Author Archives: Melanie

Goodnight, Mom…

Originally posted by me on Facebook one year ago:

Goodnight, Mom. Goodnight Dad. Goodnight Grandma and Grandpa and Aunt Toots and Uncle Bunn. Goodnight Grandmother and Grandfather. Goodnight Roxanna. Goodnight Dave and Ivy. Goodnight Jerry. Goodnight Aunt Ann and Aunt Kay and Uncle Bernie, Goodnight Uncle Johnny and Aunt Marge and Uncle Matt and Aunt Svea. Goodnight Bobby and Billy. Goodnight Pavo and Alan, and Bob and Bob and Steve and Joe and Dave.

Goodnight Clarice and Munchkin, Moose, and Boots. Goodnight Tricot and Daisy and Griz. Goodnight Flop and Fluffy and Candy and Pierre and to Duchess and Fiji and Queenie and Princess. Goodnight Sir Hiss 1 and Sir Hiss 2 and Monstro and Birdus and Walter and the hamster and the second baby squirrel and the silk worms.

Goodnight to all those not mentioned and to those who someday will be.

Goodnight to you, Goodnight to me. Let us sleep and dream and wake to say Good Morning.