The Family Jail

I had a very happy childhood, but I had so many friends who couldn’t wait to move out. I wrote this song about that and with the added message that if a young person is having suicidal thoughts because they feel trapped, break free instead – it’s better than letting the oppressive family win. Pretty naive, I suppose, but that was me in my thirties – sure of my points of view and preachy as well, which is more or less what being thirty-something is all about. It’s how you make thousands of snap decisions every day to build your own family, which in turn can make the kids feel oppressed, so they have to leave to grow up to be their own person in their thirties and then do it all over again to their own kids. That’s how the species survives. You ever stop to think just how many of your attitudes are biologically driven by your age, rather than by personal growth? I suppose you do, if you’re my age…