A Composer’s Sketchbook | The 1970s Track 1 | I Love You

This is the first track in my Composer’s Sketchbook dating way back around 1970. Since then, I’ve composed and recorded nearly twenty hours of original music including finished songs with lyrics, instrumentals, demos, riffs, and hooks.

I’m a terrible musician and a horrible singer but a pretty good composer. So, you may be hard pressed to hear the diamond in the rough. Even worse, these recordings were made on an old cassette recorder with no noise suppression and very low quality. All this means the sound is muddy and the performance unimpressive. Still, I think you’ll find the music itself is worth your while.

Try to listen past all those incidentals as I did when I originally recorded these tracks. Embrace the concept of the music and imagine it in your mind as it would sound as a proper studio recording with talented singers, skilled musicians and all the power and finesse of today’s studio technology.

I know, but do your best.

Getting down to specifics, the original tape where this initial song resides is actually labeled as Volume 2. Volume 1 may still exist, but it has been missing for years. I sure hope it turns up some day as I don’t even recall the songs I wrote and recorded on it.

This particular song is a melody/performance concept on electric guitar with voice. No words had been written for it at the time of the recording and I never went back to do anything else with it. Still, hearing it again now some fifty year later, I really think it has some potential.

Just because an idea for a song is simply scribbled out to save it for later development doesn’t mean it didn’t have the seeds of a really good piece. So, perhaps now that I’m finally organizing all my early material, I might just revisit this one and see where I can take it.

My Composer’s Sketchbook is available on Amazon
with downloadable mp3s of every song, demo, and riff