Transcript from one of the tapes I recorded in 1994/1995 while expanding the Mental Relativity theory of narrative psychology I originally developed with Chris Huntley.
June 29, 1994
We’ve talked frequently about the concept of justification and trying to get down to first level justification where we are dealing with thought, knowledge, ability and desire directly. In fact, it’s not really getting down to first level justification, because thought, knowledge, ability and desire are the intrinsics that we feel based on our genetic programming, so they can’t truly be accessed consciously.
Now, according to mental relativity theory, genetic programming occurs in the DNA. And it is mean average of all the experiential database of every creature that lived, up until the point that it procreated. In other words, our own genetic code is being altered by our own experience, changing the value of instinct, based upon the experience of the individual. However, the individual is averaged in with everything that came before meaning that we end up with a very heavy base of instinct that’s very hard to change.
Now, I’m sure there is a mechanism for that base of instinct to be balanced against current experience in such a way that experience does have an impact even in one life span of something of a great and catastrophic nature. It’s going to really offset the programming that’s already in there. For example, if someone leads a life which is very close to instinct, there’s not going to be much change in the genetic base. It’s not going to add anything to it, it’s not going to alter it.
However, if one leads a life that’s completely contrary to instinctual base, then in that case, it’s going to alter it considerably more. Still in all the weight is with the instinct, with the genetic code. And the change that occurs in it is not that great in the course of a life span. However, now we get to today’s society. And in today’s society, we have no direct connection with survival. We’ve gotten so many generations away from survival. We don’t have to farm, we don’t have to hunt. We don’t have to defend ourselves in general against wild animals or even against our own kind, because of society.
Now, as a result, all the instincts that we have are no longer applicable, in a very short time, because civilization has been around a lot shorter time than the DNA genetic memory of instinct. So, we find ourselves constantly having thoughts, abilities, knowledge, desire, all of these things that push us in directions that are not appropriate for our current society. Therefore, what we’re doing when we get our justifications in order is not getting down to first level justification, which would be purely operating in response to our genetic code, but rather we are balancing that genetic code, so that it’s completely counter balanced and then we can deal only on the basis of our current experience as individuals in society for making decisions, not just in response at all to the genetic code that drives us — that has been nullified or counterbalanced.