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The Mental Relativity Tapes

Transcripts of the personal tapes recorded by Melanie Anne Phillips while continuing to develop the Mental Relativity theory of mind.


"Waveforms, Binaries, and the Unified Field"

by Melanie Anne Phillips

I have been thinking more about that magic moment that goes between two binary states, when you switch a light switch from being off to on, or on to off, you cross a limit line. At one point you have to say it's off, but at the other point you have to say it's on. But something happens in the magic moment. Previously, I have been looking at some kind of force that comes in at the magic moment, that is a wave form, and that wave form is what stands at the limit line. In fact that wave form is the limit line. The limit line is not a line at all, but a wave.

If you can imagine playing shuffleboard, and this wave is moving from left to right across the center of the shuffleboard court, as it undulates sometimes the peaks are moving closer towards you, and the pucks are moving farther away. Sometimes that limit line is closer or farther from you position. If you were to take the puck and slide it out, sometimes it might go farther than other times. Sometimes it might go less of a distance. When it hits something, because the wave is actually undulating, sometimes it will hit it and the wave will appear to respond by moving away from you. Other times you will hit it just as it's snapping back or any distance in between. If you hit it, and the power is absorbed by the wave, when your puck hits the peak of the wave, as it is beginning to recede then the puck is stopped in place -- it does not proceed any farther across the limit line because all of it's energy has been absorbed by the wave which now recedes. When it comes back, it doesn't come back far enough to push the puck very far.

So effectively the energy is transmitted longitudinally, across the wave from left to right, even though it came in at a perpendicular angle. This is really the key to understanding crossing limit lines -- you apply the force from you to the direction you are looking and apply it left to right - to something that is represented by a wave form, not a limit line. As you do this, sometimes the energy of what you do, is thrown back to you with great resistance. Sometimes the energy you put into it has little resistance at all. But, the impact of what you do energy-wise, depending on how you phase your pressure with the wave form determines whether you are going to be feeling a great amount of resistance, or a little amount of resistance.

When we talk about shuffleboard, we are talking about one single, quick motion; a momentary application of force. Almost like the notion of a particle of material, that's so small that it can't be actually measured, can't actually exist, because if it has any size at all, it is not truly a mathematical point. We are talking about a mathematical point of energy. In other words, an application of force -- a vector of force that has no duration, rather than no size. When you do that, you start the wave at that one particular time, and in striking it at that one particular time, you will either feel zero resistance or 100% resistance. Those are the limit lines of force rather than of position. Somewhere in between that would be the actual amount of resistance that you would feel. The more resistance you feel, the less of the energy that you have applied that has actually affected the wave longitudinally. The less resistance you feel, the more of your energy is gone directly into that sideways motion into the wave.

The sideways motion into the wave is going to have an impact on the wave. If you have anything less than maximum resistance, the wave itself will be altered. What will happen to the wave? Well, it could increase (or decrease) in frequency, or it could increase (or decrease) in amplitude. Either way is an acceptable response from the wave. Generally, when we are looking at crossing limit lines, we are going to be talking about crossing spatial limit lines. If we crossed temporal limit lines, where something is one kind of process, and changes into another kind of process, that's a different ball game. Crossing the limit line where we are changing one process into another would alter the frequency of the wave. That's the part of the force we'd be looking at. But, when we are talking about crossing a spatial limit line, like flipping a light switch, it's the amplitude of the wave that we want for our model.

Amplitude versus the frequency would be the spatial and temporal ways of looking at things. The phasing of the wave and the wave length of the wave would be what would effect limit lines that have to do with mass and with energy.

For the moment, let's stick with the spatial view, and increasing the amplitude as we apply our force. As you apply a steady force, the force applied to the wave will have no impact, zero impact because every time that you are pushing on it, the wave varies in degree. Instead of having a puck , suppose that you actually had a bar, and you stuck the bar out towards this wave that is going longitudinally from left to right across your field. Instead of hitting it with a single momentary point that exists only mathematically, suppose we take a bar and we poke it at this wave, and we keep pressure on the wave, so that when it recedes from us, we continue to apply pressure, when it comes towards us, we continue to apply pressure. Effectively what happens is all we do is shift the wave farther from us. We are not really effecting anything about the quality of the wave itself -- we are only pushing it away. We never cross the limit line, we only move that undulating snake-like limit line farther away from us, or conversely we could be pulling it towards us by attaching ourselves to it and pulling at all points in the phasing.

What happens when we cross the limit line is waves have different frequencies. When we have a wave that has a very long frequency, that means that we within our realm of normal time, as opposed to microscopic time or macroscopic time, that if we are seeing limit lines, one way to perceive them is as being macroscopic wave forms. In other words, the wave is so slow moving, that it appears to be a straight line. Therefore, we can push only when it is at a particular peak or trough. We can approach this limit line, and have what appears to be a linear impact on it. Because we can limit the application of our force very close to what would be a mathematical, single moment (as opposed to a single point) which has no duration of time at all.

The absolute efficiency in transfer of energy from the forward thrust to the longitudinal thrust of the wave form depends upon narrowing the impact of our force, so that it falls within the shortest time possible -- it covers the smallest amount of curve of the wave pattern as possible. As we then strike it at that point, it becomes almost a mathematical moment. This particular moment then, will have an impact in which all of our force virtually is applied into changing the nature of the wave. Either increasing its amplitude or increasing its frequency. Now, we'll notice that this has a similarity to when we are pushing a child on a swing. If the child is swinging back and forth, they swing away and swing back and at the moment they reach the highest point, we apply energy and let go as they begin on their downward motion. We do not apply energy over the entire course of their wave (swing). We only hit it at the moment that it peaks on our side. And then of course it has a peak on the other side, and all of range in between.

We apply the force to this wave, and in fact the wave is moving longitudinally to us. It is going from left to right. We can see that it seems to be a motion toward and from us, because we are only watching a single point where we apply the momentary pressure forth. But, as it moves forward towards us, that's not the wave, that's just a point that's riding the wave. The wave itself is moving from left to right, because that's what it describes over the flow of time. So, we can see by that example how it is very clear that by hitting just at that one moment that we'll have a pretty good impact.

Now, when we get into very fast waves, waves that can be very high frequency, it means that their frequency may be so fast that we cannot apply force, and then take off force without covering a great number of undulations of the wave. Because of this it is as if we applied to the wave force continually. As if we ran behind the child and continued to apply force the whole time that child was coming towards us. When that happens, you end up with pushing the child all the way around, and over the top of the swing, and back down the other side, and they wrap up around it. When they wrap up around it, you are going into inverse functions in Trigonometry. The only problem is we can't allow it to go past point of the peak on either side -- the nadir or the zenith of the wave, because that violates the integrity of the concept of a function.

So, we limit ourselves to only describing what happens during this half of a cycle of the inverse function motion. If we look at the wave form as going from left to right, all of a sudden we have a circle that goes away from us and comes right back around the top and comes back. But, in order to do that, our position has to change. That's why inverse functions are having such difficulty in trying to describe some of the non-linear and relativistic things that are happening.

We are actually changing our dimensions to a dimension perpendicular to the one in which we normally observe a function, and we create our circle sideways to our wave form. The circle is actually in the vertical plane as opposed to the wave form which is in the horizontal plane. That cannot be allowed when you are dealing with math, because it violates functional integrity. However, it is something that is actually occurring. It should be described completely in its circular pattern. Which in this case, because it is a circle, it has to be tied because of the force to the inside it actually is winding up and becoming a spiral.

When you are winding up and becoming a spiral, you will notice that the wave form of pushing the child away from you and coming back is not truly a wave form, because it describes an arc; due to tethering. Now that we are looking at the arc shape of the wave, we are beginning to move into an extra dimension.

It is not just a flat horizontal plane, but it dips below the plane and above. It changes the relationship in the vertical plane as the child moves away from you, rather than just sliding back and forth like puck on a shuffleboard table. But, when you have that kind of a vertical motion, one of them describes an arc that repeats back and forth, much as a skateboarder might go up and down the sides of swimming pool. However, if you go all the way around on that tether; if you push it so that you apply continuous force, then it goes all the way around and wraps itself around and becomes a spiral.

Those two kinds of forms are available, and out of the four that we've seen, one describes mass, one describes energy, one describes space, one describes time as the baseline of measurement for what's happening with the interaction between the force and the wave form.

Keeping all this in mind, when we have a high frequency wave, and we apply energy to it completely, all that does is move it up and down the scale. Because we are actually touching it all the time, if it is not tethered like the child on the swing, but if it is like the shuffleboard and we push the entire wave form away from us. So, we actually have a sliding scale approach. This leads to the two kinds of concepts that we see most often from our cultural bias -- binary or not. When something is not binary, we see it as a sliding scale -- that is the only culturally acceptable alternative perspective. This opens up a whole new realm of non-linearity. Relativistically speaking, in Mental Relativity, that opens up the fourth view covering all four of the dimensions we can perceive. But we have a cultural bias to see only the spatial and the temporal, the binary and the non-binary.

Creating this non-binary view, means we have an impact that doesn't change the nature of the wave at all, because it is constantly applied. But, it moves the wave farther away from us or closer towards us. When we have the force that's applied, but only over a portion of a single cycle of the wave, it actually changes the nature of the wave, because it is unevenly applied. Obviously from the moment you start to apply a wave until the moment you end applying it; depending upon where you begin to apply it in the cycle, and where you let lose, will have the affect of slightly altering the wave -- even as you move it away from you and towards you - unless, you happen to attack the wave and release the wave in exactly the same point in the cycle. When you do not, that is the nature of non-linearity; where it is actually changing the nature of the wave.

In unpredictable waves, sometimes a small change in where you attack versus where you release in the cycle, can have a tiny impact on the nature of the wave, and other times can have a very great impact.

Ultimately, there are two kinds of things that we can feel that we are having a steady impact on. One, when the frequency of the wave is so great that we apply over many, many cycles our force at the smallest duration we can achieve, and then we see ourselves as simply sliding it up on down on a scale, changing its value. Whereas, when we have something that has such as long wave for that we only perceive it as a straight line, we can almost achieve that mathematical moment of applying force for just a little bit, and end up having the impact of changing the nature of the wave itself, and it appears to go nowhere.

One kind of force leaves things on a sliding scale, changing their value, in terms of context to their environment. The wave form is here, now the wave form is there. The other kind changes the nature of the wave form. It is this, now it is that. Each one is actually a progression that is occurring by virtue of where we attack the wave form. An example would be around the house, wanting to keep it neat and orderly. In doing that, I applied myself to every night trying to put together a half an hour of time that we would all work together. But to keep reminding the kids about doing their chores, the problem about not having any positive impact, was that I was using the inappropriate frequency of the application of my force to create the change that I wanted. If the change that I wanted, was merely to get house clean, then a steady application of force upon them would get them to do the job, and the job would be done and the house would be clean. But, I found the steady application of force was not easy to come by, because it required a lot of my energy to keep applying that force, and it drained me.

In this case, the amount required to get the impact I wanted, was not appropriate. However, if I were to change the nature of the way the kids looked at housework, I could do that by timing very light application of force from here to there to get them interested in doing the chores. The first thing I did was to stop applying any force at all. I stopped doing chores, I didn't even mention chores at all. In doing that, I had actually been pushing them away from doing, by trying to apply my energy to it. When they no longer had any force apply to them steadily as a value, they slid back to a point to where they began to cycle through it, and sometimes they would clean, and sometimes they wouldn't. Although it wasn't at the level I would have liked to have a clean house -- it made the house cleaner by my not doing anything.

So by not working at all, as Chris says, sometimes you have to push things to make them come towards you. In this case, sometimes you have to stop pushing things to make them go away. In that case, I stopped applying force, and it actually allowed things to proceed in the direction I wanted. However, an even more efficient way which may require a little bit more energy is to attack the wave form to phase myself with it. So, when there is a wave that comes in, I can make it change its amplitude, or I can make it change its frequency.

Within a closed system we are looking at the wave length and the frequency as tied, and the amplitude is tied in with the energy. So, you can actually accomplish both at the same time by the proper application of force and how often you apply the force. Remember that you can really alter the nature of the wave by applying force in such a way that you hit every third or fourth wave form. When you are hitting every third or fourth cycle at the same point, you begin to not only create an undulation that changes the nature of a simple wave, but you actually start creating a sub-carrier. You begin to create wave forms that undulate the wave form.

There are two ways of doing this again. Macroscopic or microscopic. At the macroscopic level, you take the wave form, and make it begin to undulate like a snake, so the wave form itself not only has the waves moving toward and from you, but, the whole length of it as if it were a snake, it begins to undulate toward and from you with the waves rippling along its back. When you do this, you have created a long wave pattern that is working in conjunction with a short wave pattern. As a result there are times in which there are multiple peaks and multiple troughs, so instead of having a smooth progression, you can see that things come together, and pool and focus at one point, or dissipate and become practically non-existent. This is what leads to such things as retrograde in motion of the planets.

When you are creating the microscopic effect, you are doing the same kind of thing, if the snake is seen as undulating back and forth, you are actually creating those wave form patterns along its back. In one case the wave form patterns along the snake's back exist when the snake is straight. If you hit it at the right moment, you can make the snake itself begin to form a wave pattern and it still has upon it wave forms along its back. However, in the other case, you have a snake that’s body is already bent into a wave form, and you use a high frequency application of force and you can create the undulations that run along its back. The result is you are dealing with differing degrees of magnitudes, differing frictal [friction and fraction] dimensions.

This is where frictals come into play -- you begin to impose similar patterns upon other patterns until you've created nested patterns that are riding upon each other -- processes within processes that appear to be one complex process. When indeed if you look at that in a frictal manner, you can see that it merely a theory of nested wave forms acting as sub-carriers, upon sub-carriers, upon sub-carriers. The greatest that we can appreciate is to look at the snake and say that there is a microscopic wave form upon the snake, and the macroscopic wave form upon the snake, and then there is the snake.

When we try to go to the fourth dimension we begin to lose it in our own minds. Anything beyond that realm, although it can be calculated, will not be anything in which we perceive any value, because we cannot see it while looking at the lower level - while looking at the higher level, we cannot see the lower. In terms of a particular context, in terms of a certain desire or purpose, anything that we can define in a K-based [Knowledge-based] society as being what we want to examine, will limit itself to three levels, because the fourth one will have no meaning within that context.

This can all be applied to interpersonal relationships in terms of phasing in and out of favor with people. When you are talking to someone that you want to get to know better, and you are talking to them on the phone, how often do you call them? At what point in the day do you call them? At what point in their weekly schedules do you call them? It could used in terms of sales to calculate the best time -- almost like bio-rhythms -- only based on the natural cycle that we can analyze what someone will be going through. Similarly, using the engine of mental relativity, we can take the complex wave patterns that we see in ourselves and by notating how they undulate into points of focus, and diffusing in generalizations, the engine is quite capable of breaking that down into its particular independent simple wave forms, so that we can then calculate exactly where to hit, with how much force, and how often, in order to create the overall impact that we are looking for.

This equation is completely do-able within the context of the existing mental relativity engine. As we begin talking about when we have our meals, when we have our energy during the day; whether we are a morning person, or a night person, when we go through cycles of PMS, when men go through cycles seasonally of having more or less testosterone.

When we start considering our finances, when we are looking at the stock market, when we are looking at social relationships -- this is the beginning of the concept of not only how to understand where things are by the patterns that they take, and to be able to predict the patterns that they will fall into, but it's also the beginning of being able to manipulate using wave form understanding. This creates patterns that change in unpredictable manners, as far as looking at the structural aspect of it. This is where say here is what the future will hold based on the analysis of the structural items that then seem only open to chaos to change that pattern. Where we say we don't see just the structural progression that can be affected by chaos, we actually see the underlying wave forms that create these moments that appear to be the space - time moment particles that appear to define the structure, and we see the wave forms that create them, we can alter those, we can change them, by a small application of force at the right moments with the right phasing and the right intensity.

Definitely, a lot more work has to be done here, but it is really beginning to come together quite well in terms of the relationships going on at that magic moment when we see things jumping limit lines versus the wave form patterns we see as sliding scales beginning to move things and change their context, as opposed to changing their nature. This discussion has within it the seeds of being able to change context or nature in any situation with the minimum necessary applied force, or the minimum necessary duration of repetition. Also see references in psychology on reinforcement, extinction, learning, interference in cognitive processes of learning, positive and negative interference, retrograde and antegrade interference. Also look in terms of memory, when things come up to the surface that we recall. Look at attribution error, and other passive observations of our environment, as well as the active ones of manipulation.

One last thought.....

Everything I have been talking about here is my final work on a model of the Unified Field theory. Between the coiling rope examples, I used in my earlier tape, which deal with the observer, and dealing with the macroscopic and microscopic natures compared to the observer in this discussion, that takes care of the observational side of the unified field theory.

In the relationship between the linear application of force, the frequency at which it is applied and the regularity at which it is applied in comparison to the wave form that it is applied to that completes the observational side of the unified field theory. The non-observer side. The model is now complete, all we need is the math to describe it. But, there are some predictions that can be made already. For one thing, because of the fact that we are talking about everything having a wave form to it, in addition to it's apparent solidity, that the nature of that solidity changes by nature over a wave form that could be long or short. When we look at some objects that have long wave forms, such as a coiled spring, and even if nothing is done to unwind the spring, the prediction of this model of unified field is that over time, the energy contained within that spring would dissipate down to nothing, and eventually the spring would have no energy at all. It would still be coiled, but if you took off the stop that was holding the coil, it would just stay there coiled -- it would just stay there in that position. In other words, there would be a half-life to the energy stored in the coiled spring.

Clearly, the energy in the spring dissipating is going somewhere, and where it's going is longitudinally because it's applying what is apparently a steady force to other areas, even though we have applied a force to coil the spring, the spring itself now becomes a force that's being applied in a steady manner, because the energy is there continually, and it will dissipate into the molecules of the spring itself, giving them more energy. It is a tie-in between the strong and weak forces of the universe as to what happens. Similarly, if you have a spring or piece of metal that has lost all its energy; eventually it will regain it again.

Another prediction of the theory, is not only do you have radioactive decay where the energy of one sort is being dissipated longitudinally through the continuous application of a force, but also it would work in reverse. Meaning that if you have an element like lead, eventually lead will become radioactive.

Why don't we see lead becoming radio-active frequently? Simply because lead in and of itself, has a much longer wave form than uranium or plutonium. As a result, in that longer wave form, it takes much longer for it to transmute. But, it does transmute, that's why each of the elements can be looked at not as having a different nature, and not so much in terms of quantum shells, but in terms of its wave length, its frequency. Each element has a different frequency. As that frequency is changed over the long term by other forces that are applied, they can either degrade themselves down to a less energetic state like lead, or increase their energy, much as leaving a coiled spring, it would eventually lose all of its energy, taking a piece of metal that is in a coil shape, but has no energy -- eventually it will contract and create energy by virtue of the re-alignment of the particles within it.

How long these waves are, that's where we tie into chaos theory. It appears to be chaotic and long wave patterns because we only see one instance of it, we never really see the on-going, repeating cycles. They are way too long for us to perceive. Only by virtue of the fact that we see this one instance, it appears to be chaotic, an exception to the rule. But, if we were to observe for billions of years or maybe billions of billions of years, we'd be able to ultimately see that it is cyclic and that these things that appear to be chaotic are completely ordered from a wave form perspective.

In any event, all the pieces there for the model of unified field have now been completed. What remains is to couch it all in mathematical terms that would be acceptable to western science. My fear is that because we are dealing with one dimension more, with other functions and perspectives that we have not seen before -- only by using the new functions we are developing for quadranometry, when we are working with mental relativity, will we be able to fully describe the system. It can't be described from a linear perspective, it must be described from a combination of linear and holistic. The linear has been well-documented in western science. The holistic has never really had anything developed to describe that relativistic nature, other than using linear tools.

By adding two new relativistic tools, two new functions, to create a total of eight functions in quadranometry, as opposed to the six basic functions of trigonometry -- we add that final step that linearity can't get to -- the relativistic nature. But, it seems to violate a lot of what is accepted as being appropriate in western science. So, the mathematical proof may require first, getting the scientific community to accept the necessity of stepping beyond linearity, beyond non-linearity, into a completely holistic, relativistic field-oriented perception of things, and add that to the linear understanding. And then we will have the symbolism we need to describe mathematically what's going on in the model.

From our four dimensional perspective, from our view of seeing things three-dimensional and operating within four dimensions, the most that we can understand about the interrelationship between the forces and the materials that we observe is described by this model, and [in conjunction with previous work in Dramatica and Mental Relativity] completes my version of a Unified Field Theory.

Copyright Melanie Anne Phillips

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