Category Archives: Musical Compositions

Composing music has always been my most passionate endeavor. Here you’ll find (eventually) hundreds of songs, instrumentals, demos, and riffs that I’ve written and recorded over the decades – many under my performance name of Tarnished Karma

On The Streets

This one is inspired by the television series, Miami Vice, which was playing new episodes at the time.  I wanted to see if I could compose something in the style of Jan Hammer who wrote the score for the series.  While I wrote this I was picturing Crocket and Tubbs, all scruffy and chic at the same time, driving through the rougher parts of town on their way to meet some drug lord as undercover agents posing as distributors to make a buy.


Back in the mid 1970s I was in my mid-twenties.  I had purchased a TEAC four channel reel to reel tape recorder and a Casio CZ101 synthesizer and could finally approximate some of the music I was hearing in my head while I played it only on the piano.  This is one of my early experiments with that equipment.  All these years later, I’m still pretty happy with this one.  I especially like the bendy organic sound to it.  It may be on a synth but it is anything but stilted or programmed.  It was all performed “live” – and recorded on analog multi-track – nothing processed or electronically arranged.  (Pat own self on back).

Not Quite

“Not Quite”

I wrote this piece while my daughter’s father-in-law was on the verge of succumbing to a six month battle with a particularly virulent cancer.  He was a kind and gentle man, always in good cheer, inclusive, and engaging.  His troubles began when he was putting on his sock one day and his leg broke from the pressure.  Turns out it was a tumor just below the knee.  The first operation scooped it out, but didn’t get it all.  A second operation attempted to stop internal bleeding at the site.  A third operation took his leg at the hip because the cancer in it had become too painful to bear.  A month later, it had spread throughout his system.  He went into hospice treatment at home, fell into fearful delirium for a couple of weeks and died last night, the day after I wrote this song.  While I didn’t specifically create it for or about him, I know he was in my mind when I wrote it, and so I dedicate this one to him.