Our Back Yard Sign on a garage near a gas station on our route Our home thermometer that my mom took on the trip. Steve Millerr’s eye, superimposed over a New York street scene Tray of hors d’oeuvres prepared and presented by my mom The amaryllis in our front yard Candid shot of mom returning home Fireworks and city lights superimposed over a flag Steve Miller seen through wavy glass A relative’s house in Chicago Nancy – a relative in Chicago Parking lot of White Castle Hamburgers (just visible on the right) My Dad, Bob, and Nancy Miller in Colorado Dave Miller My dog, Flop in Colorado Jeanne Miller Matt Miller Nancy Miller The Millers – Matt, Jeanne, Nancy, and Dave. Missing from the picture are Steve and Bonnie My Dad and his childhood friend George Gramlech in New York My Dad’s old high school George Gramlech Dad’s high school Flop on the road Grand Canyon Art shot into the shiny dome cap of a spray deodorant Our trusty station wagon Harper’s Ferry Series of shots of Harper’s Ferry Morning n our tent during our road trip from L.A. to NY and back. Mom We stayed mostly at KOA campgrounds. Sun, looking like an eye peering beneath the dark clouds of a thunderstorm Steer at a farm on a four of her area of Ne Hampshire by Dad’s sister Jessie Aunt Jessie’s cats Doris Ann Jessie’s Daughter Doug Jessie’s son Jessie Mom on the road Dad’s high school Geprge Gramlech’s mom I think my dad worked here as a kid Mom sending postcards New York City Niagra Falls Our campsite for the night Morning in our tent
In 1972 we took a second road trip across the country, this time all the way to New York City and back to L.A. Bill was going to come on the trip, but we had a car accident and had to postpone a couple weeks for repairs, but he had other plans for that part of the summer.
This trip included my mom’s home town of Chicago and visiting relatives there, as well as seeing where my dad grew up in New York state.