Is Your Antagonist Also Your Influence Character?

The Antagonist and the Influence Character do two different things, but both of those jobs can be given to the same person in your story. The Antagonist fights against the Protagonist over the goal; The Influence Character fights against the Main Character’s morals or philosophy. When the Antagonist and Influence Character jobs are done by […]

Is Your Antagonist Also Your Influence Character?

The Antagonist and the Influence Character do two different things, but both of those jobs can be given to the same person in your story. The Antagonist fights against the Protagonist over the goal; The Influence Character fights against the Main Character’s morals or philosophy. When the Antagonist and Influence Character jobs are done by […]

The Influence Character

Every writer knows a story needs a protagonist and an antagonist who battle over the goal, but equally important are the main and influence characters who battle over the message. Typically, writers recognize that their plot would have no tension if they only had a protagonist trying achieve something.  Without an antagonist working against the […]

The Influence Character

Every writer knows a story needs a protagonist and an antagonist who battle over the goal, but equally important are the main and influence characters who battle over the message. Typically, writers recognize that their plot would have no tension if they only had a protagonist trying achieve something.  Without an antagonist working against the […]

Your Influence Character is the Heart of Your Story

What is an Influence Character?  It is the one who has an opposite philosophy, morality, or personal code to that of the Main Character.  Over the course of a story, the Influence Character continually pressures the Main Character’s core beliefs, eventually bringing them to a point they must confront the possibility that their beliefs may […]

The Influence Character

By Melanie Anne Phillips & Chris Huntley There is one special character who represents the argument for an alternative point of view to that of the Main Character. This character, who spends the entire story making the case for change, is called the Influence Character for he acts as an influence to change the direction the Main […]

Should Your Main Character Change or Remain Steadfast?

Main Characters do not need to change in order to grow.  They can grow in their resolve. Brief Explanation: The Main Character represents the audience’s position in the story.  Therefore, whether he changes or not has a huge impact on the audience’s story experience and the message you are sending to it. Some Main Characters […]