Melanie Anne Phillips ~ An Introduction

Hi, I’m Melanie Anne Phillips, owner of Storymind, creator of StoryWeaver and co-creator of Dramatica.

I’ve pretty much made a career of teaching creative writing for more than 25 years.  Sheesh, think of that!  TWENTY-FIVE YEARS!!!

Still, I suppose my biggest claim to fame is co-creating the Dramatica Theory of Narrative with my long-time creative partner, Chris Huntley.  It was absolutely the most complex, mind-bending, head-exploding raw effort I’ve ever put into anything.  And since it happened back in 1991-1994, that’s saying something!

If you’re interested in how we developed the Dramatica theory, you can read about it in a little article I wrote entitled (with all humility – that I can muster, anyway), Dramatica: How We Did It!

What else about me?  Prior to teaching creative writing I was in the movie biz for ten years as a writer/producer/director/editor after leaving the School of Cinematic Arts at the University of Southern California.

I have two grown and married children, three young grandsons, take photographs in the style of Ansel Adams when backpacking in  the wilderness, compose music and play keyboard and guitar, but most of all, I’m just an explorer of life who likes to report on what I find.  Sometimes this is art, sometimes science, sometimes just a personal journal.

You’ll find me all over the internet – I’m nothing if not prolific – and most of what you see (maybe all of it) is true, for better or worse.

Now that we’ve been formally introduced, feel free to contact me with a question comment, business proposition, or best of all with lots of money – no strings attached.  (Teaching creative writing doesn’t pay a hoot!)

You might also want to visit my Facebook page for a free-wheeling kaleidoscope that mixes my professional interests with personal stories, photographs, original music, and a menagerie of family activities.

In closing, let me quote the opening to a famous speech – “You all know me.  I’m the humble Abraham Lincoln.”  And now y’all know me.  But who was this Lincoln guy?
