems are between the inside and itself, and problems are between the outside and itself.  In other words, when you look from a “they” perspective, you’re not personally involved.  You don’t have any feelings about it one way or another.  You are a judge sitting on a bench and you have to make things work out between the parties, and you don’t have any favorites, ostensibly.  And then in that case, it’s a completely external inequity you are dealing with, and so you are going to be putting all your work out there.  The whole notion of being a do-er or be-er will be applied to the situation as to how you deal with it.  But, change and steadfast will not have anything to do with it.  Change and steadfast will be “do I try to resolve it, or do I stop trying to resolve it externally”. 

Whereas for an internal situation, in which you feel a certain way, or a lack of motivation for something, and you want to create a motivation for something, or you have tendencies or drives that you want to get rid of, you are working with yourself, and there really is no external manifestation of it, it’s yourself you are trying to work with. 

“I don’t like being this kind of person, why do I say this or do that?” .  “Maybe I can change myself inside.”  Well, that’s not really change in change and steadfast, that’s be-er’s work, and be-er’s working to alter themselves inside, because they are trying to snuff it, internally.  And if they are trying to work with themselves inside, if they eventually give up on it, then that’s change. 

And if they stick with it, then that’s steadfast.  How long do they have to keep working with themselves before themselves change.  Did they give up too soon, because whatever was holding them back was just ready to give because of their persistence in trying to think a certain way, in terms of Zen or in terms of controlling our emotion.  Could they have broken the back of it, if they had lasted just a little bit longer.  Or is it a useless endeavor because they really can’t change that no matter how they try.  That’s the leap of faith for a be-er, internal working person. 

Do-ers and be-ers both have external only problems and internal only problems and problems between the outside and the inside.  And when they are between the outside and the inside, both do-ers and be-ers can perceive it as being this is where it ought to be resolved; externally or internally.  And then once they determine where it has to be resolved, what makes them a be-er or do-er is when they determine whether it’s inside or outside and has to be resolved, where they are trying to strike a balance.  So, a lot of stuff is going on in that.  But, change and steadfast is do you switch from looking from outside to inside, or inside to outside and the other one is at the crossfire, do you stop trying or give up on it.  Or do you keep going — inside do you keep going or give up on it.  Those are the four change and steadfast issues in the change/steadfast quad. 

Now, why would there be such a thing as justification?  Why would that even exist in the species?  Well, in fact, you can’t get away from it.  The reason you can’t get away from it is because of the fact that we have either a spatial brain operating system or a temporal brain operating system.  We either favor space or favor time intrinsically.  Men favor space and women favor time, in terms of male and female mental sex.  And why would this be?  Well, in reality, outside of our minds, there is only mass and energy.  There is no time, there is no space.  They just don’t exist.  They only exist in our minds.  The fact that we have bodies, the fact that we sit in a room, the fact that we can see things and perceive them – all that mass exists, but the space it takes up is all in our minds, because it really takes up no space at all. 

As a matter of fact, it doesn’t take up zero space, there’s no such thing as space.  Space is when we have a relationship between space and time that favors space.  What that means is that when we have a sense of looking at how things are arranged versus how that arrangement changes, the fact that things had any kind of arrangement is all in our heads, because we are putting a pattern on something and saying here are things that are related.  And all those relationships is an order that we impose on the essential key of nature of energy and mass.  So, whenever we perceive something as being arranged in a pattern, we’ve supplied the pattern.  We projected it, we organize it that way. 

Q:  We can’t argue that, because there wasn’t something to perceive the space then there would be no way to say that there was anything.  It seems that mass a shape to it, and because mass has a mass that can be great or small, then it inherently has something, that’s at least related to space. 

Mass has nothing to do with size.   As an example a black hole or a neutron star.  Matter can be compressed, infinitely small by the forces of gravity.  So that, it still has the same mass, but it’s being compressed, because it’s warped space.  And what do we get when it’s warped space, it’s warped our perception of it.  Which is the relationship between mass/energy and space/time.  Space and time are subliminal, and mass and energy are awareness. 

Q:  But then what is the objective  of a shared space, what is the great mind that  space that we all seem to be able to share, the earth, etc..?

The best way to describe it is that mass and energy continue to move towards entropy.  So, the external universe is the force of entropy and the force of extropy which is the increasing complexities that force us to self-awareness.  The two of them are in conjunction and at the moment there is a trend toward self-awareness becoming more complex.  The chance of dependency that eventually it will become less complex, or cease to exist at all.  Perhaps it is so large it will collapse under it’s own weight or just float off somewhere, and no longer be in this universe.  If it collapses under it’s own weight, it’s like what happened during the dark ages.  Knowledge was lost, awareness was lost.  The levels of thinking were lost.  Societally, but individually as well, because there isn’t much difference between a cave person and a person of today.  You have the same essential innate capacities of mind, but our thoughts are much more grand today because of the combined knowledge that we have; the complexity that has happened in society. 

When different self-aware awarenesses come into being, the first one that thinks of a concept makes that concept manifest, tuned here to reality, just by perceiving it.  In other words, instead of saying I’ll believe when I see it, it’s I will see it when I believe it.  But, all existence comes from perception, from this perspective.  Of course because were made of material that generates our minds, all perception comes out of existence.  Remember we can never get to the heart of the matter because we can’t see everything, because we are part of the picture.  So, we can’t step out of it, no matter where we place ourselves, that’s a part of the picture we can’t see.  So, we’ll never get the whole deal.  However, when you have a new concept, it could very well be that for millions of years the earth was flat.  It could have very well been. 

Now, why did it not stay flat?  Well, it didn’t stay flat because someone created a larger paradigm that explained more, bordered more things.  Created patterns of understanding that were larger, that required having a round earth.  And describing those things that required a round earth, then allowed a round earth which accomplishes much of the notion of a flat earth, but also came with it the larger paradigm for understanding even more stuff, that before was completely non-understandable.  And as a result of it being a larger paradigm, it shifted the perspectives of all those who were aware of it, and changed the nature of the way the world worked.  Meaning that there’s still plenty of opportunity in terms of thinking about nuclear science and astrophysics — in terms of looking at social movements.  There’s plenty of opportunity for changing the way things really are, because we come up with another explanation for how we perceive them. 

So, did this seem any less liked a chair, because we know there are atoms in it?  But, once atoms were conceived and agreed upon, there where atoms in the chair.  Until that was agreed upon, there was no need for there to be atoms in chair, because they’d never been thought of before, and so the chair could exist without atoms and truly be a solid material. 

Q:  And the effect of that  versus making the world round,….it’s like if the world hadn’t changed in nature, they got all this false evidence created….

No.  See that is the thing — any paradigm that explains things, that has to replace one learning curve, has to explain everything the earlier paradigm explained and more.  And that’s the key.  Now, guess how that works?  That’s why it becomes more and more difficult to come up with new paradigms that shift everything around.  Now that’s what we’ve done with story.  Until we came  up with the notion that some of this was psychology, it wasn’t.  Our own thoughts during the psychology of finding a way to make that explain using the psychological paradigm, yet stories were actually a psychology of the single human mind.  As soon as we came up with it, that’s what they were.  And the more people believe it, the more firm it becomes, because then you have a lot of people from a lot of different perspectives, a lot of different self-awarenesses, converging on a particular conception, so that they all agree with it.  And they bring to it baggage from their own personal existences, that isn’t shared by the general community. 

Although the concept is shared by the general societal community, the individuals don’t share it, they have their own experience, and it’s got to prove true to each one of those.  As long as it proves true to each one of those, it is true, and that’s what it is, but if one of them says it doesn’t work for me because of something in my personal experience, then what they need to do is to come up with a paradigm that explains that everybody else’s point of view and their’s as well in  a new light, and as soon as they do that, then that’s what it was supposedly all along, but in fact from this perspective, it only comes into being when it is proposed. 

Q:  Hmmm. That’s wild because it seems like almost contradictory — it’s weird.

It’s a very big thought.  And it’s the same place you get when you go to your passionate argument, and you begin to see that all is nothing and nothing is all.  It’s as narrow as infinity.  When you begin to see that and it makes sense, then you have become a model of Zen.  When you get this particular thought, you become more aware of mental relativity, because it really is one of the central places that you have to lose the paradox, in order to know that you are becoming one with that perspective. 

So, all this is tied in then to our space sense and our time sense, and whether things are right or wrong, or good or bad, or whether we should stick with our guns or change.  Or whether we should change from seeing the problem outside, to seeing the problem inside.  Or whether we should see the problem as outside, still, but just give up on it, because it can’t be solved.  Now, that by itself is an interesting philosophy, but it doesn’t come into existence until you actually creating a model in our society, whereby you can explain the mechanism through which it happens.  This is really intriguing.

We are going to start with the neurology, and work our way through understanding justification in terms of the brains neurology about chemistry, and then we are going to work our way through mental relativity understanding, and then we are going to work our way through a psychological understanding, and then we are going to work our way into the final perspective which is external or physical justification.  So, we are going to start with the physical part of the mind, and then go to the mental relativity part of self-awareness, and then go to the psychological part of the mind, and then we are going to carry it outside, and then bring it back to the body.  So, we’ve gone full circle. 

Q:  So, justification is a style of problem solving? 

Well, problem solving and justification are two means for dealing with an inequity.  When you try to get rid of the inequity, it’s problem solving, when you try balance the inequity, that’s justification. 

O.K., so first of all, in terms of the neurology, there are a couple of models.  (ON BOARD):

We have narrow networks in the brain, and these narrow networks are little things that look like little brains.  They are called ganglia.  There’s a left-headed ganglia, and a right-headed ganglia, and within it, maybe four thousand neurons are all interconnecting.  Then they connect one to another and then you have all these little neural networks.  That’s why it’s not just in neurology, because they are little tiny networks, within a larger network, with subgroups.  And there’s a biochemistry that exists outside here, that all of these ganglia are in that effects them as a group.  And there’s also a membrane of the ganglia, a little micro-climate zone, and one side of the ganglia produces primarily the dopamine, and the other side produces the seratonin.  There is sort of a balance between the dopamine and the seratonin in the network.  This is where our real space and time sense come from in the ganglia. 

Our sense of mass and energy are kind of dealing with the external here.  There’s this larger biochemistry and the big network.  The big network has 4,000 neurons and if we look at it as a single entity, that’s like one switching point, and this is another switching point between themselves, so it has less resolution, than when start looking at what’s actually going on here.  This matter of resolution here is that they would each appear to be containing our sense of mass.  In other words, it’s there, it’s not a very binary sense, all these things work together and say yes or no.  So, you sort of get that sense.  Whereas, the biochemistry that works outside of it, is our sense of energy.  That there is either pressure upon it or  not, in a very unsophisticated way or less resolved way.  When you get down to the level of the ganglia themselves, inside, it becomes more sophisticated, because now you are dealing with relationships between things, instead of just binary states between things. 

And you have the enclosed micro-climate in our biochemistry is such that you have a neuron, and there’s something over here called the threshold.   The threshold here is an  electrical difference between the outside of the neuron, and the inside of the neuron, when you are looking at the axon.  The axon is this  body of the neuron, and it has its receptors, and it’s dendrites.  And they all come up here and go to various neurons.  So, all of these connections to various different neurons.

One of the first places we notice space and time is in the synapse, where the two come together.  There’s some neuron over here that’s firing  and  when it fires, the way it works is down at the bottom, there are little spherical containers holding the neurotransmitters, that are created inside one of these little areas and shooting it out.  And these things migrate and are attracted to the edge of the membrane, depending upon the degree of calcium that’s contained in this liquid inside.  And the amount of calcium has to do with how frequently this is fired.  So, the more familiar you become, the more calcium builds up.  And the more calcium that builds up, the more of these things are ionized, and attracted to the bottom .  And when enough of them are attracted to the bottom, what they do is they sit there long enough, which is where you get time – spatially you get a bunch of them down there.  Temporally, they have to be there long enough.  And when they are there long enough, then if you made one of these larger, with just the edge of this, with one of these things sitting down there, you go through a series of steps, where it begins to open up to the outside, until you end up with something like that.

Eventually, it just goes straight, but in the meantime what’s happened is that it has dumped it’s neurotransmitter in here outside into the open environment.  And then your neurotransmitter is totally out, and the membrane is closed, so there’s a real interesting way that it opens up like that.  And, if it’s there long enough, it will do this.  As they are created, it’s are they getting close to the edge, and they are sort of like, do you have one here, and they are all lined up on the edge, or are they pointing out in the center like this.  So, that’s going to determine how many are close to the edge, and we have how many are close to the edge.  And we have how many are close to the edge, tendency because they are pulled there to stay there longer, and in greater quantities.  And so it adjusts how much of this stuff flows out.  It’s not just that you are going to end up with having it all flow a certain level.  We can modulate it’s affect.  So, even though it fires or doesn’t fire, if it fires, it could just be a little tiny fire, and there could be a lot of neurotransmitter dumped out. 

So, that controls the amount of biochemical that’s going into the synapse.  Remember, the synapse is the one that comes down here, and then it’s captured by the one that comes in.  The neurotransmitters don’t just go directly from here to here, like flaming torpedoes or something, some of them go directly there, but they also spread out, and get into the general mix.  Various atoms of the neurotransmitters.  And as they do, they get over here, they get to work throughout the ganglia, inside it.  So that whenever anything fires, that has thought that occurs.  But, maybe they could be firing seratonin, or they could be firing dopamine.  Or a lot of other neurotransmitters, but they all have the same kind of effect, to cause excitement or slow them down.  Well, the dopamine has a tendency to reduce the calcium inside, while the seratonin has a tendency to increase it.  So, it doesn’t just affect the receiver, it also reflects what’s happening here.  So, that while you have something that is firing, and gives it a tendency to fire more and more frequently, at the same time, what’s out here, could be causing it to fire less and less frequently. 

So, that means that there could be inhibitors  from the outside that inhibit a specific signal coming from the outside.  In other words, even if something is very familiar, coming from this particular neuron, from a sensory neuron, of which there are millions throughout your body, — well, if one of these pathways says “fire” and the rest of the ones have something going on that say “don’t fire” its not going to fire, because this threshold is the difference between an inner and outer electrical energy, in terms of the ionization , and as such, that can be controlled by putting more ions of one kind or another inside or outside.  And because of that you can adjust the action potential.  All of a sudden the potential gets to this point, and if it hits that threshold, it will fire.  When it fires, it overloads, spikes, and it goes down back like this and then comes just under it, and it forms real interesting wave patterns, a typical wave pattern. So, it’s going along underneath it., and it’s always ready to fire.  Something drives it over the edge, then it takes up it’s own inertia, goes through the whole thing, and then after it fires it dips down, so that it will prevent it from firing, which is what gives us our binary sense.  If it just came back down, being ready to fire, we would think analog, instead of thinking binary.  

But, the very fact that it dips down, prevents it  from doing that.  Below the line it

Mental Relativity Notes | God and Mental Relativity

July 11, 1994

When we carry mental relativity out into the real world, one of its impacts will be on religion, and it will show why it’s not religious. At the same time, when someone asks you about God in mental relativity and asks you are you a god, you say yes! (A quote from “Ghostbusters”)

Seriously, If somebody asks you if there is a God, you say maybe. You say yes and no. Regardless of personal belief, from a Mental Relativity perspective, when we talk about the essence of self-awareness — how do we know that we exist — a lateral concept of whether or not God exists emerges. As soon as we become aware of ourselves, we ask if there is something bigger, if there is something that knows more. The moment we define order by the way we understand things are, we want to know if there is a greater order that describes the chaotic nature of the environment and the universe around us, and indeed there is a greater order. The problem is you can’t get there from here.

We are trapped in our self-awareness meaning we only order things that we are capable of ordering and that means seeing only three dimensions when standing on four, but there are an infinite number of dimensions. The more we see, the more there are, because we create them as we embody them.

You could say that the closest thing we have to a concept of God in mental relativity would be whoever occupies the next dimension. They would stand in the fifth dimension and watch our four. They would not be bound by time. They could leap back and forth and change the state of things altering our current reality. Time becomes an object and it’s no longer something that flows. That means you could change the meaning of something now by changing something that happened earlier. Reality would then never have been the way it is because time is just another building block that would have to be played against the measuring stick of the fifth dimension which would then be the linearity. Something has to be the linearity, the single direction, the vector someplace, and if you don’t put it in the first four and control those, it will be in the fifth.

Someone once said if you had a four-dimensional surgeon, they could do surgery on the inside of the body without breaking the skin. Effectively, they would see the body everyplace that it is at all times, they would see all of our existences. Now look at how chaotic we are if you match us against space and time. If you look at us spatially, you say this is who I am, and in time, who I am here. But if you look at time not as something that is flowing but is at any point only one particular moment, then I am both here and two steps to my left and everywhere in between, and the longer I stay in one place the more intensely I exist.

You can find me in San Diego and in Mexico, and you’ll find me not as I am but in a slightly different state because I am constantly evolving within myself. Those are different fractal levels. If somebody moves across the room and time was seen as one moment, they would leave a vapor trail across the room. Instead of defining them spatially as an embodiment, they would be a streak, and they would exist more firmly where they stay for a longer duration in the space-time continuum. This is why we separate time and space in mental relativity. We don’t run into this paradox because time and space can change independent of each other.

When you take a look at the religious aspect of that and stand back and look at the whole thing, we take a bunch of fibers and turn it into a piece of twine that is one of these little spirals, which is one dimension. We’ve gone so far up that the first dimension is looking at a three-dimensional object. Now we take that and we coil the twine like a slinky while we know that there are spirals wrapping around the twine itself. So we have two spirals, one going laterally along the twine and another in the twine itself. That’s two dimensions. Now we take these two dimensions, this spiral made up of smaller spirals and spiral it into another coil. Now we have something that we can barely picture, but we can hold all of it in our mind. We can see the spirals going laterally at the same time that we see it going along the spiral as a shape at the same time that that makes another spiral. It’s the edges of the capacity of having all of these things going on in our minds at once. Now try to coil it one more time, and try to imagine it. You can’t do it. If you imagine a larger coil coiling the coil that coils the coil, as soon as you do that, you lose track of the first one that goes laterally along the twine. If you try to hold onto the spirals that go laterally along the twine, you’re going to lose going that one step higher to see that big coil that spirals the rest around. This is because that is the fourth dimension. The fourth dimension of processing, not the fourth dimension of existence.

You can look at dimensions in our traditional science as places, but they are only looking at it spatially — here’s this stake we call a dimension, now we’ll move into a higher plane of existence. We’ll go into another volume. They go into all these concepts that are only structural spatially-oriented concepts. However, if you look at processes as objects, then this little spiral is the only thing you can call a process. If you look at a slinky from the end, it looks like a circle, a particle. If you look at it sideways, you see a wave. So we look at photons and we say here’s a particle and here’s a wave. It has these two natures. It is a particle sometimes and a wave other times. It’s a particle and a wave depending on how you look at it. That’s a little closer to it, but what it really is is a spiral going one more dimension than we can perceive it in.

Light is not just a quantum, not just a packet of probabilities. Light is also a qualum. It contains both quantity and quality, so you have both a quantum and qualum aspect. Qualum mechanics is something we’re inventing here. Nobody knows that yet. When we look at light in quantum mechanics, we can look at quantity in two ways. We can describe its mass and we can describe its energy. But if we want to get at qualum mechanics, we have to look at it from a temporal sense, what’s going on in terms of process. When we look at process, we can look at the spiral. We can say this is an ongoing process because it’s not just a projection of repeating item in one dimension. It is now something that is going in your direction, and as you take this you can see in the spiral that if you have a certain length that you assign to it from the beginning of the spiral for maybe six or seven loops, so they end up being spiral and that is a slinky – type spiral, not a flat spiral — one that is actually coiled. Take that coil on the spring and there’s a certain amount of metal in the spring. If you squash it down, it widens out, if you pull it out, it’s going to narrow in. And so there’s a relationship between the breadth of these coils and the length of the coils.

So getting back to our original concept, what would God be, and in mental relativity–can we see there is a God? Well, the fact is that we are on this spiral, and we’re spiraling around, and all we can do is look to the future and to the past and see it as a particle. If we look to the present, and we look to progress, and see it as a wave, but we can’t see it as the spiral itself in real life, because we don’t have that view from all of the spiral; we have to stand out and look at from a 3/4 angle in order to see that. As a result, this thing spirals around while our lives are going around it. What are we circling around, well if you want a God there he is.

God is the force at the center that defines the spiral– how wide, how long. Essentially, we don’t have to have faith, but if you want to see it, you’re going to need it. That is the Tao that cannot be spoken. The Tao that can be spoken is not the eternal Tao, the Tao that defines how wide it is going to be, how it undulates, if it gets wider loops or narrower loops, and how long the whole thing goes. Those are things that we cannot control, they appear to be chaotic to us, the effect is manipulating that. If there is a greater order, that is the only way we can sense it’s impact, is in the chaos of our lives.

So, you don’t sense God working in mental relativity in terms that are ordered to you. You see God working in terms of chaotic aspects of your life. Which of course is where they get the idea of miracles from. A miracle is something that violates order.

If you are killed by a bacteria, it is just as deadly as if you were killed by a car. We cannot hold all that in our minds at the same time. The minute we try to achieve an understanding of the larger spiral, we lose track of the lower spiral. As a result we can only see three dimensions at once, not four, and because of that we have a three-dimension bandwidth of the mind in the sense then that becomes the size of mind constant as three dimensions. And no matter how far we move up in our considerations to a higher fractal levels or frictal levels, or no matter how far down we go to see greater detail, we cannot see any broader a scope than three dimensions.

Mental Relativity Notes | Space, Time, and the Size of Mind Constant

Transcript from one of the tapes I recorded in 1994/1995 while expanding the Mental Relativity theory of narrative psychology I originally developed with Chris Huntley.

July 9, 1994

It occurs to me as we’re working towards the unified field theory we have a description in our model, what makes it unified is that it describes the way linearity relates to relativity. Relativity being holistic in nature, has no linear connection with anything because everything is holistically connected. Whereas in linearity there is no relative nature and the closest you can get is non-linearity, which creates fractals.

When you get fractals, that’s when you’re coming from linearity and creating space. When you’re trying to reach linearity from relativity, from a holism, you create frictals which are the dynamic record of the interaction of order and chaos. In effect, what it’s saying is that space and time, neither of those actually exist in the universe external.

The universe external only has mass and energy and when you look at it from a linear side, you can say that mass and energy then is turned into an appreciation, a perception that we call space and time through a linear process that generates those two non-linear and relativistic appreciations of space and time. But they can both be created out of linearity, requiring that there be no existing space nor existing time in the external universe. Only mass and energy and the interactions between the two create a linearity that generates the non-linear and the relativistic.

When you look at it from the other side, from the internal perspective, you look at the mind per se and say that only space and time exist. There is no such thing as mass and energy, discounting the entire external universe itself. The way that our appreciation of what is mass and what is energy, that there are such things and that they are external to ourselves is a natural process by the interaction of space and time. And when we take space and time through the relativistic, the interaction of the relativistic with the non-linear, we end up creating an approximation of linearity which requires both the point and the vector and that is what creates the appreciation of mass and energy external to ourselves.

So through that notion, clearly it can be seen that from the perspective of the mind, only the mind exists and the universe is a fabrication; from the perspective of the universe, only the universe exists and the mind is a fabrication which leads to the Taoist philosophy of all being nothing and nothing being all. It also leads to the concept of particle and wave because it means that we see something that exists that is a true paradox: from one perspective the second one doesn’t exist, and when we go to the second one, adopt that perspective, the first one doesn’t exist. That is one of those strange mathematical phenomena, strange loops which is making its way into Loop-theory and String-theory and Chaos-theory and in fact, as long as we try to resolve the strange loop, we’re missing the point. The Tao that can be spoken is not the eternal Tao. As soon as we define something, we have actually missed describing what it really is because we cannot describe the paradox as not really existing.

And so what we need to do is describe the paradox in terms of paradox to allow for paradox which is what current mathematical thinking does not allow for. That’s why when we have inverse functions in trigonometry we limit them to one cycle so they will not violate the definition of a function. We must violate the definition of a function in order to have a viable system that describes both sides. In fact from a mental perspective, there can be no such thing as a particle and no such thing as a wave. There has to be something inside, internal that generates a view as a particle when seen from our spatial perspective and as a wave when seen from out temporal perspective. The particle would be the mass and the wave would be the energy.

What we have created in Mental Relativity is such a model whereby we can not hold all of it in our minds at a single time. It is impossible. And when we hold as much as we can from a spatial perspective, we see it as a structure and we see particles. When we hold as much as we can from a temporal perspective we see energy and we see waves. So in fact we do not have any energy or any mass that exists in Mental Relativity, only an appreciation we call energy, an appreciation we call mass when we look at it from one side or the other. But, the paradox itself is now created in our model. That paradox is the internal equivalent of the external concept we call a photon. Externally a photon is the object we see as both being a particle and a wave. In fact it is not a particle and a wave. It is seen as a particle or a wave, but the reality of it is neither particle nor wave but something else of which one spatial slice looks like particles and one temporal slice looks like waves.

The Photon is a quantum. Inside the mind we have the equivalent of the quantum which we call a quallum. And a quallum, as opposed to being a quivering mass of probability externally is an equivalent quivering mass of potentiality inside. We’re dealing with the process equivalence of external quantum theory. And with quallum theory we look at an object called the thoton.

The thoton then is something that can neither be seen solely as space, nor as time — it can either be seen either as space or as time. You can either see it as a structure or you can see it as a mechanism. But whether you’re looking at it as state or process you’re really missing the boat because there’s something inside that is generating both of those views but is really neither of those views. So it is not that it is both space and time, but it is something else other than space and time, sitting at the middle. In fact what it is is Mass-Energy.

Just as externally we see energy and mass and space and time are created inside to project them externally, we create space-time as the space-time continuum. When we look inside and see the thoton at work, and see that it has a spatial side and a temporal side then we have to blend mass and energy and come up with Mass-Energy which is the existence internally of a constant. Space-time, externally generates the constant of the speed of light which is why e=mc squared, – we take that constant times itself, rather than dividing it into the two halves of space and time and seeing that it is really the spatial aspect of light times the temporal aspect of light, or wavelength times frequency–space times time.

When we look at wavelength times frequency, because of the fact that the two are blended together in the external universe, when one goes up the other goes down and in effect we’re just looking at the speed of light regardless of how we measure it spatially or temporally and square it.

Internally we end up with Mass-Energy where it doesn’t really matter if we look at mass going up or energy going down, the two seem tied together. The reason they’re tied together is because mass and energy generate dimension. And the dimensions of the mind that we’re talking about is how many different levels, fractal or frictal we can contain in our minds at one time. All we can actually hold are three, that’s why we see three dimensions and the fourth dimension is one that we can only synthesize. That’s the one that we stand on and we’re trying to figure out what it looks like under our feet when we look at the three dimensions externally.

So inside, since the two are tied together in Mass-Energy, the constant is not the speed of light as it is externally, it is the size of Mind. And as a demonstration of this you can imagine losing track of the fourth thing after you’ve seen the third. These experiments, when you look at how many things you can remember (7 plus or minus 2 single items in short term memory according to psychology) is not dealing with the proper number of dimensions the way dimensions really work. When we talk about creating a quad-helix in Mental Relativity as opposed to a double helix in DNA, we’re not talking about four things that exist in the same moment of space-time, we’re talking about one thing that is applied to the next, then another is applied to the product of those two and another is applied to the product of the third with the first two. So we end up with a progression where one thing is multiplied by another, is multiplied by another, is multiplied by another, and at the end we end up with our complete recursive cycle of going as far as we can before we have looped over the place we were in our original space-time, externally, or mass-energy, internally.

The way this works is by looking at a spiral, and to take the formula for a spiral which is a third dimensional appreciation that when seen from its end appears to be a circle and recursive; when seen from the side appears to be a sine-wave and open. Therefore it creates a particle from one view and a wave form from another. If we take this spiral and we look at it from a three quarter angle we can clearly see that it moves through an extra dimension that it is not sufficient to describe it as either a particle or a wave, in fact it is neither a particle nor wave but is something in between the two that generates those two perspectives. Now if we take that as our essential concept of the spiral and we take the formula for the spiral and multiply it by the formula for a spiral and multiply that by the formula for a spiral, and multiply that by the formula for a spiral we’ve gone through all four dimensions and we end up with something at the end that looks like exactly what we started with at the beginning. In other words, we take a spiral and while it’s spiraling we spiral the spiral, and then we spiral the spiral that spiraled the spiraled, and then we spiral the spiral that spiraled the spiral that spiraled the spiral.

Now we can only go through three dimensions of that which we can follow. And the example is to look at a piece of rope. If we take fibers that are going to make twine, and we see the fibers as creating a spiral, we can clearly see them spiraling along the linearity of the twine. Then if we take that linearity of the twine we’ve created and actually coil it, we can see that there is a spiral moving around the twine and at the same time we’ve created a coil which is another spiral, so there is a spiral within the spiral. Then if we take that spiral we’ve made of a coil and stretch it out like a slinky and then we spiral the entire slinky around, we can see that there’s a spiral on the linearity of the twine, then a spiral that is created by coiling that linearity, and then a spiral when we wrap the entire coil in a spiral fashion. Now, if we try and move one farther dimension and take that coil that’s moving in a spiral of the coil that was made of the twine that has a spiral going along its linearity and spiral that, we cannot hold all that in our mind at the same time. The minute we try to achieve an understanding of the larger spiral we lose track of the lower spiral. As a result, we can only see three dimensions at once, not four. And because of that, we have a three dimension band width of the mind in a sense that that becomes the size of mind constant is three dimensions.

No matter how far we move up in our considerations to look at higher fractal levels or frictal levels, or no matter how far down we go to see greater detail, we can not see any broader of scope than three dimensions of it at a time. But that little box-car moves up and down the track of thought describing the number of ties that our mind covers, which is three dimensions worth.

But we can move up and we can move down; we can move to greater detail, we can move to larger, broader perspective, but we’ll never see more than three dimensions at the same time and that is a psychological–well not exactly a proof, but kind of a proof of concept of the size of mind as appearing to be a constant. Therefore this would be true of those who were exceptional as well as those who were geniuses, it really doesn’t matter, you’re still going to see three dimensions or you can’t be self aware. The real question is how far can you move on the track upward and how far can you move on the track downward before you lose track.

Mental Relativity Notes | Justification and Genetic Memory

Transcript from one of the tapes I recorded in 1994/1995 while expanding the Mental Relativity theory of narrative psychology I originally developed with Chris Huntley.

June 29, 1994

We’ve talked frequently about the concept of justification and trying to get down to first level justification where we are dealing with thought, knowledge, ability and desire directly. In fact, it’s not really getting down to first level justification, because thought, knowledge, ability and desire are the intrinsics that we feel based on our genetic programming, so they can’t truly be accessed consciously.

Now, according to mental relativity theory, genetic programming occurs in the DNA. And it is mean average of all the experiential database of every creature that lived, up until the point that it procreated. In other words, our own genetic code is being altered by our own experience, changing the value of instinct, based upon the experience of the individual. However, the individual is averaged in with everything that came before meaning that we end up with a very heavy base of instinct that’s very hard to change.

Now, I’m sure there is a mechanism for that base of instinct to be balanced against current experience in such a way that experience does have an impact even in one life span of something of a great and catastrophic nature. It’s going to really offset the programming that’s already in there. For example, if someone leads a life which is very close to instinct, there’s not going to be much change in the genetic base. It’s not going to add anything to it, it’s not going to alter it.

However, if one leads a life that’s completely contrary to instinctual base, then in that case, it’s going to alter it considerably more. Still in all the weight is with the instinct, with the genetic code. And the change that occurs in it is not that great in the course of a life span. However, now we get to today’s society. And in today’s society, we have no direct connection with survival. We’ve gotten so many generations away from survival. We don’t have to farm, we don’t have to hunt. We don’t have to defend ourselves in general against wild animals or even against our own kind, because of society.

Now, as a result, all the instincts that we have are no longer applicable, in a very short time, because civilization has been around a lot shorter time than the DNA genetic memory of instinct. So, we find ourselves constantly having thoughts, abilities, knowledge, desire, all of these things that push us in directions that are not appropriate for our current society. Therefore, what we’re doing when we get our justifications in order is not getting down to first level justification, which would be purely operating in response to our genetic code, but rather we are balancing that genetic code, so that it’s completely counter balanced and then we can deal only on the basis of our current experience as individuals in society for making decisions, not just in response at all to the genetic code that drives us — that has been nullified or counterbalanced.

Mental Relativity Note | Peach Trees, Relationships, and Binary Switches

Transcript from one of the tapes I recorded in 1994/1995 while expanding the Mental Relativity theory of narrative psychology I originally developed with Chris Huntley.

June 28, 1994

O.K., I was thinking today of dealing with quads in terms of the forms that life can take. We look easily at the animal and the vegetable but what fills out that quad? Well, everyone always says animal, vegetable or mineral and they are looking at things in terms of three, which means that essentially it gives us the animal life, the vegetable life and chemical compounds. What is the other one? Well, the other one would be that elusive area where they are talking about viruses. Is it alive, is it not alive? What exactly is it?

Essentially, we’re talking about chemical compounds that are essentially little computers, they are little physical computers that re-configure their size, their shape, change and bend themselves around, splice themselves to other ones, mutate. As such, they mimic life, but they are not life as we know it. They are on the other side of that limit line. Two on one side which would be the chemical (or mineral) and viral, and two on the other side which would be plant and animal. So, just another perspective with which to classify things, looking at life is making up a quad of animal, vegetable, mineral and viral.

It’s the 28th of June, at about 10 minutes to 9 in the morning. I had a thought about when we are dealing with loss. I had a dream last night about my peach tree. I planted this tree three years ago, and had great hopes (because I love peaches) of being able to can the peaches and make peach pies, and just enjoy a fresh peach off the tree. That was something of a childhood dream. I always loved orchards and things. So, it goes way back into how much importance I put into having a peach tree. Now, there was a shift because when I planted that tree three years ago, it didn’t really matter which peach tree it was, any peach tree would have done, but I really wanted a peach tree.

So, I planted a tree, and the very first year that it came to bearing fruit, there were only four or five peaches that showed up on it, which was two years ago. And at that time, the dog came out and jumped up and knocked them all off the tree, because the dog liked to play with them, and the dog was still very puppyish. So, I said, O.K., well I’ve lost them this year, but there were only four or five – that’s fine. Well, the next year, I got about twenty peaches on the tree, and I said great. No matter what the dog does this year, the tree’s a little bit bigger, the dog’s a little less playful, more old….I’m going to have these peaches. And the dog didn’t knock them down, but, just as they were starting to get a little bit plump, the little neighborhood girl came over when Mindi was playing with her in the backyard here, while I was not around, and she picked all my peaches off the tree, because they were fun to throw around the yard. I was livid, I was enraged, because now, I had figured after the first year, that it was going to be a process of another year that I had to endure in order to get peaches off of my tree. And I couldn’t even go out and buy another peach tree and plant it and get fruit any earlier, that was the best I could do.

Well, I said O.K., this next year, she’s not going in the backyard all summer long, the dog doesn’t really care anymore, we’ll see what happens. This year, I had about two hundred blossoms that turned into peaches; two hundred peaches on my tree. I think actually the first two years of having them picked off, helped it along, so that it ended up responding saying, “Oh, yeah, well I’ve got to survive, I’ve got to pro-create here, so I’m going to come out with all these peaches,” and in fact, all of those peaches are still there. But, I am so worried about something happening to them, either by birds coming down and devouring them all, or the gardeners coming in and trimming it back, or something. Any kind of chaotic event, that I can’t even imagine…I’ve been so worried that I had a dream about my peach tree last night. And in this dream, I dreamed that the other neighborhood kid, a little boy, who is the brother of the girl who pulled the peaches off, they were having a party over there — a birthday or something at their place which is two doors away. And the little kid came over when nobody was watching, and he pulled off all of my peaches. Now, in this dream, that was it. Once those peaches were pulled off, the tree would never try again, it wouldn’t bear fruit again, because it wasn’t worthwhile. I knew this in my dream.

The sense of loss was absolutely amazing. But, the point is that I went over to confront them at the party in a very nice way because the parents really had no hand in doing this, and the kid was just having fun. So, I went over to confront them at the party, and I wanted to come up with some way of having them compensate me for the loss of my peaches that would make me feel good again, that would make it all O.K. And I couldn’t think of one. At first, I thought, well what if they buy me four or five other trees to make up for it, and I said, well, yeah, but, I could buy four or five other trees, but when I put them in, there’s still going to be a waiting period and a lot of anxiety now that all of the fruit’s going to ruined, even though that’s unlikely. What if they bought me a bunch of peaches. Well, that doesn’t do it either, because I wanted to grow them on my own. What if they just bought me the best peach tree in the whole world from some special place. Well, no, because it’s not any peach tree, it’s this peach tree. And it occurred to me, why is it this peach tree? And how does that compare to when you lose a loved one in a long term relationship? If you have a relationship, and somebody jilts you for somebody else…that’s the same thing. If you have a marriage, and you lose somebody to death, that’s the same thing. Divorce must be very much like that.

In other words, a lot of the things that we are going to have to address, come down to this stupid peach tree. So, why is it that nothing else in the world, no combination of things can make it all right. Well, because the peach tree is not an object, it’s a process. And that process has defined itself uniquely, because it’s not a linear process, it’s a non-linear process. In other words, when you talk about the potholes in the road of life, there’s no way to expect where they are, but they do change the course you’ve taken. And when you look behind you and see that winding course, you can tell that this is familiar ground. In other words, it’s the one true path through chaos that you can actually understand, because you’ve been there. Now, naturally things may come into a different light, and you may put them into a different context. You realize that you were actually snaking your way through a bog, or a swamp instead of a desert. But, it doesn’t change the path you took, because that much remains certain. Now, of course, yes, memory fails, and you’ll look at things incorrectly, but only from an objective standpoint. Subjectively, you look at something, and you remember it exactly the way it was, subjectively. And therefore, even if it changes in your mind daily from what the path was you actually took, it always seems like the path you took.

And you still associate it with those items that you can see as milestones along the way. Now, for me, for this peach tree, it was an ongoing process of all the trials and tribulations which represented the only reason to go forward, the only reason to continue all the motivations I had for wanting a peach tree to begin with. But, they were all centered on nurturing this particular peach tree. Now, this is something that we are going to have to address. I don’t have the answers here, I just have some interesting questions as to why nothing else in the world, no combination of things …everything else taken together, can compensate for such a loss. It takes time for the mind to unwind the justifications. And nothing can balance it.

Here, we get right back into the notion of a binary switch — switching from looking at something and saying, I need it to survive, to saying, No, I can survive without. Looking to something and saying, I’m constantly hurt and nothing will make me happy again, to actually being happy again. And what happens to the hurt? You don’t ever completely lose it. It never is ever removed from you, rather it is merely downgraded continually, and other things become more essential. And yet, at the moment that something strikes that in your memory, it can well back up years later with as much sadness or as much joy as it originally generated. And so, there’s something to do with the relationship between the linearity of process and the interference pattern, holographically.

And just as we’ve been talking about getting into the Fourier equations, I believe his name was George. He worked in the forties and came up with equations that translated wave forms into interference patterns, and interference patterns back into wave forms. Something in those equations is going to give us the key again to the binary switch. Because the binary switch says you flip from state A to state B and process C begins. What’s the D? The D is that interference pattern between structure and dynamics, because there’s going to be that fourth one. But, we look at it as, we take state A, we move it to state B and process C begins. The force that’s applied to switch it from state A to state B, that indeed is D …that’s the interference pattern, that’s aptly named D in this example, because it deals with desire, it deals with that D of the KTAD [Knowledge, Thought, Ability, Desire, grouped together in a “quad”].

Now, the reverse of that, or inverse of that is also true, meaning that you could have state A, could be created, let me see, how do I want to phrase this. You apply a force to state A and it changes to state B and allows a process to go, whereas theoretically, a process could act upon state A, changing it to state B, which actually causes the process D. So, the question as to whether it’s a causal relationship which would be more of a linear way or typical, left-minded way of looking at it is that you apply a force to A, switch it over to B, which then causes C. And the force you apply could be called D, or the other way of looking at it is you apply a force to A, switches it to B, and that allows a process of C to go on, and you still applied force D.

So, the question as to whether something is just opened like a gate is opened, or whether something actually acts as a catalyst to begin something is getting back to the idea of whether it is merely a gravitational type thing, or whether it actually comes into contact, and has a physical reaction between the two. Does a process begin because you lower a resistance to something and allow it to go on, or because you raise the resistance to something else that is an inhibitor, that prevents something from going on. Or, does a process go on because you create a potential, or because you diminish a potential which is going to upset equilibrium. Or because you apply a current, or because you shut off a current, which starts getting to the magnetic effect of things – an electrical attraction. Or because you have power and apply power or you withhold power.

Now, this obviously grows into a pretty big spiral, because if you take the concept of each of these – we’ve looked at a binary state of PRCP or PRCO [Potential, Resistance, Current, Power of Potential, Resistance, Current, Outcome]. When we’ve looked at that binary state on each of those, we can then see that we can create a causal or non-causal situation with each one. Causal is when you apply something and it makes something happen, non-causal is when you withhold something and it happens because of the holism of the system, minus what you’ve taken out. And yet, even that’s a binary state. You see, we begin to use binaries to build quads, and we move backward from that and we can always spiral and spiral and spiral farther backward. But, until we get to the point where we have spiraled backward so far that there is no functional difference between where we are and where we began, we have not completed a formula for the unified field theory.

So, keep in mind those four different universes that we talked about. The existence and negative existence and the left and right minded views of things – the spatial view and the temporal view. Those four make up the essential building blocks we’re going to grow from. That’s gotten us up to 16. We originally only had four- time, space, mass and energy. Mental relativity added thought, knowledge, ability, and desire. Mental relativity split thought, knowledge, ability, and desire. Not by creating four new elements, but by saying the way in which those elements arrange themselves became two different ways, temporal and spatial, giving you left minded and right minded. And so, the first part of the work is to define exactly what happened there mathematically, when we have these different equations that are applied to one and applied to the other.

Let’s see what that translation effect is to go from one to the other. Because one will appear to be a wave form, one will appear to be an interference pattern, in terms of left minded and right minded equations. So, if we have these equations, one wave form, one interference pattern, and can describe them as such, then the Fourier equations should allow us to be able to figure out what kind of mechanism is at work, that translates one to the other, that causes it to shift from one place to the other. And when we do that then we can come up with the mathematics that creates the shift among all of them, by transmuting it.

In other words, the shift that occurs is going to change around the quad. You will go from a K and create a T by applying a potential for example. Or then you will go from a T to an A, you might apply a current. The operation that is going to included to translate from one to the other, is going to be a different operation in which each case – it will probably be a different operation moving in different directions. It will probably be a different operation, moving in left minded Z patterns [through the quad], or right minded circles [around the quad].

But, the point is we have all the building blocks. We have all the pieces now, and back when we were creating Dramatica, one of the big things we were doing is sitting on the floor with all of the names we knew existed, trying to figure out how the elements went together at the bottom of each Class. Rearranging them in all kinds of different patterns. We didn’t know if they were individually arranged, if they were arranged by pairs, if they were rearranged by quads. If they shifted their position all over the 64 or just within a quad or the quads within a set, or what happened. And finally we realized that it was actually rearranging the pairs within the sets that occurred from class to class to class. Now, that rearrangement gives us exactly that feeling of one thing coming out of left field, because it goes from the K class to the A class to the T class and they have this arrangement each of which allows for archetypal characters to be created. However, when we move to the D class and use the same permutation, the last step of the permutation, we end up with archetypal characters not being allowed to be created. They violate that rule of not having the same two elements out of the same quad.

So, obviously we have the process under lock and key; it’s at work, we’ve already created it in a matrix. But, we don’t understand mathematically what’s happening. The point is the processes used to go among those are all the same. The shift that occurs from a K to an A to a D to a T; all of those things no matter which direction you go, is all a logical progression and it makes sense. But, the thing that’s changing that doesn’t make sense, is the way that we are putting confines on it. In other words, if we have three things that work one way, we’ve got one thing that works another way. And we are always going to end up with three one way, and one another way. And because of that, all we have to do is follow the natural progression of going from wherever we are through a second one, a third one and to the fourth one. And when we’ve gone through that progression, which is quite natural, suddenly we find we’ve flipped a binary state somewhere else, that exists automatically.

In other words, there’s no direct connection, no hard material connection between one binary state and the other, because it’s already hardwired in, and de facto, when you go through three of anything and get to the fourth one, the one that comes out of left field, it doesn’t come out of left field when you come to it with the process you’ve been using, but something else in an area you haven’t been looking has changed. And that aspect that has changed is the same on the first three and different on the one that’s changed.

So, in fact, it really hasn’t changed at all. All you’ve done is moved to a place where some new rules apply. And this means that the laws of physics as we know them are not constants at all. They do not apply everywhere, they have to fall apart when you take that final step. It’s not that they fall apart, it’s that something else applies and they don’t. So, moving from class to class to class to class when you take steps in a progression, you end up with that fourth step. Watch the fourth step, it’s a doozy.

Mental Relativity Notes | Anti-Mass, Negative-Space, Disenergy, Reverse Time

Transcript from one of the tapes I recorded in 1994/1995 while expanding the Mental Relativity theory of narrative psychology I originally developed with Chris Huntley.

6/27/94 12:20 a.m.

I was just thinking some more about what came on the other side of this tape…that moment when mass strikes mass, when mass connects with mass, and at that point, the gravitational fields between them turn into one gravitational field. In other words, they are no longer being looked at as two separate masses, but as one single mass, therefore it’s crossed the limit line.

What happens when mass touches mass? Well, we say that there’s a straight line progression; some sort of a linearity that could chart the distance between them. And the distance between them would be a line of some sort or another — either an angled line, or a straight line, meaning that it’s horizontal, vertical or some angle that eventually would chart the distance down to zero. And as it gets down to zero ( of course, that would be at zero – zero on a graph) a change in angle would account for acceleration. It could follow some sort of a curve even, but the end point of that curve would be at zero – zero; meaning that there was no longer any acceleration between the two, no longer any speed between the two, no longer any distance between the two. They have in fact become a single entity.

Now, it occurred to me that this is true when you are looking from the perspective of seeing the gravitational field become nil between the two, at the point that the two masses become one. However, if you start looking at the masses at a different fractal level, and you realize that they get closer and closer, when do they actually touch? Well, that depends on how much mass you have. You are talking mathematically about a single point, well, eventually they arrive at the same point, and that’s true. But, in the physical world, you actually have masses that are made of collections of atoms. These collections of atoms get together, and the atoms eventually reach a point where two atoms, one from mass A and one from mass B, come into conjunction that is as close as the distance between two atoms within mass A or two atoms within mass B. At that point, when the distance between the closest atoms from mass A and mass B is equal or less than the distance between two atoms within mass A or within mass B, we can say that the two masses have joined as one. However, they really have never touched, because in fact, in order for them to reach a nil point, where they become a single mass, we would not be able to chart it spatially across the size of any given mass. Mass A, if it is not a single mathematical point, has distance within it between at least two atoms, sub-nuclear particles, or whatever (unless you cross the border into quantum mechanics.

Within a single atom, the distance between the protons or the neutrons within the nucleus, no matter how much we sub-divide it, until we get down to the elemental mathematical point, they never will really touch, which means we end up with another hyperbolic curve as we approach that point, but in this case, the hyperbolic curve is not reaching a limit line of gravitational attraction, but we are reaching a limit line of physical proximity. And suddenly there is no more linearity at that point; dropping through the fractal levels, we see that at the mathematical single point there is a linearity, but anything above that single mathematical essence there is only “approaching the limit line”.

Now, because the two masses are approaching the limit line again, that means that we must be turning into a linearity in terms of the gravitational field. In other words, at some point, gravitation has to cease looking at that fractal level. When we look at the masses as occupying space, as opposed to just being mass, then as soon as they occupy space, that means in that sense, there is a linearity, or binary state to gravitation; where it is either there or it is not between two objects.

That binary state then hypothesizes that in the real world, gravity will cease at some point in the universe as we see it. At some point, gravity will cease to exist. So, one of the predictions of Mental Relativity is that in a real world in which we see that every mass must occupy space, and cannot exist short of occupying space, gravity at some point will cease to exist between them when the two masses get within a certain distance of each other, and that will be a curve or linearity of some sort.

Because of the nature of two masses getting close together, and if they get mathematically close together to the point that they become a single point, then what happens to the force that drew them together? It can’t dissipate completely. In fact, if the straight line comes to the point of zero – zero, because it’s a vector it must continue past zero- zero. Now what happens if you have two masses that become so close that they not only connect and become a single entity, but then pass through each other, right through each other. Not through the open space, we are talking mathematical points now that exist only in theory. We have 2 mathematical points that occupy no space, but have space between them. They get closer and closer through some kind of measure of distance between them, meaning that they have energy, these vectors of energy that are working in opposite directions. They arrive at a point of zero – zero at which they actually become one — that is the only point at which they can touch is when they become one. Otherwise, it’s only gravitational forces that are working. And as soon as they become one, then what happens to the energy, well they have to pass through each other.

Now that means the energy will apparently dissipate. The energy will apparently cancel itself out. Inertia is the force we are looking at here. Forget about acceleration for a moment because acceleration will show itself in moving the single point that has created out of the two points coming into conjunction as moving that single point in one direction or another based on the combined vectors of the forces at work. But, what about inertia when two forces come together, one moving from the left to the right, one moving from the right to the left horizontally across a straight line, they arrive at a point where they coincide and occupy the same point, not space. They occupy the same point because they have no space, only mass.

At that point, what happens to those two energy vectors? Does energy just cease to exist? No, this is what they think may be going on in sub-nuclear physics, but what’s really happening is that you are creating something where they pass through each other and continue in their different directions. Well, why is it then that we don’t see this happening in the real universe. When two things merge, they stay merged. Because we are working at a different fractal level here, and we are not talking about two objects actually coming together to become one. This is only what we hypothesize happens when we are dealing with nuclear fusion. When you are dealing with nuclear fusion, we are saying that two entities come together and give off energy and form a new mass. That is the wrong way to be looking at it to get any sense out of it. Because what’s really happening is that they are passing through each other. They pass through each other and move past the line of spatial existence. They move past that line and become negative mass. Now, we’re not talking anti-matter here. We’re talking tendency theory where we say something exists, but how firmly does it exist? With how much vigor does it exist?

There are always volatile atmospheres into which things can be created out of sheer probability, out of sheer possibility. Potentiality exists, but has not become manifest in any tangible sense. This is the way that things come into creation, out of no place– whether it be thought or an object. When something passes that magic point, the magic point is going from not existing to existing. But, that state of existing when you look at it as a binary means that out of nothing comes something. Newton said that “science was the greatest of all endeavors because it may allow us to determine why there is something rather than nothing.” Well, the fact is there isn’t really something and there isn’t really nothing…there’s all kinds of potential to become, and things have always partially become, but never nothing actually is — things are only in the process of becoming and they never actually aren’t, either.

This sounds a little strange I’m sure, but what you really end up with is the concept of negative mass, not anti-matter, but negative mass. Negative mass is something that has less of a tendency to come into being than zero. In other words, if two masses come together under opposite forces in a theoretical mathematical sense — two points that represent mass come together, but they contain no space within them, they only have space between them, then when that space between them becomes zero, the forces that push them together, push them past each other into a situation of negative mass.

Now what does this mean? This means that one of them must have been negative mass to begin with, because on this chart that we are looking at, we are not looking at two objects in real space, we are looking at one in negative space, and one in positive space. A negative mass and a positive mass. What you end up with is a sense not of anti-matter, but a sense of negative space and anti-mass, and the compliments then would be dis-energy or disenergy and reverse time. On one side of this limit line, and on one side of the point zero – zero, the single point is the conjunction for four dimensions. It works in four axis, and all four come together and converge at this single point.

When you carry each one of these axis past that point into the other half of it’s dimension, then taking each dimension and tracing it’s linearity backwards, when all of them are in the negative, you end up with anti-mass, negative space, disenergy and reverse time. Now, how can we tell which universe is mass, energy, space and time, and which universe is anti-mass, negative space, disenergy, and reverse time? Well, you can’t. Whether you are in one or the other, you can’t see the other one, because that point of zero – zero is essentially the “big bang”. That’s exactly what we end up with in the “big bang”.

In other words, looking at the “big bang” as being the collapse of the universe from existence space is essentially half the equation. It appears to be like the top half of a sine wave. Now when we look at something like that, we say wait a minute, there’s the top half of the sine wave and then they say here’s the “big bang” and then everything stretches out and then it comes screaming back to center and there’s the collapse of the universe back to zero. Now, what they look at is then immediately it goes from back to zero and another “big bang” occurs. But, that would be a series of humps on the top of the line. What’s really happening is that cycle going back to the other side. And when it goes back to the other side, we end up with everything we have in this universe reaching that point of zero – zero where there’s no space, no time, no mass and no energy, but that is only momentarily. It’s only when everything cancels out, but it’s inertia carries it into the other side, into the negative universe where we have negative space, anti-mass, disenergy and reverse time. At that point, everything will continue to flower in the other direction in an expansion.

If it’s passing through and going that way, something from the other side must be collapsing through and coming the other way. If you have the sine, you have the co-sine to put it simply. So that’s what gives the appearance of having a hump, hump, hump is we see on one side, first the sine wave half cycle, then the co-sine wave half cycle, then the sine wave half cycle. That’s assuming we sit out here in the universe and watch. But, we can’t watch because we are going to be passing through.

When we try in a theoretical sense to put ourselves into objectivism and look at the universe as if we could stand in it, but not be affected by it, that’s when we see these series of humps. If indeed, we realize that we are subjective viewers, then because of the subjective viewing of it, then that’s why we think it’s going to be a series of humps. In reality it is a sine wave and a co-sine and all of the others. Remember, in Mental Relativity, there are two new trigonometric functions, that’s why we had to invent “quadronometery” instead of trigonometry. We have the sine, co-sine, secant, co-secant, tangent, co-tangent and dependent and co-dependent. Those two extra functions describe time as it is separated from space, rather than there being a space/time continuum.

So, now we look at our notion of the human mind dealing with change, dealing with moving from one binary state to another. Suddenly we have some tools to deal with that. We have tools to deal with going into negative thought. If we look at the same concepts where we have knowledge equals mass, thought equals energy, ability equals space, and desire equals time, we can see it much more clearly in a subjective sense when we look at ourselves and say we have knowledge of something or we have anti-knowledge. What would anti-knowledge be? What happens when you unlearn something? What happens when you have a certain amount knowledge, and that knowledge diminishes and diminishes until it reaches zero knowledge of something — Forgetfulness is at work. And then continues on past that to see patterns that could not be perceived when you had knowledge of it. In other words, to unlearn a subject so that you can see something fresh in it. That’s exactly what’s happening when you’re talking about mass and anti-mass. You are talking about the journey into the creation of something that cannot be as long as masses exist. And it’s a natural progression for something to destruct as well as construct itself.

This destruction, this force of destruction, we all see extropy and entropy. And when we are looking at extropy and entropy what we are really looking at is energy and disenergy. What we are ending up with is a force that builds up and a force that builds down. A force that builds up to complexity by stretching things out, by separating them away. And a force that builds down to entropy by pulling them all together towards that single point

Now, as a result of that, when you are looking at knowledge, what is it that takes knowledge of something and disintegrates it down to no knowledge so that it can become a knowledge of something that could not be perceived as long as the original knowledge had existed, (the anti-knowledge). Well, how does that anti-knowledge come into being because the process of disenergy decays the complexity of knowledge It is entropy of knowledge. It pulls it down, down and down until it gets to a single point and then that exact same force of disenergy passes the limit line and becomes energy to build it up into this new anti-knowledge.

So, in effect, what we end up with is energy is at work until you get to the point of zero – zero – zero and then disenergy is existing with anti-knowledge. But, remember if you take anti-knowledge and look at it in terms of disenergy, it just looks like energy and knowledge from the other side. But, if you look at it objectively, stand outside that and say what’s happening as it passes through that limit line, then you can see the process of disenergy working to un-build knowledge. And it crosses the line and it becomes energy coming out the other side, that is thought which is building up new knowledge. In other words, thought and anti-thought. Thought appears to build up knowledge, anti-thought appears to tear it down. When in reality, the real anti-thought (from an objective stand point) is once you’ve gotten knowledge down to zero and thought continues and builds up another knowledge that could not have existed until the first knowledge was eliminated because it blocked a point of view — it created a blind spot. It created a given, and until that given was removed, something in contradiction to that given could not be accepted.

Therefore, from an objective standpoint, thought can serve to build up knowledge, but it can also serve to build it down, and when thought has built knowledge down to the point that knowledge is zero, it becomes anti-thought or dis-thought and anti-knowledge. Now, again, if we are comparing space and ability, what is happening when we end up with negative space? Well, negative space is the equivalent of negative ability. In other words, if you have a situation in which ability is degrading, until it reaches zero – if you have no ability in a situation, what happens if you develop an ability to screw it up? Well, if you develop an ability to screw it up, that’s even worse than having no ability at all. Not only are you passive, or unable to accomplish something, but you cannot help but dis-accomplish it. You have a negative impact on your purposes by merely acting. The more you act, the more it becomes negative.

Chris once said to me, “sometimes you have to push something to make it come toward you.” This begins to jump around a lot of different fractal levels, a lot of different frictal levels. It begins to talk about the relationships between mass, energy, time and space. Pushing something to make it come towards you. Well, that’s what happens when negative ability is at play. Negative ability is at play the more you push. The faster you go, the behinder you get. There was a book called “On Stranger Tides” that I once read, a pirate story about magic and pirates. And the magic was that when they got to the fountain of youth, they could see it, but the more they walked towards it, the farther away it got. The faster they moved towards it, the more quickly it receded. In fact, they had to take this surreptitious route where they moved away from it in a particular direction in order to arrive at it.

This concept kind of boggles the mind. It deals very nicely however with warped space, black holes and quasars. What you end up with is sometimes your abilities not only degrade to the point that they become zero, but that they increase in a negative sense, so that everything you do works against your purposes — that’s negative ability. However, if it’s coupled with anti-knowledge and dis-thought, what you end up with is a positive ability, because now you are working to a new purpose of anti-knowledge. Dis-thought is there to help build anti-knowledge in a pattern of increasing negative ability.

Now, the final point is when you come to desire and reverse desire. You hear about attraction and repulsion. How can they both exist? You would think that if desire is the effective equivalent of time in the internal universe, then we would only have forward moving desire. In other words positive desire. If we only had forward moving desire where we only said I want this, I want this, I want this. I’m attracted to this. That would be something that was farther and farther in the future, more and more of a greater pull. You could end up with the equivalence of the time dilation effect, where things would go from apparently freezing at a zero point in which you have no desire at all. Or they were going so fast that you couldn’t see them at the opposite side of the scale, which would be maximum desire.

But, remember in external relativity (Einstein’s), you have the speed of light which appears to be a constant, because we are looking subjectively at an objective universe. And when we are looking inside ourselves, we are looking objectively at a subjective universe. And because of that, instead of being the time that can’t be exceeded, the speed of light… it’s the space that can’t be exceeded which is the size of mind. In other words, desire – the size of your desirability is going to be limited, it’s going to appear constant. In other words, you have a certain amount of desire, and that desire will always be constant, but it’s mitigated by anti-desire, reverse desire. Reverse desire is repulsion. You are repelled from something. When you are repelled from something, here’s the reason that this serves as a good way for looking at the real universe, the external universe….we’re talking about being able to see within ourselves, both sides of the scale; past the point, zero-zero / zero-zero; which is where all four dimensions come together.

Inside ourselves, we can see us reach the point of negative knowledge, and then have anti-knowledge pop out the other side; clearly remembering that we used to see it one way, hold a certain given, a certain point of view, a certain prejudice, a certain bias, and now we don’t. We clearly no longer hold it and yet at the same time, we’ve established a new point of view that we can see that now we hold. No matter how open-minded you are, you’ve got to hold something, or you have no mind at all. We can also see ourselves having a thought process that is tearing down knowledge and building up new knowledge once the old knowledge is torn down to zero. We can see our abilities getting to the point that when we try to deal with something we’re only screwing it up, and the harder we try, the more of a screw up we create. We can also see that sometimes we are attracted to things, and sometimes we are repelled to them. When you begin to look at that level, you’re starting to look at things like magnetism, gravity, electrical charges. In other words, the weak forces of the universe. When you look at the weak forces and the strong forces and you look at gravity and you start realizing that there are going to be four kinds of forces at work, you are talking unified field theory here.

Unfortunately, the exact math of it all eludes me, because I’m not a mathematician. I have a sense of pattern, and I have a sense of changing patterns and how they work. So, somebody more qualified in math than I is going to have to work out the specific math. But, clearly an analogy can be drawn between looking at the external universe, objectively, instead of subjectively, and looking at the internal universe objectively. So, we have the subjective view of the objective universe which is how Einstein looked at things, and we have the objective view of the subjective universe, which is how Mental Relativity looks at things inside. Now, we can turn them around and say, let’s take the subjective view of the subjective universe, apply Einstein’s rules to Mental Relativity, and see how we blend different dimensions within ourselves. Which dimensions are blended, just like space and time are blended externally? And we can also turn around and take Mental Relativity and say, “let’s separate things and take an objective view of objectivity, of the objective universe outside ourselves and split all the dimensions.”

Now, when we take Einstein’s and we look inside ourselves, we say, O.K., in Einstein’s universe, all of us, the entire species looks at space and time as being blended together. They become one space / time continuum. Inside, we end up with it now being the same way for all people. We look at men and we look at women, and we look at the spatial brain operating system and the temporal brain operating system.

What we end up with is inside we are blending different yardsticks. In other words, men are going to blend ability and desire, and women are going to blend knowledge and ability. Now, when they blend knowledge and ability together, knowledge and ability is essentially one thing. The more you know, the more you are able. To men those separate entities. But, they (men) blend ability and desire. If there’s no desire, there’s no ability, because they can’t motivate themselves. If there’s no ability, there’s no desire, because why want something you can’t do. They’ve locked those together.

So, what have we created now, between the external universe and the internal universe? We’ve created a triangle; a triangle which says here is everybody looking at the universe as a space/time continuum — we all share that view, that’s the intrinsic one to us. Remember, we can learn other ways of looking at it, but that’s the intrinsic one, the one that operates with our own brain operating systems. That’s the commonalty between male and female minds as we see space and time blended together. However, when we look at our own inner minds, we can clearly see that there are two separate species– the male mind or space operating system, or the female mind — temporal brain operating system. And as a result of these two minds, we’ve created a triangle now.

But, as we know in mental relativity, everything is in a quad. And what’s the missing piece? The missing piece is when we start applying Mental Relativity of the objective view of subjectivity, and use the objective view of objectivity in Einstein’s universe. And the moment we do that, is when we have to then split space and time; (on the other side of this tape) looking at wave length and frequency to see what’s really going on, realizing there’s the sine and the co-sine, realizing that there is anti-mass, and negative space and disenergy and reverse time and realizing that those things do not exist independently.

Mental Relativity Notes | Tendency and Probability

Transcript from one of the tapes I recorded in 1994/1995 while expanding the Mental Relativity theory of narrative psychology I originally developed with Chris Huntley.


A new insight into the difference between tendency and probability: We are looking at holistic systems. We would be looking at two concepts. Either a series of points that are connected by some kind of relationship or glue as it were, or a series of foci in which (like gravitational fields) a number of points exist at which gravitation is at a max but not one single point, many points spread about. And their influence is felt to some degree, holistically all the way across the space in between.

These two views – of gravitational pulls that focus at a particular point, or have their greatest intensity at a particular point, and then spread out at all directions, influencing with their ripples, as it were, all the way to the edges of the closed system, as opposed to a number of individual points that do not influence anything at all in their existence and are merely connected by some kind of relationship or process at work that involves both of them – these two views are both present.

The particulate view which would look at, for example, an asteroid, every speck of material as being something that exerts an influence on other pieces – an influence in terms of if one smashes into another, it can transmit some of it’s energy to the other one, which would then continue barreling off through space and smash into something else.

When we look at the aspect of interconnectedness and a holistic closed system, such as astrophysics, we would find that the particulate or spatial way of appreciating it would look at the billiard ball effect, of one thing ramming into another, and transferring force which is a vector containing both direction and degree. So, vector science is going to be a particulate appreciation.

However, the appreciation of the gravitational wells, as they were, the gravitational pools that exist within the universe, those are the tendency appreciation. Now, what’s the difference between tendency and probability in relationship to this? In terms of probability, we are looking at items that are particulate in nature: defined, spatial points, vectors, and we are saying that each one of these particular points, some of them will have an effect, and some of them won’t. Meaning that it’s a binary situation that exists, a digital situation, in which something is either a zero or a one, and we can say that a close call doesn’t mean anything.

The old expression that close is only good in horse shoes is equally applied to astrophysics when you are looking at a particulate or vector view, a spatial view. At that point, what is close has absolutely no effect, because even if an asteroid comes within fractions of an inch of another asteroid, but they do not actually touch, there’s going to be no interaction at the vector or particulate level, because no energy will be transmitted by that means, via direct contact. In other words, it’s still a zero until it touches, and then it’s a one.

Now the difference between the two, what bridges the gap between a zero and a one. How can we say that something is closer and ever closer and ever closer? Because there’s a second force at work, which is the tendency part of it. Rather than saying here’s a particulate view dealing with vectors and absolutely touching one piece to another as in billiard playing, we look at gravitational fields much more like magnets where you can say that the closer two magnets get to each other, the more of an influence they will have on each other, without actually touching. Now, the key to all this, is that both forces are at work at the same time.

Now, the error in the way that Einstein was looking at relativity was that he was combining the two and saying that they are intrinsically connected. In other words, whenever you see an item of mass in the Universe, it is producing a gravitational field that is warping space and that’s the second part of the same force. In other words, there is a single event that occurs which is the existence of an item. And by existing, it warps space, creating this gravitational force. That’s a very causal relationship, even if you look at it as being non-causal, more holistic and seeing the two exist simultaneously, there still connected in so far as Einstein’s theory would allow.

This is because he is looking at the universe from an inside perspective; a subjective view in which only three things are possible. You look at energy, you look at mass, and you look at Space/Time. You cannot see space and time as being independent. This is the same problem we have when we look at the speed of light as being a constant. It’s only a constant because the two aspects of the speed of light, speed being both space crossed and the time that it takes to cross it, those two items are held together, bounded together, locked together as a view saying that when one goes up, the other one goes down, and in direct proportion — meaning that it appears to be a constant.

In fact, it’s really wavelength vs. frequency. The wavelength of light times the frequency of light. Frequency is an estimation of speed based on time. It says how often you see a complete cycle. Whereas wavelength is an estimation of speed based on space. Where you are saying how long is this cycle? So, because space and time are bonded together in space/time in Einstein’s relativity, we end up unable to separate them, which then results naturally in the assumption that any particle that exists in nature, will be associated with a specific gravitational effect that is intrinsic to that item, but it’s really not intrinsic.

When we look at the difference in Mental Relativity between probability and tendency theory. In tendency, again, we’re going to say here is the gravitational part of the argument. The gravitational part says that when two asteroids pass close to each other, even if they are on opposite sides of the universe, they are going to be having an impact because of their gravitational effect, which is holistic, and as predicted by Mental Relativity, is not something that exists as waves that ripple out; at least not from a spatial perspective.

From a spatial perspective, it’s only going to be perceived as a force that is synchronously applied all throughout the universe. In other words, it doesn’t take any amount of time for gravity from a particle that comes into existence out of energy. For example, if we were to create fusion, and create a particle that’s heavier than the particle that existed before. When we do that, that new particle, that extra mass that has been added at a particular point in space is immediately going to have an impact on the far side of the universe. It doesn’t take a billion years to get over there. It seems instantaneous from a spatial perspective.

In reality, if we look at it from a temporal perspective, we are going to see that this particular effect does appear as waves, but only as waves in terms of time; in terms of frequency, not in terms of wave length, not in terms of space. So, when these two asteroids pass in space, even if they don’t connect directly and have a vector impact, or spatial impact on each other, they do have a gravitational impact, and that occurs all the time, not just when they get close. It accentuates when they get close, and if we look at the mathematical curve of this particular relationship, we are going to see that as they approach each other, the greatest distance is passed between them, with no appreciable increase, it’s very, very small. But, we end up with a hyperbolic approach of a limit line, when we get in closer proximity. And in fact, it gets to the point where the gravitational effect between the two particles reaches the point that when they actually connect and touch each other, they become a single particle as far as the gravitational field. The fields merge because they can no longer be identified as separate. That’s the magic moment, when it switches over from a gravitational effect in temporal universe to vector effect or linear effect in a spatial universe.

In other words, there’s no effect at all — zero effect of transmitting force from one particle to another as long as they are separate. But, as long as they are separate, there are separate gravitational effects they have upon each other in a sense of holism, of synchronous holism. As soon as they get close enough that this limit line is being approached, and they actually touch each other, then the limit line has been breached. They are now on the other side and essentially there’s a straight line coming down the middle, and from the left moving towards the middle, is a hyperbolic curve approaching that limit line, that vertical limit line from one particle.

On the other side, coming from the right towards the center is a gravitational effect approaching that limit line from the other side. And when the two actually touch, then at that point they actually reach the limit line, it becomes a straight line — straight line instead of a hyperbolic curve. And it describes then instead of a gravitational relationship between the two, there is a particulate relationship between the two, dealing with the transfer of energy or power from one to the other — a vector transfer. So, the two exist simultaneously in terms of their potential, but in terms of their actuality, only one of them can exist at a time, and it’s the switching back and forth between the temporal and spatial perspectives; between the tendency and the probability, that creates the flip of the binary switch; going from spectral appreciation, to analog appreciation.

Now, in terms of probability and tendency and the more common usage of looking at likelihood — likelihood, again blends two concepts. And these two concepts that we are talking about are when you say, “what’s the probability of any given interaction between a number of pieces and a number of other pieces?” You’re saying that some will be interacting, and some won’t be interacting. In other words, it’s definitely a binary situation, a zero or a one. You’re going to say out of one hundred pieces, 85 will be in a particular state. Well, that’s a probability. It’s saying it doesn’t matter which one, 85 will be in that state, and the other 15 of the hundred will not be in that state. And because of that you are saying essentially those 15 are not participants, because they are not in the state that you desired, they may be zeros. And the one’s would all be the 85, 85% probability — that would be a way of looking at those that actually are going to interact. But, there is no specificity as to which ones will interact, and which ones won’t. In fact, it really doesn’t matter, that appears to be the realm of chaos in a vector appreciation of things. We can’t tell which ones will interact, and which one’s won’t interact. That’s one way of looking at likelihood.

But, there’s a second way of looking at likelihood which is the temporal perspective. And in terms of that dealing with tendency theory, we’re saying that each one of these items has perhaps 85% of it’s force is attracted to something, and 15% of it’s force is repulsive to something. Meaning that overall, there is a tendency to try to become part of that one state out of the zero state that is 85 compared to 15 factors at force that are repelling or against transmuting it’s state. That is a little different view, because instead of saying that everything is either a zero or a one, this says that everything has a tendency to be a one, 85% of the time. So, looking at that view, we can say that every single particle out there has a tendency towards something, and a tendency away from something. And if you say the tendency of these items can be grouped as having the same tendency, then they can be classified as the same thing. If they have different tendencies, they are not the same thing.

So, likelihood and chaos in a temporal sense, have to move into a different place to hide, because we’re illuminating in a different area, by looking at this different appreciation of likelihood. In other words, we can’t just say that chaos is which ones will do what, because that is the spatial view. In this one, chaos, for this particular one — will it or won’t it? So, we move down to looking at the particulate nature because we are looking at the relationship of tendency; the gravitational field among all of them. Whereas, when we look at the particulate view of the holism then we are going to look at the temporal sense of how many within a given amount of time are going to be in one state or another at any given point in time. So, in other words, when we take a temporal view, we end up with spatial chaos. When we take a spatial view, we end up with temporal chaos.

Now, that leads us right back to the relativity again, meaning that in order to fully understand what’s going on in astrophysics, we have to look at wave length and frequency as separate, and we have to realize that the frequency can change, without affecting the wavelength. And for the frequency to change without affecting the wave length requires that the speed of light not be a constant. The only way the speed of light cannot be a constant, is if we separate the spatial and the temporal sides and say that energy and mass are also involved, so that when we are looking at energy and mass in relationship to space and time, when time goes up, if space does not change to go down, then the compensation must be made up elsewhere, in terms of energy and mass. In other words, energy and mass do not merely transmute one to another, as Einstein said, with the speed of light being a constant. But, in fact, time, space, mass, and energy all transmute between each other, but we are only going to be able to observe two of them, because we are standing on the other two to measure that, when we are looking at the universe from the inside.

Because of the way our species is made up, we share a commonalty of being able to look at space time as our measuring stick and watch what happens to energy and mass measured against space-time. Therefore, we are going to see changes in energy and mass, and we are not going to be able to watch the differing relationship between space and time, because one goes up and the other one appears to go down. They appear to be locked on a teeter-totter, and there is no way that both can go up or both can go down.

Mental Relativity Theory | Point and Context

Transcript from one of the tapes I recorded in 1994/1995 while expanding the Mental Relativity theory of narrative psychology I originally developed with Chris Huntley.


“Point and Context”

When we stick a pin to our finger, the surrounding nerves become deadened to accentuate the location of the pin through contrast. There is a real impact on those things most closely associated with events. When we focus on a concept, our minds actually suppress the concepts most closely associated with that concept as a means of defining it (providing edges or limits to its extent).

This is the essential step if we are to see things as particles: first we must negate or make invisible their holistic relationship to surrounding items.

So, in focusing our minds on a topic, we also “defocus” on associated items. If we have properly selected the scope of our considerations, we create a closed system by defining the edges of it through focus, and all “practical” purposes we hope to achieve are accommodated within it. However, if we have improperly selected the scope of our consideration, we may be limiting out essential relationships we will not consider because they have been suppressed. (Of course we may err by selecting too broad a scope in which the variables become unmanageable).

However, the impact of proximity occurs not only spatially, but temporally as well. And in fact, when we consider a topic, considerations that are most similar to the MEANS or PROCESS of consideration we employ at the moment are the least likely to proceed or follow the consideration in question.

In other words, manners of thinking run a full spectrum and can be seen as separate mental techniques only if differences in processing are identified. To see a process at all in the mind requires defining a process to be seen. This infers a linearity. Linearity in the mind is only a slice of the holism of self-awareness, therefore, it eliminates most of what is going on in order to see most clearly a part of what is going on. The function becomes clear, its purpose, obscure.

But once we have defined a process, those processes most similar to the one we have selected to observe (in ourselves or others) will become suppressed or de-enhanced. So that the processes we are least likely to employ immediately preceding or following a given process are those that are most similar to it.

As a result, if our “fine tuning” is a even a bit off in the process which we “leap” to and select to use in considering an issue, it becomes much more difficult to make small changes in the pattern of our thoughts than big ones. It is much easier to embrace an entire new paradigm than to slightly alter the one we are currently embracing.

This leads to an inertia of thought, wherein our minds ride in “ruts”, leaping from rut to rut in parallel, never changing the course of the rut we are in, but just adopting another. In this manner, we focus on the ruts, follow their preset courses and the ridges between the ruts become our temporal blind spots. We never see the tracks that guide us, only the paths we take.

When we think in waves, we see linearity. When we think in linearity, we see waves. But this is only half the picture. This is the methodology of the spatially oriented mind – the male mind. All understanding of process is divided into waves or lines (lines describing the paths taken by particles). This is because a true spatial view cannot be employed consciously in the male mind for it forms the foundation of the male mind itself.

Women have learned to adapt to this perspective (for women are able to jump between a male or female view of time, but cannot see the male perspective of space. Whereas, men can see the male perspectives of space or time, but cannot see the female perspective of time.)

A third appreciation of our environments and ourselves is available through the female mind’s appreciation of time, which sees time as objects, but not defined in the male sense, rather as gravitational pools of time in which all things are related not by their natures but their contexts. This is the view from which we determine that a slap in the face followed by a scream is not the same as a scream followed by a slap in the face.

Our view in traditional male models of priority tends to create recipes for what components are included in a phenomenon and how they are arranged. This would be like a recipe for a cake. This is so intrinsic to male thinking, however, that it is seldom looked at as a process at all that one must bake the cake BEFORE putting on the frosting. In other words, pillage THEN burn!

This comes so naturally to male thinking that it is not considered as intrinsic to the process itself. However, the oft-touted “female intuition” is nothing more than a series of seemingly unrelated events that indicate a temporal order of process by which the forces that precipitate a paradigm-shift leave a signature trail.

Women intuitively respond to the temporal relationships between these signatures, continually reevaluating the holistic meaning of the order in which processes are applied. As a real-life example, look at how women respond differently to a husband or boyfriend remembering her birthday without being reminded vs. WITH being reminded. It is the notion that a process needed to be applied as a catalyst (the temporal process signature) that changes the context of the process of receiving flowers or a gift.

To a woman, that difference is binary. To a man, it is a matter of degree. And therein lies the essential differences in evaluation – particle vs. wave.

Remember, of the three things men and women can see between them, one is uniquely male, one uniquely female and the other common ground. The fourth part of the quad is chaos itself. This is the subjective view. In the objective view, chaos is cut out of the picture, since we can know nothing about it. We then divide our information into fourths instead of thirds. In this view, one domain is wholly male, one wholly female. A third domain is seen as particle (or binary) by men and wave (or spectral) by women. The fourth is the reverse, wave to men and particle to women.

It is this “objective” view, which is really a pseudo objectivity taking three perspectives and dividing them into four places, that is the male view. It shows men and women as being completely opposite.

The “subjective” view, which is only subjective because we cannot see more than this, ignores chaos and sees only three perspectives existing. This is the female view for it does not allow for randomness but only holism, and sees men and women as having one unique place to be and one place of shared common ground.

These views are reflected in our determination of sympathy or empathy for a Main Character in a story due to (for men) male or female, and due to (for women) timelock or optionlock. Two different standards of measurement for the same topic of consideration.

In closing, think about the two standards of measurement for the same topic, versus the alternative of the same standard being applied to different topics. Men and women may agree on the same thing, but they will be seeing it in two completely different ways. Or, they may look at an item the same way and see two completely different things. From a spatial perspective, men and women will never fully line up and see eye to eye. From a temporal perspective, men and women can agree part of the time.