A Composer’s Sketchbook | The 1970s Track 69 | Resurrected Hope

When I wrote this I was at that point in being a teenager where you begin to realize that all the things you wanted to do when you grew up aren’t going to be just handed to you. In fact, unless you are really lucky, you are going to have to claw and scrape your way to any of those things.

Kind of depressing. And yet, at that age you haven’t become jaded or cynical. So while you aren’t looking forward to the effort and it does cast a pall over your dreams, you also believe in your ability, and that if you just believe hard enough and keep working you’ll get there.

Still, there is a suspicion that may not be true and that life may have other plans for you. And so, this song begins with some minor key progressions that end in hopeful major key, then drop off the crest into another trough of depression.

I particularly like the highly unusual ending chord as it was designed to have both major and minor key influences swirling around in the harmonics so you are not quite sure if it is a happy or sad ending (just as I felt when I wrote it).