A user’s email about StoryWeaver and Dramatica:
“I want to thank you for creating StoryWeaver — and Dramatica Theory, as well. I’ve been dabbling in Dramatica and Dramatica Story Expert software for several months now. I’m so impressed with it’s applicability to my writing. While I’m a novice writer, coming to writing late in life, I’ve found DSE has improved my writing dramatically, no pun intended.
I also downloaded your StoryWeaver demo software and started using it finally last night. I’m amazed at the process you’ve created. On my first try at Stage One: Inspiration: Plot: Nonsense I developed a few little ideas; then developed more meaning in them; and then integrated the ideas together — all according to the instructions outlined in the software. The idea I came up with on the first go is so fantastic and I’m now running with it. An entire novel’s worth of ideas, all from 3 random words. Brilliant! I’m so excited to have purchased this software. It’s ability to elicit creative ideas from such a simple exercise and process is remarkable. Thank you for creating it.”
Now that was nice to read….