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Deep Dramatica Theory
Certification Class

Taught by Melanie Anne Phillips

January 7, 1995

NOTE: The following material is an unchecked and unedited raw transcript from the original tape. Spot checks have revealed some inaccuracies and errors compared to the original, but for the most part this is a fairly accurate translation.


Today’s discussion is on Problem Solving and Justification. First of all, do you have any questions about problem solving or justification beyond what you’ve already heard. Any areas that you want to know more about, or anything that you’ve wondered about?

Q: Are you going to talk about blind spots?

I can. O.K., so blind spots is one of the things. Anybody else have anything else.

Q: For me personally, I am kind of new to the whole thing, so whatever we touch, I’m sure will be helpful.

So, let me start then with an overview, and then we will get down to blind spots. We’re going to cover a lot of different ways of looking at the same thing. And each one of the ways that we cover will be complete from that particular perspective. But, it doesn’t really describe how the whole mechanism works, because all of the perspectives we’ll talk about, and many of them we won’t, are part of the process, because they are all valid ways of looking at it. You can’t really see the process of justification for what it is, because it’s the way the mind works. And you can’t use the way the mind works to look at the way the mind works. It really can’t be done. All you can do is see after-images left by where the mind has worked. Or look at things that are effected by the mind as it’s working. And say, we can get an idea of what the mind is doing by it’s gravitational pull on the orbits of other things around it. So we’ll be looking at how the mind affects a number of different things, and from that try to get a feel for what’s actually going on in the mind, as it tries to solve problems or creates justifications.

First of all, the most important thing is the definition of what do we mean by problem-solving, or justification? Well, problem solving is when you get rid of an inequity. And justification is when you balance an inequity. I will show you the difference between the two. What do we mean by an inequity? An inequity is when anything is out of balance. Anything covers a lot of territory. But, that’s exactly what we mean. Whenever the mind can be aware of a lack of balance, between two items or two processes, or two places or two approaches, or coming to conclusions between two means of evaluations. Whenever they don’t line up, whenever things are not the same in a sense. Whenever things are different, between the two of them, the difference that exists makes them unequal. And that inequity between them can be seen as a positive or a negative thing.

If there was only one thing in the entire universe, and we saw no difference; it was homogeneous -- well, there would be no inequity. But, it wouldn’t necessarily be positive then, because there would nothing really. It would just be one thing, and since there’s one thing, you couldn’t compare it to anything. And since you can’t compare it, you can’t measure it -- and since you can’t measure it, you can’t evaluate it. You don’t know whether it’s good or bad, it has no meaning. It’s only when we sub-divide and have at least two things to measure between, that we can say, O.K. in measuring these two things, the fact that they are different is a good thing, or the fact that they are different is a bad thing.

When two things being different is a good thing, you don’t want to hang a picture to a wall with another picture, you want to hang a picture to a wall with a nail. When there is something that you would like to have, but you don’t have it yet, that can be a bad thing or a good thing. If it is something you are looking forward to and the joy of anticipating it, because you really expect to get it, and you don’t see anything that could step in your way -- Like Christmas morning, you look forward to it, and it becomes a joyous experience in anticipating, or perhaps a movie that you know is opening on Friday and you want to go see it, and you’ve been anticipating it because you’ve been hearing about it. So, here’s something you want that you don’t yet have, and yet that’s positive, because it’s something that you expect to get, and it’s not causing you any negative ramifications now, because you don’t have it.

In other words, things now are good. Things with that would be better. You expect to get that thing, and therefore, there’s no way that it could be seen as negative, because you expect to get it within a reasonable amount of time, that you would feel not like you’ve been anticipating it for so long that it was negative, because you look forward to it and look forward to it, and you look forward to it, like a career in the movie business, and it never happens. Well, that begins to get negative after a while, because you keep waiting and it doesn’t come. So, waiting for something for a very long time can be a positive thing, like getting a degree in college. Yes, you’d like it, but it can be very positive, because part of the excitement is in earning it, and every time you are making progress, you can sense that you have gotten closer to it, because there are a certain number of requirements to achieve. It has an optionlock, and with an optionlock, you can say that when I’ve taken this course, and this course, then they give me the degree. So, you can chart it off, and see your progress.

The real key here is not just saying there is this arbitrary amount of time that makes it positive or negative, but again, it’s another way of measuring the difference. The difference between how big the reward is, and how long it’s going to take to get. So, already, we have shifted our perspective. Originally, we just said inequity is a balance between two things when they are out of balance, or when they are different. Inequity exists between them. It doesn’t make one better or worse than the other, it just means they are not in equilibrium. That can be a good thing or a bad thing.

But, now you have to go a step farther than those two steps and say how do we determine what’s good or bad. Well, now we have to go a step farther than those two steps, and say how do we determine it’s good or bad. And now we have to weigh things against each other and say here’s the benefit I will get from it, which makes me anticipate it. Here’s the length of time I have to wait for it, which delays it. And so, the positive aspects of anticipating it, because of the size of it’s rewards, and the costs I have to pay at how long it takes to get there - to wait for it, those two are played against each other, and we see it as a positive experience or a negative experience. So, if it’s a great big reward, and there’s little waiting time, it’s a very positive experience, than a great big reward, and a long waiting time, it can get neutral or even negative. If it’s a little reward, and a little waiting period, it can be very positive. If it’s a little reward and a long waiting time, it can be very negative. So, it’s just a matter of balancing the size of the reward with the time we wait.

But, if we don’t have any way of measuring when it’s going to happen, then we get nervous if we can’t see progress, because there’s nothing to measure progress by. So, when we have something we’re waiting for, we want there to be either a timelock or an optionlock which ever happens first, which makes it even better. Because, if you have timelock, then you are saying all I have to do is count the hours, minutes and seconds until the film is released, and then I will see it, because I know where the screening is going to be. A Star Trek picture comes out released November 18th or whatever, ....then you say, O.K. well, I’m going to count down until the movie is released and see it. What an optionlock is, all that has to happen is I have to meet these requirements, and these requirements could be getting pieces to something, or learning something, or whatever it is , but it doesn’t matter how long it takes, it’s when you get all the pieces together and every time you get a new piece, you can see that progress has been made towards the goal.

But, although a time moves inexorably forward, so that it is constantly moving at the same amount of time, the same increments, optionlocks don’t move that way. Optionlocks can have three of them happen real fast, and one of them takes forever, so it’s a different kind of guide -- it seems a little more stretchy. But, wait, for a moment, lets stand back and look at time, and say how fast does time flow for us. Are there not times, when we are lost and daydreamy, and we go through incredible journeys, and seems like it’s been hours, and we come back and five minutes has passed. And other times, we take something that seems like it’s happened very quickly, and it’s really taken a lot of time, because we are thoroughly engrossed - how much we are involved.

And how much we are involved is a function of how many parts of the mind, how much of the mind percentage-wise or potential-wise becomes involved in the considerations. So, that when we are wholly involved in something, we lose track of time, and it goes faster, when it’s an external thing. When we are wholly involved in an internal thing, often time will go slower. And so the internal - external issue starts to come into play as to how we begin to appreciate the nature of these locks that show us progress towards resolving an inequity and determining whether it’s positive or negative. Whether it’s outside or inside, sometimes you see a mirror image of the effect. When you are wholly involved in something outside, time will be something that can go by very quickly. When you are wholly involved in something inside, time can go very, very slowly.

Time becomes stretchy, and you really can’t tell how long you have to wait for something because how long it seems when you are waiting for a doctor’s appointment versus when you are waiting in line in the supermarket or whatever. Time can seem to change - stretchy time.

There really is no wholly objective time. Objective time is made up of the change in mass in it’s relationship to energy. Subjective time is made up of the relationship between time and space, which seems like a contradiction -- using time inside and space inside. So, you really have two kinds of time. We label them the same thing, but one of them is time persay, which is the movement of mass because of applied energy, which is completely consistent and external to ourselves, whereas, inside ourselves, it’s not time, but duration.

Time is measured in increments. Duration is measured in speed. And the two don’t always line up, as we’ve mentioned before. It may seem like a lot of external time has gone by, but seem like it’s been a very short duration or vice-versa.

Now when we are dealing with justifications, the male perspective on justifications, is to look at it in balance between things. And the female way of looking at justifications is to look at the imbalance between duration and time. Which will lead to really neat tricks that you can use by members of the opposite sex or of the same sex, in order to play their justifications, and get them to do exactly what you want, or be how you want them to be; with a minimum outlay of resources on your part.

Men don’t have a good sense of how long something takes duration-wise. So, all you have to do to make men justified and stay with something is tell them maybe. Maybe leaves it open, and as long as it’s maybe, there’s a chance it could happen. When there’s a chance it could happen, there’s no way of measuring how long they’ve been hung on the line with this chance of it happening, which is why whenever a woman want’s to lean a man in any respect, all she has to do is say maybe. If she says no, right from the beginning, no means no. If she says yes, yes means yes. Maybe means yes, but later, to a man. And so, that’s the way they are going to read it.

And as a result of it, you string on guys, by just saying maybe, until finally he’s waiting is so long, that begins to lose interest. And as he begins to lose interest for whatever it is, then all you have to do is show them a little progress by unbalancing the inequity between things just a little bit. And as soon as you do, just a little bit, then they see progress and even note it. Then you can keep on saying maybe until they lose interest again. But, you’ve reviewed all their interest because they’ve seen something budge.

Now for women, women have a very good sense of what the overall balance between things is. Meaning that it doesn’t take much leverage in the external, real world, to make them feel that progress has occurred. In other words, no real progress has to made and they can be fooled into thinking that progress has been made, because women think that how long it’s taking, before she sees progress, that’s how she measures it. How long does it seem before I’ve seen any progress. Now, a woman is not just looking at step progress like men are. She’s looking at acceleration progress. She’s looking at am I getting closer to the goal, because progress is being made faster? Like a train looming up into your face on a railroad track. That’s what she’s measuring. It can start off slow, but it’s got to accelerate.

Men are looking for linear progress, where you’ve covered a certain number of tries, and it’s more of an objective view of progress. The more subjective view of progress which women take, is that things seem to be looming closer and closer. So that, you get that feeling of acceleration, even though everybody hasn’t changed speed, but has changed speed in relationship to you. And so, it’s a doppler effect -- it’s basically a female experience. When you want to string a woman along, all you have to do is to allow things first to accelerate a little bit. Now, that means that if you want a woman to do anything at all, you promise her that eventually she’s going to get something. When you say, when this is all over, you will get something. She will work for you without a timelock, she will work for you without an optionlock. Eventually, she will begin to feel that she is getting nowhere, and start to re-evaluate. As soon as you sense this happening, you give her a bite size candy bar, and put it on her desk, or a single carnation and put it on her desk. Now, she will say, "Oh, I’m getting closer to nice things, and therefore, the way things are going is accelerating, going better, because before I had nothing at all, and now I’ve got something, which is definitely an acceleration.

So, she will continue to work for you until she begins to sense, there’s been no acceleration. Now, because there’s been no acceleration. Now, because there’s been no acceleration, that means that the rose may have died, or the candy’s been eaten. The experience has gone a little bit behind. You cannot, and this is the mistake that men make in not being able to manipulate women, is give her another bite size candy bar, or another single carnation and have her feel that progress has been made, because she got another one. From men, as long as they are getting the treats doled out, they are going to figure O.K., I get one every so often so that’s how I am making progress, and they are continuing to pay me step by step as I do this job.

For a woman it doesn’t work that way. Next time she will want a full-size candy bar or a single rose or two carnations, because you’ve got to show acceleration. Now that means that it’s very important for guys in order to save their resources, when trying to get women to do things and force them into justifications. I’ll hold out a little longer to do the job I don’t like, because things are going O.K., and I’m getting faster at where I want to go to. Start out small. Use the minimum investment you can at the beginning, and give her the smallest thing that will renew her interest, and then next time go to the minimum increment you can that will show to her that things are better than they were, because she got a bigger prize than she did last time. You’ll find that the frequency with which she needs these -- Although she should never figure out that you’ve planned it out, so always go one day, one way, and one day another way. The frequency is roughly the same. They are like the railroad ties. She needs to have these railroad ties so often, but she’s not thinking that way, she’s just realizing that it’s beginning to wear off. And then she needs a bigger prize to be feeling like acceleration is being made.

Because for a woman, stacked linear progress, is no progress at all. For guys, as long as they do the steps being accomplished, they know that they will get there eventually, because they are charting it on a straight line. But women need to feel that it’s looming closer and closer. Because women deal primarily with time sense, and men with space sense. The space sense will demand that progress is measured by taking one step after another after another of equal increments if possible, until you’ve eaten away at the distance you have to cover, and you know exactly how long it’s going to take you to get to your destination. For a woman, she just has to feel that she’s getting to her destination faster and faster, because on any chore she’s doing that she doesn’t like, her interests are weighing faster and faster and deeper and deeper, and the baggage she’s carrying will get heavier and heavier, so that she has to feel that the end is closer and closer.

So, that’s how you would use the justification between the two. Now, what determines if one is justification, and one is problem solving? Well, as we said balancing an inequity is justification. Resolving an inequity is problem solving. Sometimes resolving an inequity is bad. And sometimes balancing an inequity is good. Good and bad have nothing to do with whether it’s problem solving or justification. It has to do with how you approach the inequity. Look at them as extropy and entropy, when you have extropy you’ve got building up, getting more complex; creating an infrastructure that is more and more gossamer. It has more and more connections to it, and eventually if you build it big enough, it will grow too weak to support it’s own weight. And it will collapse on itself or it’s gravity in the area is not strong enough, and it will just float away and you won’t have it anymore because you made it so big, that it just gets picked up by the currents of wind and taken away.

Buckminster Ford did some research and found that you could build a geodesic dome of a certain size that was so big that because the triangles you are creating that increase as the area of the outside, the volume is increasing as the cube, while the area is increasing as the square, and you reach a point eventually where the thing can become so lightweight compared to it’s size, that the slightest breeze could make something a half a mile across just take off into the air, because of the breeze. And so, that’s the physics of it, and the same thing happens mentally as well.

But, there’s that second force, that force of entropy that is trying to bring it all down. Entropy is not just a destructive force, entropy is the force that seeks unification, as opposed to complexity; instead of variety, singularity. Entropy tries to make things more and more simple. Simplify is what it’s really about in terms of entropy. But, that’s not necessarily a good thing either. If you simplify enough, you get to singularity, and as we talked about earlier, when you get to singularity, then you have nothing to compare things to and it becomes completely neutral. When you have complete neutrality, there is nothing -- no life, no thought, no movement, no inertia, no change, nothing. Look at the moment of the "big bang". Big Bang is the ultimate singularity. Complete expansion of the universe to an infinite degree would be complete complexity. It is my opinion that neither of these has ever been achieved.

There’s never been a moment like they describe in terms of the "Big Bang". Not where things reduced to a singularity. Because that’s a limit line that you approach. You approach and you never actually get that limit line. Eventually something throws you to the other side of the limit line and we’ll talk about that later too. But when it throws you too the other side of the limit line, you’ve never actually been at that moment of singularity, you’ve just gotten infinitely close to it on one side, and then you are infinitely close on the other and moving away from it, instead of close towards it. And this causes the universe to act like an oscillation, where it expands almost to infinity and then contracts almost to singularity, then expands on the other side into the anti-energy. Reverse energy, reverse time, anti-energy, negative space, non-mass ...That’s what you have when you go into the other side of the other universe.

And in fact, because all of them go at once, you can never tell when you are in the positive or negative universe. Because all you have to compare things are things that are either all positive or all negative. As long as this happens, things are working properly -- they oscillate between the positive and the negative, but it always seems neutral when you are in one or the other, because all you have are all positives or all negatives to compare it to. We are not talking about anti-matter here, we are talking about non-matter; things that not only do they not exist, but they strongly do not exist. In other words, their lack of existence is an existence of it’s own. In other words, it would take more than just transmitting energy to create mass. You’d have to overcome some inertia, against coming into existence first. Overcome the entropy when someone has a catalyst even to bring it to a neutrality where it could begin to exist.

So, existence is not just something that is there. It is a matter of how firmly it is there. And even if it’s not there at all, that’s just neutral, because some things have a definite tendency not to come into existence. A lot of things have a tendency not to happen. And some of these negative aspect, only if you’re negative can you compare them to the positive. And in fact, even in this universe, you can easily look at things and say -- Here is something that has a tendency to happen. Here is something that has a tendency not to happen. On any given day there is a great tendency not to have a plane crash. Within in the days of the year, there is a great tendency to have at least one plane crash. Because on any given day, most likely one is not going to happen. A lot of things have to converge to make the plane crash happen. And because those things don’t happen very often, there is a tendency for a plane crash not to occur, within a period of one day. But, if you change the way you measure it, and say now I’m going to show it within a year, you can’t predict any given plane will crash, but you can say there will probably be some crash of some plane within a year of a reasonable size jet-liner. Certainly within 5 years. We’ve never had a five year period where we haven’t had a jet-liner crash. You can almost count on it.

Plane crashes have a strong tendency to come into existence in the generic sense in a five year period. But, in a generic sense, within a one day period, they have a great tendency not to occur. Well, how can it be that day by day, there is a great tendency not to, and yet at the end of the year or two years, there is a great tendency to. When does it switch over? That’s that limit line I was talking about, that you never actually hit, but get close to. When does it change from being a tendency not to come into existence to a tendency to come into existence. How does that happen? When does it switch from not being to being? It’s a magic moment. And that was the moment I was looking for in the unified field theory, because it’s the key to understanding how everything hangs together -- it’s that magic moment. And it turned out that it’s not anything intrinsic to what you are looking at -- it’s intrinsic to how you look at it. It’s all in the context, it’s all in the perspective. It’s all in what you measure.

There is no point at which you can stack up the number of days and say now there is a plane crash. But, there is a way when you can go through a five year period and say I would be very surprised if there wasn’t a plane crash. It depends on your measurement. Where you begin measuring is arbitrary. And how long you measure is arbitrary. It works kind of like this...there are tendencies and there are trends. And they work in opposition to each other. Trends are when you see something and suppose you’ve got a coin, and you are flipping a coin. You flip this coin five times in a row and it comes up heads every single time. What’s the trend? The trend is it’s coming up heads. So, based on the trend, you would expect it would come up heads again. Now, what are the actual odds on any given toss that it will come up heads or tails? On any given toss? How can you say you expect it to come up heads if the odds are 50/50. Because there’s been a trend that has shown that it has done that. consistently, and one would expect maybe that there’s some outside force at work that is affecting things so that in and of itself, intrinsically the item under study has a 50-50 chance of coming up one way or another, in the environment in which it is being flipped, something is apparently affecting it to come up heads, and one could expect that that’s the inertia that it carries.

However, there’s another force at work. The force at work is tendency. When you have a trend that says it has come up this many times, what would you expect for the next five, in order to make the odds come out 50-50? It would come up tails, and that’s the tendency. Although the trends points to coming up heads, because of something perhaps environmental. Maybe though, there’s nothing environmental, and it’s just a matter of chance that it’s come up heads 5 times in a row. But, for the odds to hold true, which they eventually will have to, then you needs five times that it will come up tails, if all you were going to do is ten tosses. But see you would expect the tendency is pulling it towards coming up tails on the next throw.

Now there is the most interesting relationship between those things, because it has to do with like Las Vegas odds. Las Vegas odds in the long run and the longer that you measure, the more likely it will come down to the exact odds. If you put a slot machine in a Las Vegas establishment, and certain odds have been established on it, and it’s a brand new machine, and you put in one coin, and you hold down the handle, there’s no way anybody knows what it’s going to do, because the statistical nature of it, to make sure that the odds come out to a certain level, to a pay-off, can’t function with only one play. The odds don’t work out. The more you play it, it’s bound to pay anything off, assuming that it is functioning correctly. In order for that slot machine to be working at the proper odds, eventually it’s got to catch up. So, if it doesn’t pay off, and it doesn’t pay off, and it doesn’t pay off, and it’s done that for ten years, and it hasn’t paid off at this place, and it’s working properly, that has got a lot of built up tendency. And that would be a machine you’d want to play, because when you play that machine, then you figure eventually it’s going to have to pay off a lot, in order just to make up for all the ten years when it didn’t pay off. So, it doesn’t matter actually when you begin measuring or when you stop measuring -- it’s a subjective thing. So, that would be a way to play it at Vegas.

What is it that prevents us from actually doing that? Because you would think everybody could get rich from just by looking at somebody playing and playing who ran out of money and left, and they hadn’t gotten any wins, then that’s when you want to sit down and you will end up in the long run even ahead of the game, because you’ve already built up a negative potential on it. The point is it’s not even the matter of a starting point, because that’s kind of arbitrary, because there are many different places you could start, and any one of them to have the odds be right from wherever you start, they’d have to be equal. But, that’s only because you are looking at things in terms of time. How many times it takes something to do it.

You don’t look in terms of space, because in terms of space, you look at the casino as whole, and if you look at the casino as a whole, there’s going to be one machine there that just happens to pay off twice as much as another machine there, that pays off half as much, and another machine that hardly ever pays off at all. And yet they are all built the same, they all have the same odds on each machine. But, in the spatial scenario, some of them, just as a matter of chance, will not pay out very much at all. And others will pay out quite regularly -- but there’s no way to predict which ones will be which, because the minute you sit down at that machine and say "this one has traditionally paid off a lot". But, it may be that it will stop paying off, and another machine will start paying off a lot somewhere else. So, if you look at all the machines, and you see how much they pay off, they are all like peaks and valleys. They are up and down like bar graphs, and some are down negative, and some are high. But, there’s no guarantee that this will continue.

So, when you look at it temporally on any given machine, you can expect that the tendency is for it to be pulled back to the odds, whatever direction the trends happen to be momentarily. And the longer a trend goes one direction, the greater the tendency to go to another. But, trends and tendencies won’t tell you what it will do, because there are other machines, and when you take them all together collectively, they do the odds. But, collectively in that casino, one casino is going to pay off, more than another casino, because of the fact that it just happens in terms of chance that the machines in one casino are paying off at a higher rate than another casino. And you can go out wider, and wider and wider, and eventually you get to the point where the scope of the limit of your measurement, you can see no real difference. When we see no real difference, for all practical purposes, the odds are holding true and right to form.

So, you can’t win it, because whenever you look at it in terms of time only, you can see it in terms of space, we can see space only in terms of time, and that’s why we are trying to make other people justified. What you want to do is give them one of those things where they seem like they’re seeing rewards, and if they are not, look at the other one. And because all of us have the capacity within ourselves to see both time and space, but only one at a time as it were, or one being foremost, and the other one being secondary, because of that, if you can focus somebody’s primary sense, or the one they use first, and make them see apparent progress, then you can have them lose like crazy at the one they are not looking at and they won’t be able to notice it because they are seeing progress where they are focusing. And that’s the nature of focus and blind spot in a very conceptual sense is that if you are focusing on time, your blind spot is space. If you are focusing on space, your blind spot is time.

The only way to protect yourself against ills, is to vacillate between the two as frequently as you can, so that you look at it timewise, and then you look at it spacewise, then you look at it timewise and look at it spacewise. As you go back and forth between those very quickly, it doesn’t allow time for a lot of things to go through. So, is that what we have to train ourselves to do, go back and forth between time and space? No. Because going back and forth quickly between time and space is talking about doing it quickly which is time. And as result that means that we are ignoring a spatial way of doing it. And the spatial way of doing it is not to go back and forth between the two quickly, but to go back and forth between the two on any given subject.

So that whenever anything comes up, you make sure that you look at it spatially and you look at it temporally. Because if you go back and forth too many times, you don’t stick with one perspective long enough to see anything change. So, if you are going quickly, you are losing your sense of things changing, and then you are caught unawares when something comes up and bites you, because it was changing very slowly. You lose your long wave perception, and you can’t see gradual change. On the other hand, if you look at things spatially, and you see it all in space, and then you stop and look at it all in time, and only do those measurements, you don’t see change either, because you don’t see two instances of it from the temporal view and two instances of it from the spatial view, you only see one of each. So again you don’t see change. So, either way you’re screwed.

You can widen your scope, but the minute you widen your scope, you also open yourself up to more instances of trouble, so you can limit within any given scope how many unexpected things are going to happen within it, and how susceptible you are to them, but you do that by widening your scope of consideration, while only being concerned with this part. But, as soon as you open your consideration wider, then you are letting more things into the system which can upset things out here, that can ultimately change this thing and impact it in ways that you hadn’t expected. So, it’s a no win situation. A losing situation is a neutral situation, it all comes out to zero. And that’s what it really comes down to, is the fact that there is no objective way to say that things are good or bad, or right or wrong. But there’s plenty of subjective ways, because each of us is one of the little machines that we have as a slot machine. Each of us finds that in our life, we lead a charmed life or a doomed life. And we can’t really tell between the sense of a charmed life or a cursed life -- we can’t predict if it’s going to continue. Some people are so lucky, one thing after another happens to them; everything good, they die happy, never have any problems, worries or fears. Other people suffer from the moment they are born, and live a long suffering life and go to their graves feeling miserable. How can you predict, how can you determine, how can you protect yourself?

Well, the only thing you can do for a subjective viewpoint, is unlike a slot machine, you can change your odds. You can change your odds by shifting context. When you shift context, that’s when you justify, because then you are balancing inequities. If you steal yourself against inequities, and try to snuff the inequity at their source, then you are problem solving. And here we have the beginnings of do-ers and be-ers and change and steadfast. Where people balance and where people snuff, differs between do-ers and be-ers. Everybody snuffs and everybody balances. If you are a be-er, you are going to have a tendency to snuff internally, and balance externally. For example, you have two kids and you’ve got one piece of cake. Both of them want the piece of cake, and they are arguing and screaming when you walk into the room. Now, a be-er will try and balance things by saying, "O.K. who got the cake out?" or you could say, "You get the cake this time, you’ll get the cake next time" and balance it out that way. That would be a balance.

And when they snuff things it would be that there’s only one thing, and they know that only one kid can have it and not the other one; maybe there’s an award, or something that can’t be divided or something, and you give it to one kid or the other, because you have to make a choice. And you realize the inequity, that you have to snuff it inside. So, you do the work inside of trying to snuff it inside, so you do the work inside of trying to snuff your feelings, or you do the work outside and try to balance things off. "Oh, well here’s this jacket that was sent to us, there’s only one jacket, and you have a jacket and instead you get the beach ball." So, you try and balance things off, so that you make up for it. We are making things up on the outside, robbing Peter to pay Paul, and that’s something a be-er does.

Whereas a do-er is somebody who is going to try and snuff the problem outside. They would be the ones to divide the cake up. They would say, either you each share it or nobody gets anything. They put the balance in a different direction and they were trying to balance things inside, and they were balanced inside by saying, "Yes, I know that it’s not fair to this one not to get the cake or jacket, but this person needs the jacket more because they are out in the cold more, so that’s why they are going to get the jacket and the other one is not going to get a jacket." So, they would balance inside. And you will see that the approach between do-ers and be-ers is that often in terms of items that have to be divvied up, of which there aren’t enough, do-ers will seem to rely on an analytical external view, and inside they seem to be heartless, in situations where there isn’t enough to go around. Whereas, be-ers seem to miss the point, because be-ers are trying to give oranges to satisfy a taste for apples, in external situations.

So, anyway the one who tries to balance inside is the do-er, and snuff it outside, just take action, precipitous action to make it work itself out -- to resolve it. Whereas, the be-er is going to try to resolve it inside, and then take action to balance it outside. And that doesn’t mean change or steadfast. Change or steadfast means do you try that and if it doesn’t work, do you keep trying it another way or do you drop the other’s approach; shift your internal and external places where you want to do it. That’s another way of looking at change and steadfast.


Q: Does Change or Steadfast always affect your approach?"

Not necessarily -- It doesn’t have to because sometimes problems aren’t between the inside and the outside, sometimes problems are between the inside and itself, and problems are between the outside and itself. In other words, when you look from a "they" perspective, you’re not personally involved. You don’t have any feelings about it one way or another. You are a judge sitting on a bench and you have to make things work out between the parties, and you don’t have any favorites, ostensibly. And then in that case, it’s a completely external inequity you are dealing with, and so you are going to be putting all your work out there. The whole notion of being a do-er or be-er will be applied to the situation as to how you deal with it. But, change and steadfast will not have anything to do with it. Change and steadfast will be "do I try to resolve it, or do I stop trying to resolve it externally".

Whereas for an internal situation, in which you feel a certain way, or a lack of motivation for something, and you want to create a motivation for something, or you have tendencies or drives that you want to get rid of, you are working with yourself, and there really is no external manifestation of it, it’s yourself you are trying to work with.


"I don’t like being this kind of person, why do I say this or do that?" . "Maybe I can change myself inside." Well, that’s not really change in change and steadfast, that’s be-er’s work, and be-er’s working to alter themselves inside, because they are trying to snuff it, internally. And if they are trying to work with themselves inside, if they eventually give up on it, then that’s change.

And if they stick with it, then that’s steadfast. How long do they have to keep working with themselves before themselves change. Did they give up too soon, because whatever was holding them back was just ready to give because of their persistence in trying to think a certain way, in terms of zen or in terms of controlling our emotion. Could they have broken the back of it, if they had lasted just a little bit longer. Or is it a useless endeavor because they really can’t change that no matter how they try. That’s the leap of faith for a be-er, internal working person.

Do-ers and be-ers both have external only problems and internal only problems and problems between the outside and the inside. And when they are between the outside and the inside, both do-ers and be-ers can perceive it as being this is where it ought to be resolved; externally or internally. And then once they determine where it has to be resolved, what makes them a be-er or do-er is when they determine whether it’s inside or outside and has to be resolved, where they are trying to strike a balance. So, a lot of stuff is going on in that. But, change and steadfast is do you switch from looking from outside to inside, or inside to outside and the other one is at the crossfire, do you stop trying or give up on it. Or do you keep going -- inside do you keep going or give up on it. Those are the four change and steadfast issues in the change/steadfast quad.

Now, why would there be such a thing as justification? Why would that even exist in the species? Well, in fact, you can’t get away from it. The reason you can’t get away from it is because of the fact that we have either a spatial brain operating system or a temporal brain operating system. We either favor space or favor time intrinsically. Men favor space and women favor time, in terms of male and female mental sex. And why would this be? Well, in reality, outside of our minds, there is only mass and energy. There is no time, there is no space. They just don’t exist. They only exist in our minds. The fact that we have bodies, the fact that we sit in a room, the fact that we can see things and perceive them - all that mass exists, but the space it takes up is all in our minds, because it really takes up no space at all.

As a matter of fact, it doesn’t take up zero space, there’s no such thing as space. Space is when we have a relationship between space and time that favors space. What that means is that when we have a sense of looking at how things are arranged versus how that arrangement changes, the fact that things had any kind of arrangement is all in our heads, because we are putting a pattern on something and saying here are things that are related. And all those relationships is an order that we impose on the essential key of nature of energy and mass. So, whenever we perceive something as being arranged in a pattern, we’ve supplied the pattern. We projected it, we organize it that way.

Q: We can’t argue that, because there wasn’t something to perceive the space then there would be no way to say that there was anything. It seems that mass a shape to it, and because mass has a mass that can be great or small, then it inherently has something, that’s at least related to space.

Mass has nothing to do with size. As an example a black hole or a neutron star. Matter can be compressed, infinitely small by the forces of gravity. So that, it still has the same mass, but it’s being compressed, because it’s warped space. And what do we get when it’s warped space, it’s warped our perception of it. Which is the relationship between mass/energy and space/time. Space and time are subliminal, and mass and energy are awareness.

Q: But then what is the objective of a shared space, what is the great mind that space that we all seem to be able to share, the earth, etc..?

The best way to describe it is that mass and energy continue to move towards entropy. So, the external universe is the force of entropy and the force of extropy which is the increasing complexities that force us to self-awareness. The two of them are in conjunction and at the moment there is a trend toward self-awareness becoming more complex. The chance of dependency that eventually it will become less complex, or cease to exist at all. Perhaps it is so large it will collapse under it’s own weight or just float off somewhere, and no longer be in this universe. If it collapses under it’s own weight, it’s like what happened during the dark ages. Knowledge was lost, awareness was lost. The levels of thinking were lost. Societally, but individually as well, because there isn’t much difference between a cave person and a person of today. You have the same essential innate capacities of mind, but our thoughts are much more grand today because of the combined knowledge that we have; the complexity that has happened in society.

When different self-aware awarenesses come into being, the first one that thinks of a concept makes that concept manifest, tuned here to reality, just by perceiving it. In other words, instead of saying I’ll believe when I see it, it’s I will see it when I believe it. But, all existence comes from perception, from this perspective. Of course because were made of material that generates our minds, all perception comes out of existence. Remember we can never get to the heart of the matter because we can’t see everything, because we are part of the picture. So, we can’t step out of it, no matter where we place ourselves, that’s a part of the picture we can’t see. So, we’ll never get the whole deal. However, when you have a new concept, it could very well be that for millions of years the earth was flat. It could have very well been.

Now, why did it not stay flat? Well, it didn’t stay flat because someone created a larger paradigm that explained more, bordered more things. Created patterns of understanding that were larger, that required having a round earth. And describing those things that required a round earth, then allowed a round earth which accomplishes much of the notion of a flat earth, but also came with it the larger paradigm for understanding even more stuff, that before was completely non-understandable. And as a result of it being a larger paradigm, it shifted the perspectives of all those who were aware of it, and changed the nature of the way the world worked. Meaning that there’s still plenty of opportunity in terms of thinking about nuclear science and astrophysics -- in terms of looking at social movements. There’s plenty of opportunity for changing the way things really are, because we come up with another explanation for how we perceive them.

So, did this seem any less liked a chair, because we know there are atoms in it? But, once atoms were conceived and agreed upon, there where atoms in the chair. Until that was agreed upon, there was no need for there to be atoms in chair, because they’d never been thought of before, and so the chair could exist without atoms and truly be a solid material.

Q: And the effect of that versus making the world round,’s like if the world hadn’t changed in nature, they got all this false evidence created....

No. See that was the thing -- any paradigm that explains things, that has to replace one learning curve, has to explain everything the earlier paradigm explained and more. And that’s the key. Now, guess how that works? That’s why it becomes more and more difficult to come up with new paradigms that shift everything around. Now that’s what we’ve done with story. Until we came up with the notion that some of this was psychology, it wasn’t. Our own thoughts during the psychology of finding a way to make that explain using the psychological paradigm, yet stories were actually a psychology of the single human mind. As soon as we came up with it, that’s what they were. And the more people believe it, the more firm it becomes, because then you have a lot of people from a lot of different perspectives, a lot of different self-awarenesses, converging on a particular conception, so that they all agree with it. And they bring to it baggage from their own personal existences, that isn’t shared by the general community.

Although the concept is shared by the general societal community, the individuals don’t share it, they have their own experience, and it’s got to prove true to each one of those. As long as it proves true to each one of those, it is true, and that’s what it is, but if one of them says it doesn’t work for me because of something in my personal experience, then what they need to do is to come up with a paradigm that explains that everybody else’s point of view and theirs as well in a new light, and as soon as they do that, then that’s what it was supposedly all along, but in fact from this perspective, it only comes into being when it is proposed.

Q: Hmmm. That’s wild because it seems like almost contradictory -- it’s weird.

It’s a very big thought. And it’s the same place you get when you go to your passionate argument, and you begin to see that all is nothing and nothing is all. It’s as narrow as infinity. When you begin to see that and it makes sense, then you have become a model of zen. When you get this particular thought, you become more aware of mental relativity, because it really is one of the central places that you have to lose the paradox, in order to know that you are becoming one with that perspective.

So, all this is tied in then to our space sense and our time sense, and whether things are right or wrong, or good or bad, or whether we should stick with our guns or change. Or whether we should change from seeing the problem outside, to seeing the problem inside. Or whether we should see the problem as outside, still, but just give up on it, because it can’t be solved. Now, that by itself is an interesting philosophy, but it doesn’t come into existence until you actually creating a model in our society, whereby you can explain the mechanism through which it happens. This is really intriguing.

We are going to start with the neurology, and work our way through understanding justification in terms of the brains neurology about chemistry, and then we are going to work our way through mental relativity understanding, and then we are going to work our way through a psychological understanding, and then we are going to work our way into the final perspective which is external or physical justification. So, we are going to start with the physical part of the mind, and then go to the mental relativity part of self-awareness, and then go to the psychological part of the mind, and then we are going to carry it outside, and then bring it back to the body. So, we’ve gone full circle.

Q: Now, justification is a style of problem solving?

Well, problem solving and justification are two means for dealing with an inequity. When you try to get rid of the inequity, it’s problem solving, when you try balance the inequity, that’s justification.

O.K., so first of all, in terms of the neurology, there are a couple of models. (ON BOARD):

We have neural networks in the brain, and these neural networks are little things that look like little brains. They are called ganglia. There’s a left hemi-ganglion, and a right hemi-ganglion, and within it, maybe four thousand neurons are all interconnecting. Then they connect one to another and then you have all these little neural networks. That’s why it’s not just in neurology, because they are little tiny networks, within a larger network, with subgroups. And there’s a biochemistry that exists outside here, that all of these ganglia are in that effects them as a group. And there’s also a membrane of the ganglion, a little micro-climate zone, and one side of the ganglion produces primarily the dopamine, and the other side produces the seratonin. There is sort of a balance between the dopamine and the seratonin in the network. This is where our real space and time sense come from in the ganglia.

Our sense of mass and energy are kind of dealing with the external here. There’s this larger biochemistry and the big network. The big network has 4,000 neurons and if we look at it as a single entity, that’s like one switching point, and this is another switching point between themselves, so it has less resolution, than when start looking at what’s actually going on here. This matter of resolution here is that they would each appear to be containing our sense of mass. In other words, it’s there, it’s not a very binary sense, all these things work together and say yes or no. So, y ou sort of get that sense. Whereas, the biochemistry that works outside of it, is our sense of energy. That there is either pressure upon it or not, in a very unsophisticated way or less resolved way. When you get down to the level of the ganglia themselves, inside, it becomes more sophisticated, because now you are dealing with relationships between things, instead of just binary states between things.

And you have the enclosed micro-climate in our biochemistry is such that you have a neuron, and there’s something over here called the threshold. The threshold here is an electrical difference between the outside of the neuron, and the inside of the neuron, when you are looking at the axon. The axon is this body of the neuron, and it has its receptors, and it’s dendrites. And they all come up here and go to various neurons. So, all of these connections to various different neurons.

One of the first places we notice space and time is in the synapse, where the two come together. There’s some neuron over here that’s firing and when it fires, the way it works is down at the bottom, there are little spherical containers holding the neurotransmitters, that are created inside one of these little areas and shooting it out. And these things migrate and are attracted to the edge of the membrane, depending upon the degree of calcium that’s contained in this liquid inside. And the amount of calcium has to do with how frequently this is fired. So, the more familiar you become, the more calcium builds up. And the more calcium that builds up, the more of these things are ionized, and attracted to the bottom . And when enough of them are attracted to the bottom, what they do is they sit there long enough, which is where you get time - spatially you get a bunch of them down there. Temporally, they have to be there long enough. And when they are there long enough, then if you made one of these larger, with just the edge of this, with one of these things sitting down there, you go through a series of steps, where it begins to open up to the outside, until you end up with something like that.

Eventually, it just goes straight, but in the meantime what’s happened is that it has dumped it’s neurotransmitter in here outside into the open environment. And then your neurotransmitter is totally out, and the membrane is closed, so there’s a real interesting way that it opens up like that. And, if it’s there long enough, it will do this. As they are created, it’s are they getting close to the edge, and they are sort of like, do you have one here, and they are all lined up on the edge, or are they pointing out in the center like this. So, that’s going to determine how many are close to the edge, and we have how many are close to the edge. And we have how many are close to the edge, tendency because they are pulled there to stay there longer, and in greater quantities. And so it adjusts how much of this stuff flows out. It’s not just that you are going to end up with having it all flow a certain level. We can modulate it’s affect. So, even though it fires or doesn’t fire, if it fires, it could just be a little tiny fire, and there could be a lot of neurotransmitter dumped out.

So, that controls the amount of biochemical that’s going into the synapse. Remember, the synapse is the one that comes down here, and then it’s captured by the one that comes in. The neurotransmitters don’t just go directly from here to here, like flaming torpedoes or something, some of them go directly there, but they also spread out, and get into the general mix. Various atoms of the neurotransmitters. And as they do, they get over here, they get to work throughout the ganglia, inside it. So that whenever anything fires, that has thought that occurs. But, maybe they could be firing seratonin, or they could be firing dopamine. Or a lot of other neurotransmitters, but they all have the same kind of effect, to cause excitement or slow them down. Well, the dopamine has a tendency to reduce the calcium inside, while the seratonin has a tendency to increase it. So, it doesn’t just affect the receiver, it also reflects what’s happening here. So, that while you have something that is firing, and gives it a tendency to fire more and more frequently, at the same time, what’s out here, could be causing it to fire less and less frequently.

So, that means that there could be inhibitors from the outside that inhibit a specific signal coming from the outside. In other words, even if something is very familiar, coming from this particular neuron, from a sensory neuron, of which there are millions throughout your body, -- well, if one of these pathways says "fire" and the rest of the ones have something going on that say "don’t fire" its not going to fire, because this threshold is the difference between an inner and outer electrical energy, in terms of the ionization , and as such, that can be controlled by putting more ions of one kind or another inside or outside. And because of that you can adjust the action potential. All of a sudden the potential gets to this point, and if it hits that threshold, it will fire. When it fires, it overboards, spikes, and it goes down back like this and then comes just under it, and it forms real interesting wave patterns, a typical wave pattern. So, it’s going along underneath it., and it’s always ready to fire. Something drives it over the edge, then it takes up it’s own inertia, goes through the whole thing, and then after it fires it dips down, so that it will prevent it from firing, which is what gives us our binary sense. If it just came back down, being ready to fire, we would think analog, instead of thinking binary.

But, the very fact that it dips down, prevents it from doing that. Below the line it's not existing, at the line it doesn't exist - it's at that magic point. But, when it comes down below this line, it firmly does not exist, so it firmly cannot fire again , until things build back up to that level. Well, one of the reasons it does that is of course to build up more neurotransmitters inside which takes some time, so it doesn't completely wear itself out. And that's when you have people who are drug users who actually over-work things to the point that no longer does it have to sit there and it comes down like this... and as a result, it ends up almost continuously firing and never actually dropping below the threshold, and people just fry their brains, literally, because the current is constantly going. So, that's with the effects of drugs. And one of the effects of other kinds of drugs is to make this deeper, so that it actually lowers the whole scale, and requires more stimulation to bring it up to this point to make it fire, so you've got brain freeze.

But, that's what's happening at the neurological level, and it does effect directly the neurotransmitters when you are taking drugs of one kind or another, including coffee, smoking or breathing smog.

Q: If you took away the tendency to not exist, then you could have more firm beliefs in things that otherwise....

Not really because what it does is if you fill your mind with thought, you have no place for knowledge. And so you end up having to do a trade-off. Right now, the optimum balance between thought and knowledge exists in the biochemistry without external influences, unless there is something congenitally wrong with you. As a result of it, it functions very, very well. But, the moment that you start playing with that, one way or another, then you're either doing it at the expense of knowledge or at the expense of thought. They can see both effects in people who are taking different types of drugs, depending on what they are on.

Adjusting this threshold all the way up here are manic depressives. Depressives. They don't call them manic-depressives anymore because that's a bad name. But, when you have what they call a depressive disorder, it lowers it so that effectively it would be a congenital problem, and effectively you would have to take drugs like Prozac or Lithium or something to handle the overload in one direction or the other. Now, when you've got this going on, just with one neuron, all you can hold is whether it's firing or not. That's really all you can get out of it by itself. But, you've got something else going on, you've got the energy level that is lifting the whole scale up or down, and that thing is lifting the whole scale up or down is telling you that's the effect of the knowledge side it there or is it not? But, it's kind of a thought part, how familiar - a degree of familiarity that's being controlled by how it lifts up the threshold or not or moves it toward the threshold by changing that potential between the inside and the outside of the neuron. So, effectively that gives you your analog sense. Your binary sense is that firing is not, your analog sense is how close or how far away from firing is it being carried by outside influences. So, we get this cross-over and spill-over, and you could end up with a neuron that would fire, even though there was no direct stimulation, because everything around it was saying this is what's going on, and so this one goes along with it, because of the spill-over of the neurotransmitters.

Now, justification is happening at this level. Justification and problem solving. Problem solving is saying does this one get any kind of a response in from the neuron that triggers a fire. That's problem solving. However, justification is even though something says fire, I'm not going to fire because a bunch of other things around it have recently said don't fire by putting out dopamine and so it's put a damper on the whole idea, and now even though there's enough energy coming in to make it fire all by itself, the environment won't let it fire. That balances the inequity. The inequity is balanced because no response was taken by the neuron to it's environmental stimulation., because of conditional concerns, which balance them out. This is the smallest level that you can see justification and problem solving happening yet. And also it's the smallest level at which you can see mental sex happening. Because, I just labeled them problem solving and justification from a male point of view. When you respond to a direct stimulation from your environment, that would be problem solving for males. But, not doing it would be justification. But, remember problem solving and justification are neither good nor bad, their just two different labels. One is saying you balance the inequity, that's justification, and if you don't balance it , it's problem solving.

We talk about male and female problem solving and justification being reversed. One's problem solving is the other's justification. One's justification is the other's problem solving. In fact, for a female mental sex mind will be saying what's this level that says fire or don't fire, that's been created? Regardless, of external stimulation, my experience has told me that this is something I should do, or not do. I should react or not react or react a certain degree or certain level, or in a certain direction overall, holistically. Whereas, if in spite of the fact, that this is putting a kibosh on it, by putting it way down there, because of the external overflow or fall-out from the other neurons in that biochemistry. If something hits this so strong, or so repeatedly in a quick manner, that it makes it fire anyway, then for females, that's justification. You went ahead and did it , because your environment said so, even though you felt it wasn't something you should do. And for women, problem-solving is determining whether this is something that has a big tendency to occur, or a small tendency or a tendency not to occur. And that's why women are constantly gauging at how things are going, because they are measuring how close to the threshold the line is moving. Is it getting closer or is it getting farther away. Am I having more of a tendency to do it? Do I feel more strongly towards doing it,? Am I getting on the verge of doing it? Or am I moving away from doing it? That's because at that level of the problem of working towards your pregnancy, it's going to bias it one way or another.

It's either going to bias it up, where it comes very close to this threshold, and makes the biochemistry have virtually no influence on the way things fire, and yet all the information is going to be coming from here, from the neurons. And the neurons will take over as being the first line of defense, because they are the only ones who have any power in that kind of a scenario for determining patterns, and responding to the environment, which gives a tendency for them to be more externally oriented, because they are dealing with direct stimulation from the external environment, which is why the whole physical body of men is more geared towards direct physical stimulation. Whereas for a woman, it's more of a long term, holistic, wide ranging, average doubt sort of thing. It doesn't have any linearity to it at all, because it will be put down here, where this thing will be limited and you won't get much firing for two weeks as with men. And instead self-awareness will grow by watching the difference between in how close or far self-awareness is moving which in time creates waves. So, women become much more wave oriented, which is the emotional sense, whereas men become much more arrangement oriented, which is the spatial sense, because they are looking at specific things firing, as opposed to getting the overview of how things are changing in general.

Each one has as much detail as the other for different purposes. Now, why do we have this bias in there at all? Because if we have it set neutral, and you don't put that bias on to create self-awareness, self-awareness doesn't happen. It just doesn't happen. And it doesn't happen because of the fact that there's nothing to differentiate between what this is doing, compared to what this is doing. And in neurological firing versus the biochemistry, each are equally weighted with the other. And because they are equally weighted, anything that you would want to consider space and time sense, would each have as much weight and you would stand there mentally like a deer in the headlights, frozen because your mind -- you intellect tells you to go there, and your emotion tells you to go there, and you just stand there. You can't compare your reason to your emotion, unless one of them has a bias. When one has a bias, it becomes the yardstick, and the other becomes the one that is measured. And you can turn that around and invert it in your own mind. And when you flip it around and invert it, then you concentrate on the other one, but you're vacillating between the two, back and forth, you can't do both at the same time, or there's nothing to measure. So, your self-awareness to exist requires that bias.

Why do we not just have one bias? Spatial only. Because it has it's own blind spots. You're not going to see how things are changing in it's wave form. That's why things like culture and upbringing and cultural indoctrination in terms of the overview, not the specific ceremonies you go through, but the meaning of what it is to be a member of society is carried by women, because they have a better sense of it. Whereas for men, the immediate nature of dealing with problems and wars and solving problems and external things, that's what they deal with because of the neurology, and so each one of us, fills in the other's blind spot, which ties right into the evolution of why there are two different kinds of species on the planet, and why they require each other, and why they get together to mate, is not so much to mate to make babies. The species could have been created where they would create them without having the other side, but any of those to try it, would have failed to be viable, because they have a blind side for survival that they couldn't see into. And only when these two different ways of looking at the universe, which are completely different perceptions, get together and protect each other's backs, do you have a single viable unit, in terms of survival of the society. And so the body follows along with that, and each body going towards what is most appropriate to that kind of mental thinking where it sort of favors your strengths. And as it favors your strengths, it allows you to do what you do best, because of the kind of body you have. And then when two such bodies come together, you become a viable unit where you are protecting your blind spots for each other. And so, that's just dealing with a single neuron.

Q: Does someone who wants to become strong and decide they're not tend to be biased toward mental sex of a male person wanting to pay more attention to the biochemistry ... it looks as though there's not enough to pay attention to ....

Well, no because that only lasts for two weeks, and after two weeks it goes away and it's equal between men and women. The bias goes away. But, the imprint has been left in the self-awareness as to which you favor as the very foundation of your self-awareness. So, that's the thing, you could get rid of that bias, but you'd have to lose your entire self-awareness to do it. But, the bias is no longer biochemically supported, and as a result of that, that's why it only becomes that 25% tendency and you have the three other areas because then you can train yourself to be independent of the now neutral biochemistry.

Q: How is that biased?

Dynamically, on your very soft patterns. And to answer your question, when you have a single neuron, then you get multiple stimulation from different neurons, and then you go to different neurons eventually because they don't happen instantaneously, because neurotransmitters take a while to move across the synapse. It's almost immediate, but not immediate, but takes travel time. But, because it takes travel time, it takes a lot for a signal to move itself through the brain from place to place. As a result, it creates currents and eddies within the brain from the ganglia and between ganglia. So that these currents and eddies then cross their paths, and some of them undue something that said go this way and something else comes in and blocks it, and something else comes in with this one, and reinforces it, so it becomes stronger. So, when this kind of thing happens, then you are beginning to create internal thoughts that are prejudices, and that are biases and at that point you end up with the mind having that delaying factor which creates all the variety of currents and eddies within it. And those are all those different points of view that are created as a result of this sort of this kind of criss-crossing effect in the matrix, plus the delay factor.

Q: What makes those biases continue like when the biochemicals recede and what makes the tendency to do that, where is that 25% maintained?

Usually it works .... when you set up the patterns that are occurring, do the way the neurons communicate with each other, will then trigger's sort of like this, biochemistry has this bias and there's the threshold and the bias has been pressed down here. As a result, the brain starts to create patterns based on it being in this direction. When this moves back up there, because it goes back to normal, the brain that has the patterns being created will now try to press it back down, because the patterns were balanced when this was down here. If this moves up, it throws this out of balance, and this tries to compensate by coming back, like water seeking it's own level. So, the thoughts themselves, because the thoughts themselves are what hits the neurons and causing them to fire, causing new biochemicals to be released. And so this will have a tendency to try and make the level go back down. That's when you are imbalanced, which is why we are never imbalanced from the moment we are born.

Q: When does that rise, when does that level rise?

After the two weeks. It says right here zero, at neutral let's say for sake of argument. And let's say this is a dopamine brain, a female brain. So, it takes that level, it moves it down here to a new level for two weeks. When it does that, it creates brain patterns that rise like this. Now this rises and so now it's up here, and when it is, if these stayed here, they are no longer appropriate. It leaves the brain patterns up here, and the brain patterns seem like they are out of whack, in reference to zero. And because of that they try to drive themselves back down to where they ought to be. And so in order to drive themselves back down to where they ought to be, in the act of doing that, it creates the biochemistry that tries to make this go back down again.

Q: And that's a permanent situation ?

Always trying to force the biochemistry in that other direction. And the same thing for men in the reverse direction. So, the point is that by the very nature of bringing this up, it immediately sets up an imbalance that this tries to compensate for. And so that's the key, is that once you've got that imbalance in there, and the self-awareness starts, at that point, you can never get away from that because this is always underneath it all, trying to get it back to this point. And only if you get it back down to this point, will you be satisfied, and if you are satisfied, you lose your mind, you lose your self-awareness. If you are completely satisfied, you are not self-aware, you are not there. You just become experiential, both for men and women.

Q: So, is that what you were saying happens when you are on drugs?

That can happen when you are on drugs, you reach complete fulfillment. Complete fulfillment also might be someone who goes into a catatonic stupor. Because they have lost their entire self-awareness -- it's gone, because of chemical imbalance or because of experiences that led to chemical imbalances. And what they've done is they've managed to drive things back down to this point, so the brain waves are sitting right there at neutral, and totally cancel each other out.

Q: What I was trying to get at, my point was that I'm from the mind that I'm trying to see what it's like to be spatially minded.

What you do is through your experiences, even though this tendency is something that's built into the fabric of your brain, it's filled in at one level of resolution, and because it's built in at one level of resolution, which is below the level of your consciousness, other levels of resolution are available to you to be influenced completely by the outside environment, and as a result, through your upbringing, through your training and through your conscious choice, you can choose at any moment to look at something spatially or temporally. For example, you can say, let's look at what I've just said and understand the understanding of all of this information and try and get it. Or we could say let's go over the order in which this information was presented. O.K. well, one's looking at it spatially, and one's looking at it temporally. We have a choice on which way we are going to focus our minds. That's as equal in weight to the tendency that makes us go to the spatial or temporal because of that dopamine before birth. And the other two are the ones we don't think about . Like, I'm over here, and maybe something's happening there, or I happen to notice Mac over there, but I don't really see him, he's just in the corner of my eye. That's going to have an influence on me because it's something that I observed, and all that goes into my subconscious.

As a sum total of all that, when certain patterns overlap and create common tendencies that we've seen similar things and similar contexts, then it gives us all of our drives, and all of our desires, which could be spatial or temporal, because of the kind of environment we are in. Plus we can have training, where we can go in particular to learn to do spatial tasks or temporal tasks in general. And we can pick up conditioning training that allows us to do spatial or temporal things, and those can be learned by men or women, and then you have the conscious choice of at any given moment, am I going to look at the temporal or spatial and for how long? Or which one will I always look at first? So, in dealing with that, that's why when you train yourself for business, it's different than training yourself, for working on a help line or something. They are going to use temporal sense, more than the spatial sense.

Anyway, all those three can then combat that, but then it never goes away, because it's self-sustaining. It's self-nurturing. It's not like the tendency as you get older, will go away, because of your experience. It's a self-sustaining thing, which is the other thing that we get into when you get all this criss-crossing going on , that we've talked about. Eventually, things can become recursive. When something chases it's own tail, and you get a thought that's created holistically inside that this point originally came in, and triggered this, which triggered that, which triggered this , which triggered that, and so on. Until it gets over here to this point, where it just keeps going around in the circle, even though this has stopped, and becomes a black hole. That's the same thing we give to black holes. That's how a black hole is formed essentially is that something becomes closed and becomes recursive. So that because there's the delay factor, it's almost like having the equivalent of a super conductor at room temperature. Because there's the delay factor, by the time this one has gotten around there again, this initial 1.1, by the time you get up to number one, number one has had a chance to re-create it's neuro-transmitters, rejuvenate itself, and be already to fire again when it's stimulated by number eight.

So, it becomes a little loop. Now, what does this loop do? Well, this loop, because it's looping around there, if you look at it in a structural sense, nothing can get out of it. Things can go into it, because extra energy can come in and when extra energy comes in, it just adds to the loop. But, nothing inside can get out, and nothing can actually pass that point. That becomes an event horizon. Anything that goes on here is a part of a mind that's lost to your self-awareness. However, until this cycle gets broken.

Q: Amnesia or something?

Well, not exactly amnesia, that can be an aspect of amnesia, but the main point is this is more like a prejudice or it's more like an assumption or it's more like a given that you've accepted. When I'm saying these words to you, you don't stop and try to figure out what each word means, your looking at what the sentence means, at what the paragraph means. If you stopped to consider each word, you wouldn't be able to follow the conversation. So, you accept the words as given, and you accept the words that I'm using to mean what you expect them to mean, and you don't consider that I might mean something else by the words. You only consider that I might mean something else by the connection of words that you are getting from it. But , you think I mean what I mean when I say the words. That is another question...that's one of these things operating in your brain. And so, that little area has become closed off to consideration. But, it has it's effect because remember, each one of these things that's firing is not just linearly firing to the next one, but , also creating spill-over, fall-out. And that fall-out goes up in here, so where you have an over-abundance of one kind biochemistry from that fall-out, if that sustains the energy to drive this, and at the same time, the fall-out's going out here, which tends to drag other things into it, and it's like a black hole.

Q: What's the fall-out, because I thought you said that nothing leaves it?

The biochemistry. Nothing leaves it in terms of the neurology, because one's firing, and the next is firing, and the next and the next., so the neurology becomes a closed circuit. But, the biochemistry is still having a fall-out effect. And that biochemistry then, can effect things on the outside, and what it does is have a tendency to taint anything connected to this holistically. An approach to this, or a bias or a point of view will taint anything that's associated with it. Anything that is connected with this thing in any kind of narrow capacity will have the biochemistry that will taint it with the same prejudice, that's generated inside of the black hole of your mind. That's how it effects sometimes if this is big enough, and these things grow very, very large. It can be more than one ganglia, it can be a bunch of them that all become part of a big circuit and they communicate one to another. That's a higher level of justification when you can't get in to a whole area here of other ganglia, because each ganglia connects to another one, and therefore the biochemistry will have an even wider ranging effect, perhaps through the whole brain.

So, you'd end up with a complete brain bias against something, and that's fourth level justification, because you move from just a bias of the neuron to a bias of a single ganglia to a bias of a single group of neurons to a bias of a ganglia, to a bias of a group of ganglia, which effects the entire brain. And by that time, there isn't anything left inside your head that's unaffected by the fall-out. And because there's nothing left in your head unaffected by it, you no longer have any balance that you can see, to compare two things to, because you only see one point of view on that issue, because it's impact is all over your head. And you've lost any perspective on it. Instead, all you have is a point of view, and no perspective, because you can't compare the two sides of it, you only see one side. And that's when you are in fourth level justification is when you lose perspective, and all you've got left is point of view. When it comes to psychology, in true justification.

For women it works a little bit differently. It's a more complex model, because it's dealing with the currents and eddies that are formed in terms of the chemistry and the biochemistry being self-sustaining so that you end up with the same uplifting areas in the brain of having this kind of thought chemistry constantly generated, and that will then create or trigger certain responses and if the entire brain becomes biochemically biased because of a female point of view being completely accepting and given, going to fourth level justification. Then, the entire neurology will create soft patterns that are slanted as compared to the objective reality, because no longer are two thoughts entertained at the same time. Now, there is but a single thought. So, when a woman has but a single thought, it gets behind it ...that's fourth level female justification. Which is when a woman has to make commitments and things, and justify. So, that's how that works.

Obviously, there's no way to tell which is good and which is bad, because if these are justifications that are built by these spatial and temporal summations. We have two terms in psychology, and we talked about connecting it to high level psychology, which are spatial summation, and temporal summation. And they are real easy terms, because you can look at them at a single neuron level, but they operate all those different levels we were talking about - the neuron, group of neurons, ganglia, and whole brain. And if you look at the spatial summation, that means here is a single neuron that's thinking about firing, and there are several neurons that are connected to it, and they all give it just enough juice from their exposure to data to cause it to fire, because enough has gotten around it from all of these sources combined, that's why it's spatial summation.

Whereas, looking at temporal summation, you've got a neuron, and you have a single neuron coming into it, and then you choose repeatedly, quickly enough that the juice from the first firing doesn't go away before the juice from the second firing shows up, and eventually, the levels around it build up to the degree that it fires just because of repeated exposure - that's temporal summation, because it sums up what happens over time, as opposed to summing up what happens over space. Good psychological terms of neurology. Every neuron is getting both at all times; temporal summation and spatial summation, because eventually what's happening is there is energy that comes in, and this is as far as current thinking that you have your sensory neurons, like in the eye or the ear, or the skin, and that gives you information, and the information goes by in terms of one neuron making the other fire in a long chain, so it's linear. And that linear effect that it has that goes down like your spinal cord and everything from the hypothalamus , and the thalamus and gets into your brain, and when it gets into brain, then at that point, then the biochemistry takes over, because up to this point, it was just a linear progression from each sensory neuron to your brain, and it carries the information, and if a lot of neurons get together and converge in the same area and say all this information is coming from all over, then it's a holistic effect, it is a spatial summation. If one of them keeps repeating the same thing, it's a temporal summation.

Q: Now, on the temporal summation if fires before it's able to...

It fires over and over again. It just fires over and over again, and what happens is that when it fires, the one that's receiving the information is getting neurotransmitter, and before all the neurotransmitter has been used up from the first firing, the second firing adds it's dose, and so now it's a little bit higher. And then before that can be used up, the third firing comes in and it's even a little bit higher. So, it constantly builds it up, until the neuron finally fires, because the overall effort of repeatedly firing is finally built up, just with that one neuron, and the biochemical for it to fire, from the receiver. So, both of these are happening all the time in the brain, and when they do, they are giving the mass and the energy effectively, that come into our brains. But, because we have these other things going on, like these little recursive areas that are closed off completely, and other areas that are completely neutralized by cross currents. So, that instead of having a closed black hole, they have no tendencies what-so-ever. They are fully neutralized, no tendency to fire, versus a tendency not to fire. And those are the two opposite ones. That's a completely open one. In other words, there's a great inertia sitting there. Inertia and change are really not opposites. Inertia means that something is going to be stuck in whatever form it's in and has a great tendency not to budge. If it's moving, it will stay moving. If it's stopped, it will stay stopped. That's what inertia is; it has nothing to do with moving, it has nothing to do with change.

Change is something else. What you are really looking at is a volatile atmosphere in which the slightest breeze could cause things to move. When you have absolute neutrality, to make the whole thing go one way or the other, requires just the touch of a breath. One little neuron firing one time into a neutral sector, could cause the whole thing to respond. And so, when we become sensitive to particular issues, emotionally, is when we have an area that has become volatile, like that. So, it's absolutely neutral, and all it takes is one little thing touching it, and we go bezerk. We are sensitive to that area. And the ones in which we are totally closed on, and unresponsive in are the ones with the little prejudices for each one, that is completely a closed, heavily guarded, gravitational little area, that won't let anything interchange it's course. And you can eventually dislodge them, but you have to do it holistically, and you have to do it at a larger scale. For example, if you have a single ganglion that's got a little prejudice going in it. And then you are going to have to come up with a circuit that deals with several ganglia together to create all of the circuit that would cause this one to change and flip over. And you could take that prejudice and flip it over, by neutralizing it, and then giving it one little tap -- that's what happens at the moment of the leap of faith. The prejudice is set with the neutrality. So, it's a volatile atmosphere that sits on the head of a pin. So, instead of being at the base of the pyramid, it's at the top of the pyramid. One of them, you can't dislodge, without tearing it down from the top. The other one, has no stability until it's blown off.

And so, those are the two kinds of stories you have, and that deals with the change and the steadfast, and it deals with the moment of leap of faith. And in leap of faith stories, you have a pyramid that is sitting on it's head in one case, ready to topple, and on the other one, sitting on it's base, and needs to be turned down. But, if the tearing down is the focus of it, it's a non-leap of faith story, that leads to somebody ultimately, you can see them as having changed, or having remained steadfast, because it tears it down to that moment. Whereas the other one builds up to the point of the pinnacle. So, which way it will go? That's why we talked about why it's important to surround yourself, when you stop justifying with a bunch of people who are like the kinds of people you like to be, because when you hit that volatile moment, what you'll have done is you'll have neutralized all of your justifications. In other words, you'll take all of your justifications that are the heavy groundings -- the foundations of what you believe and work them to the point that you've neutralized them, so they just become volatile moments.

And those volatile moments mean that there is no bias within you to be one kind of a person or another kind of person. All it requires is the breadth to push you one way or another. So, you want to make sure you are around people who are going to influence you in the direction that you want to go, while you still have some opinions. That's very important, because you can easily turn from saint to monster, like that or the other way around. In other words, you sit there, like this, and something external effects you -- which is effectively chaos, because it's outside of your system. And it makes you tip one way or the other, and once you are on that side, then you continue to crawl down that side, and form another foundation.

Every point of view is limited because when you are taking a point of view, you are looking from somewhere, and you are not looking where you are. When you reach absolute non-justification, you have no point of view. You have no ethics, you have no morals, you have no sense of self-preservation. Everything is balanced, everything is neutral, and you sit at the head of the pin. And because of that you see everything -- I know, I've been there. You see everything. You see all sides of the mountain, because you are sitting at the apex of it, and there's nothing above you. So, everything of any concern to anyone is all down here, and you can see into every single valley. And now the question is what valley do you want to live in, because when you are sitting up there, nothing happens -- nothing happens at all, you are incredibly bored, because nothing means anything to you. There's no meaning. All meaning is lost, nothing matters, life doesn't matter, death doesn't matter. All is one, one is all -- it's nirvana, but you come as close to losing your sense of self as you can, considering the bias you are still going with. And when you sit at that point, then it's just like waiting for the wind to blow. And eventually that will tilt you one direction and then you will go down that mountain.

You'll be happy to be not bored, and you will latch on to anything that makes you not bored, because it really leaves you lost, drifting, pointless and directionless. And you'll grab onto anything to give you a sense of direction at that point.

Q: Once you fall down, after having been on the mountain, does it affect your ability?

No. Because you have your memory of what the other valleys look like. But, how you are going to appreciate them, will determine which valley you are in. So, if you are in the valley of the mobster, you will appreciate the valley of the saints as being a bunch of idiot jerks, who are not doing anything to help themselves or really stupid. Whereas, if you fall in the valley of the saints, you are going to take pity upon the poor people who are there acting as mobsters, for they know not what they do. And so, which ever valley you fall in, you will have a better understanding of what was in the other valleys. But, it will only be an understanding intellectually. What's actually happening is it's changing the way you feel about them, when you fall off one direction or another. And that's going to determine your perspective as opposed to just your knowledge of something. It gives you a vector, instead of just a point of reference.

The last thing we are going to go over is physical justification. Now on to what we said we were going to do....we took it all the way from the neurology through the mental relativity stuff, and into the psychology and now we are going to go into physical justification, the last step. This brings us one level up above where we started at neurology. Physical justification -- all the stuff we've been talking about has been only looking at the mind, and the only reference we had to the outside world, was in terms of what influenced the mind in sensory perception ; what might be the jump-start factor, or what might make an inequity appear to exist because of outside stimulation. However, that presupposes that we don't have any control of our environment. But, we do have control of our environment and we can change our environment. We can change everything from our bodies to our walls to our garden to our job, to killing somebody, or moving to another state. We can do lots of things to change our environment. So, everything we do to change our environment is a physical justification. Or physical problem solving. Again, which one is which, depends on whether you are balancing something, or whether you are eliminating something.

Here's the way that works: Let's look at do-er's and be-ers up here. Now, in terms of do-er, we are going to talk about how you approach an inequity. Well, if the inequity is an internal/external inequity, and of course the other kinds of inequities being the wholly external or the wholly internal, the you notice we've got three things, where is the fourth? Because sometimes it's internal/external, and sometimes it's external/internal. It makes a difference because when it's internal/external , then you are saying this is the problem, and when it's external/internal, you are saying this is the problem. So, it depends on which direction you are looking from and what you are looking at. And when you look from one to the other it casts the problem at a different point so you end up with four problems: the wholly external problem, the wholly internal problem, an external problem only because it's seen from the inside, and an internal problem, only because it's seen from the outside. So, from these three ways of looking at internal and external, you get four kinds of problems. The four kinds of problems are the objective view. The three ways of looking at them are subjective view. That's why you have the three's and four's again; this all comes back to that.

For each kind of view, or each kind of problem, do-er's are going to have a particular kind of approach to deal with them. We've dealt with the ones that were completely internal in what we've already talked about. But, we have these two kinds left. The ones that appear as external, are again the ones where the person has to pass judgment, or determine what to do as a do-er about an external unbalance. There's the fulcrum, there's the unbalance. And the question is what to do about that. Well, if this is a problem because there is an extra heavy weight on this side, which is bringing it down, if you are problem solving, you remove the weight , and it goes back into a state of balance. On the other hand, if you are balancing the inequity, the weight stays here, and you put another weight over there. And now it goes back into balance, and you balanced the inequity. Well, what has that done, it's created greater pressure here, dynamically right there at the fulcrum. And if you have to do that enough times, it will snap. It will cause an earthquake, kind of like earthquake forecasting.

So, that's what's happening. It's the same kind of system that happens in a mind. It's the same kind of system whether you are consciously considering it, or it's just the way your mind functions. So, for a do-er dealing with external situations, those are a couple of ways that they can go about it. Another way they can go about it would be to have a weight like this that puts it out of balance and take this in and tie it down. So, you pull it down and tie it here. And when it does that, again, you've balanced the inequity. And then you have another way of doing it. Here's a weight and what we do with that weight is we remove the weight and we end up with this one. That's the problem solving. Problem solving is also first level justification. Second level justification is this one, where you just counterbalance it. And third level justification, is when you tie it down like this, so you are artificially holding it, balancing it again. And now you have a weight that's like this, and you balance that weight by propping it up on this side. And that's fourth level justification.

Now, when you give first level and second level justification (those are the same processes first and second level for men and women). But, for men and women, third and fourth are reversed. That's called the twist, they are reversed. So we all will be resolving the problem if a weight is dropped on something and we remove a weight. There's time to build up stones, time to cast stones -- that's what that's about -- problem solving. Each thing is hit with it's opposite. That resolves the problem. You just undo whatever it is that did it. You go back to the source and take care of it. And that is first level justification or problem solving for men and women. But, the second one is when you just counter-balance it. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. That's when you end up with that kind of a thing, when it's counterbalanced. When you go to third and fourth, that's where it gets really screwed up with a twist. With the twist, each one will use the other one, as their third level or fourth level justification. So, this can change again, due to training. This one here, that's the one that is at the most intrinsic level and it's going to be looked differently because when you are looking at it in terms of the female ...we did this in class the other day, ....this is all from a male perspective, including the differences between male and female.

Well, when you look at the female perspective, you look at the same one here, and you have this fulcrum, and you've got a weight here. How do you put a weight on the other side, by putting an equal weight -- that's a male perspective. Female perspective, another way to look at that is to move the fulcrum. And when you do that, then that's the female version of the same thing. So, even though we are approaching dealing with an opposite weight, one's dealing with it by putting another weight in place, which is the male and the female we are doing the same thing, which is by adjusting the leverage. That's dealing with third and fourth level justification, and if I'm supposed to be trying to see into third and fourth level female justification, that's the place where I have trouble seeing. Chris can see those real easily, but I can't see them accurately and easily, because they are the ones I use.

Q: But, what is an example of how you get into fourth level, propping it up?

In the fourth level justification, propping it up, you have a girlfriend, and your girlfriend gambles. She loses a lot of money, so you give her money. Fourth level justification, props it up. Third level justification: your girlfriend gambles and loses a lot of money, so you make sure she never goes into casinos. It hasn't eliminated the problem, but it's balanced it by tying her down.

Q: So, that means the higher up you in your own justification, the further you are away from seeing the problem?

Well, yeah the further you are away from seeing the problem, but it doesn't really make you further away from the problem, it just makes you further away from seeing it., so that you are actually beginning to try to solve problems with the solutions, instead of trying to solve the problem, you are solving solutions. So, generally, people don't jump right into these things, they go through their own steps. If this doesn't work, they go to the next one, they try that, if that doesn't work they go to the next, and on to fourth level justification. If the fourth level justification doesn't work then they have a dilemma. What a dilemma is to give up on the problem or look for the solution somewhere else. If you are looking internal, why not flip it around and look external, because that's where the problem is , or just give up and accept that your was blown off in the war and you are not going to be able to dance. Because, no matter how you try and do it through fourth level justification, it ain't going to happen.

So, physical justification is when you intentionally set up external things that put you into a position where you have to do something somehow. Like for example, suppose you cut off your own leg, because you were afraid of dancing. Well, you'd never be called on to dance again, would you? So, the point is that by doing that , you have set up a physical situation with a physical justification. A lot of people don't like their job. And because they don't like their job (imagine that) they will go deeply into debt, to force them to have to work. They don't realize that's what they are doing, because it is a physical fourth level justification. And what they are doing is rather than not liking their job, getting completely out of debt, so that they could take a job they liked and earn enough money, would resolve the problem, instead, they see the process of getting rid of all that debt they've already got as too costly, too painful. And so they say the debt is too big, compared to how long it will take me to get rid of it, compared to how much I want to leave my job. I would rather just stay with the job, compensate myself by getting some nice things and a by-product of that is , because I now have this debt, I have to stay at this job, so I've got a reason to go in every day, because I have to pay off my debt.

Well, parading that debt becomes a physical justification, because after a while, you've run your credit up as far as it can go. You can get no more nice things. Now, you hate your job as much as you did before. But, now, you have to stick with it, because you are carrying this big debt that you have to pay off. But, of course there's always a way out, you can go bankrupt., You're not going to go to jail, nobody goes to jail from not paying bills. You can go bankrupt and lose your house, and lose all the nice things that you have. Then you pay a bigger price, because the problem has gotten larger and larger, while you've been justifying. But, you can still get out of it like that. But, then people don't want to pay that price, because they are comparing the day to day small amount of pain they suffer doing a job they don't like, compared to the big cost of the immediate loss of everything that they really value, which they don't want to do. Whereas, if they added up all the pain day by day that they had, they would find that

was a far larger weight that they carried, than suffering the immediate consequences, going bankrupt. That's a physical justification, and they find themselves with external forces that they have created in their environment that push upon them, to change the shape of what their desires are, by balancing them out against consequences and costs that they didn't have to be facing.

But, now they must face because of decisions that they made, environmental decisions they made, that now these costs and consequences are very real and will happen to them now if they do things that they felt they might earlier. Well, now they can't , because the price is too high. We do this all the time. In marriages, Physical justification - when you sign papers and you give somebody half of everything that you make and the rights to half of everything that you make. Kids, kids are not a great physical justification -- not that it's a good thing or a bad thing. Physical justifications can be just as good as they are bad. It doesn't really matter. Unfortunately, we have such power to change our environment in this world, compared to before and we have such converging pressures upon us, that are much more complex than they we had in the past, that many of us get trapped at fourth level justifications, before we realize that's not what we wanted. And by the time we realize this it's too late, because there are things that carry costs.

Pre-payment penalty for early withdrawal. Now, there's a great physical justification. As a matter of fact, lending institutions and businesses and anybody who exchanges goods or signs contracts, unless they have .......

Tape ended here.

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About Dramatica and StoryWeaver

Hi, I'm Melanie Anne Phillips, creator of StoryWeaver, co-creator of Dramatica and owner of  If you have a moment, I'd like to tell you about  these two story development tools - what each is designed to do, how each works alone on a different part of story development and how they can be used together to cover the entire process from concept to completion of your novel or screenplay.

What They Do

Dramatica is a tool to help you build a perfect story structure.  StoryWeaver is a tool to help you build your story's world.  Dramatica focuses on the underlying logic of your story, making sure there are no holes or inconsistencies.  StoryWeaver focuses on the creative process, boosting your inspiration and guiding it to add depth, detail and passion  to your story.

How They Do It

Dramatica has the world's only patented interactive Story Engine™ which cross-references your answers to questions about your dramatic intent, then finds any weaknesses in your structure and even suggests the best ways to strengthen them.

StoryWeaver uses a revolutionary new creative format as you follow more than 200 Story Cards™ step by step through the story development process.  You'll design the people who'll inhabit your story's world, what happens to them, and what it all means.

How They Work Together

By itself Dramatic appeals to structural writers who like to work out all the details of their stories logically before they write a word.  By itself, StoryWeaver appeals to intuitive writers who like to follow their Muse and develop their stories as they go.

But, the finished work of a structural writer can often lack passion, which is where StoryWeaver can help.  And the finished work of an intuitive writer can often lack direction, which is where Dramatica can help.

So, while each kind of writer will find one program or the other the most initially appealing, both kinds of writers can benefit from both programs.

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We have a 90 Day Return Policy here at Storymind.  Try either or both of these products and if you aren't completely satisfied we'll cheerfully refund your purchase price.

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Includes 2 Exclusive Bonuses! The most powerful story structuring software available, Dramatica is driven by a patented "Story Engine" that cross-references your dramatic choices to ensure a perfect structure.

Dramatica Writers DreamKit 4.0

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Little brother to Dramatica Pro, Writer's DreamKit is built around the same patented Story Engine - it just tracks fewer story points.  So, you develop the same solid story structure, just with fewer details.  Perfect for beginning writers or those new to Dramatica.

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20 hour Writing<br>Course on CD ROM<br>featuring Dramatica

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Dramatica Software<br>Companion CD ROM

Dramatica Software Companion - $19.95

More than four hours of video demonstrations of every key feature in Dramatica, narrated by the co-creator of Dramatica.

Writing with the Story Mind<br>1 hour audio program

StoryWeaving Tips Book - $19.95

170 pages of eye-opening essays on story structure, storytelling, finding inspiration and a wide variety of writing techniques.

Writing with the Story Mind<br>1 hour audio program

StoryWeaving Seminar 8 DVD Set - $99.95

14 hours of video from a live two day course taught by theory co-creator Melanie Anne Phillips covering Dramatica story structure and StoryWeaver storytelling.

Writing with the Story Mind<br>1 hour audio program

StoryWeaving Seminar Online - $49.95

The same 14 hour program presented in streaming video that you can view online or download for a permanent copy.

The Dramatica Theory<br>2 hour audio program

Dramatica Theory 2 Hour Audio Program - $19.95

Every key concept in the Dramatica Theory of Story is fully explained in this double-CD set.

Writing Characters<br>of the Opposite Sex

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How to Create Great Characters DVD - $19.95

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Structure vs. Passion - Audio CD $19.95

The Story Mind approach to writing uses your own passions to create your story's structure.  It focuses your efforts, clarifies the direction of your story, and triggers your imagination.

Writing with the Story Mind - Audio CD - $19.95

Learn how to psychoanalyze your story's "mind" to uncover and treat problems with characters, plot, theme, and genre.


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Copyright Melanie Anne Phillips - Owner,, Creator Storyweaver, Co-creator Dramatica