Category Archives: Snippets & Bits

Life or Something Likes It

Another me and Teresa conversation:

Me: If you create an artificial life form that genuinely, to the fiber of its being, enjoys something you find disgusting, demeaning, and distasteful, and you deny them that, would that be morally worse than having created them in the first place?

Teresa: Just because your robot likes being sprayed by a skunk doesn’t make it a good thing.

And there you have it.


If you are at a time in your life when you are broken and vulnerable, beware those who say, “I will be your friend,” and then ask you to pick up their laundry.

Coronavirus Cash

Concerns over coronavirus on cash have led some establishments to spray down the bills with alcohol. Clearly this is a time in which our national experience in money laundering has become even more useful.

Trump tells churches to open during the pandemic

To which my friend posted the following, leading to my alternating responses with his:


Matthew 6: 1-8



Amen. I did not say this; I was not here


Go ye forth, my daughter, and sin some more…


Woo Hoo! (Did I say that or just think it?)


Seriously, though, I fear your underlying message will never grace the cortical folds of the Great Orange Void, assuming that spongy amorphous mass possesses any.


Speaking as an anatomist, brain, being mostly fat (the insulation- the wiring itself is mostly protein), floats. Do with that what you will….


They all float down here… Still, one of my fondest memories when I returned to college after many years away, was the chance to touch an actual human brain – but it wasn’t too spongy as it had been in formaldehyde for freaking ever. I brought my daughter to class that one day, just for a fun lark, and she got touch it too. Years later, my father left his body to science, and so (my ganglia conclude through both temporal and spatial summation) the great circle of life remains unbroken. Spongy.